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升级 65.4% - UID
- 204258
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- 注册时间
- 2009-10-21
Olympic cauldron lit by seven British youngsters
http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ol ... 33853937--oly.html#
The Olympic flame ended its 12,800-mile journey in surprising fashion early Saturday morning in London when seven youngsters lit the Olympic cauldron in front of 80,000 spectators at the Opening Ceremony in Olympic Stadium.龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com
龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com
After being passed the torch by Olympic legend Steve Redgrave, the seven young athletes received flames from seven legends of the Games and simultaneously lit 200 miniature torches that rose together to form a breathtaking cauldron in the center of the stadium.
龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com
评论(截取最新几条):龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com
This whole doctors segment is about *河蟹* Healthcare. I'm in disbelief.龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com
医生那部分全都是讲政府医保的。告诉我这不是真的。龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com
If they really wanted to impress, they should have had that stuffy Queen blow fire out of her #$%$ to light the Olympic flame.
What the F(ck kind of ceremonies is THIS?????????????????
OFF TO PLAY CALL OF DUTY is more than this crappppppppp
Complete bore. Ended with me watching through my eye lids.
Totally wrong kind of production for this giant venue.........confused, dull, depressing concept...............Stinko............
Although the Industrial Revolution was really nice, the movie/books included in the ceremony was rediculous. The 007 entrance, Harry Potter, etc... What were they thinking? Harry Potter!? Really!?? Does England not have a rich enough history to take anything but the Industrial Revolution? They have to rely on movies and books? They aren't even classic books.龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com
============================================龙腾网版权所有 http://www.ltaaa.com
Americans have you seen the entire ceremony or are you watching it on NBC? Obviously most of you are watching the delayed telecast, being so judgemental with things before seeing everything. The opening ceremony is awesome, it emphasizes on kids, youth and the future generations. That I think is a class act. Much more responsible than the flashy Chinese. BTW, most of the structures they used are now unattended.
This is the WORST Ceremony EVER!!!!!!!!!!! No pride, positive, uplifting spirit that should have represented. Only depressing industrial revolution and of ALL THINGS WOMEN'S suffrage?? You gotta be Fing kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
DISGUSTING waste of precious television air time !
I call that BORING and OVERHYPE tripe. London sucks.
I can still recall the matrix run on the roof of the stadium at the last Olympic.
Now thats what I call COOL!!!!
2012 London Olympic Opening Ceremony = PBS History Recreation Special.
That was ugly, boring and really sucked.
china's opening wasn't creepy it was down right scary. now we know of a country who really could take over the world just using human computer bits. Its all cool now , just wait for the madman who will arise sooner than later…….
What in the heck was that? I thought I was watching Oliver!, Les Miserables (wrong country), and was the health care debate necessary? Please bring back the Beijing Opening Ceremony. Yikes!
===================================Did the Brits start rap?
Looks like the olympics was held in soweto.
I was half expecting the black bunga bunga
我都有点期待他们学土著说“bunga bunga”了
am i the only one that didn't watch the ceremony, nor care about the ceremonies?
wow, Beijing was 1 billion times better.
horrible ceremony but it is off the charts on the unintentional comedy scale
I thought England was a foundation of Western civilization and this pop culture mess was the best they could come up with? No wonder we will all be speaking Mandarin some day....
Too many spearchuckers for me. When did London turn into Harlem?
Too many whities for me. When did London turn into London?
Gnoman you are a complete #$%$
What the f...?...I was waiting for the Olympic opening ceremony...
Instead, my flat screen went on an acid trip....What a bunch of crap....
Absolutely terrible !! Mr. Bean blows snot, then cheats in Chariots of Fire, then a bunch of kids and a rapper, holy crapp this is bad.
There needs to be lots of fireworks.....flash mobs singing call me maybe, rap or that Justin Beiber #$%$ for Americans to like this. They have no interest in other cultures (or even their own) so this is boring to them. If snookie were there they would love it. urgh.
应该再来点烟花什么的…再找几个非主流,让他们唱《call me maybe》和rap,再让贾丝婷碧波儿友情客串以迎合美国人口味。至于别人的文化(甚至于英国本土的),英国人向来不搭理,也就不用费心了。这样一改,杀马特们不就能看上眼了么。唉。
The director/producers must think their audience is REALLY stupid - I don't know, maybe they are!! Man, this is BAD.
I was expecting more from the people who started the industrial revolution, made good music and wrote good books, but the olympic opening ceremony was the worst. It was flat,boring and the choreography was old. Beijing was the best so far.
No wow factore for me on this ceremony.. I also cant believe when they said that the people who worked for free on the ceremony had to pay for the botle of water to drink in full price!!!
Worst Opening ever..total failure...
史上最烂开幕式…彻头彻尾的失败…… |