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本帖最后由 AMICUS_LAW 于 2011-5-17 23:01 编辑
因为有时候网上问题比较多,所以回答难免会有一些偏差,如果有的情况下,我们不会强词夺理,会改变自己的答案。可以看一下很多我们的回复,上面都有edit 过的痕迹,原因就是因为有时候有些回答不正确,在下班后审阅了答案和做过仔细核实后改正了初始的回答。
1. 事务所的回答针对90天试用期的问题,在和几位律师讨论后不认为有错误,而对方的案例解释过于狭义。
2. 就算我们回答错误,我们认为对方的行为非常不可取,我们也不认同这种压别人来捧自己的方式。
3. 希望以后能够对他人更加尊重,竞争不需要使用类似的手段,法律市场很大,没有必要对别人用攻击的手段。
您虽然不是律师,但是常常以雇佣法律专业人士自称。既然是,那么在法律上的专业人士在“引经据典”的时候必须拿出相关的”Reference”, 在这里,你引用了一个案例的一段话,但是并没有告知案例的名称,却用你自己的观点随便挑了判决书中的一段话来“断章取义”,来证明我们是“错”的,而你是“对”的。找到你所说的案例,案例名为Heather Smith v Stokes Valley Pharmacy (2009) [2010] NZEMPC 111,案件全文可以在以下连接阅读:
“[61] Because a termination of which notice must be given may lawfully occur at
any point over a span of time including during, at the moment of conclusion and
after the end of a trial provision, “notice” must be more than simply advice of
dismissal. Rather, the subsection contemplates that it will be advice of when, in
future, the dismissal will take effect. That accords with the long established
common law requirements of dismissal on notice which can be either express or, if
not, “reasonable notice”. It is necessary, however, that the giving of the notice of
termination of the employment agreement must be before the end of the trial period.
It is significant, also, that the notice is of termination of the employment agreement
(containing the trial provision) and not of employment although, in practice, the two
will often be the same. It is possible, however, to contemplate that there may be
matters in the employment agreement that would survive a termination of the
employment. Section 67B(1), however, requires that it be the employment
agreement that is terminated.“
这段话的意思是在90天试用期给与notice,必须是reasonable notice, 需要告知员工解除合同会在什么时候生效。(至于是解除employment 还是employment agreement, 我们认为和论点没有直接关系,这里不多解释了。)所以,这段话并没有指出解除工作的notice是否需要给与解除工作的理由,和我们的答案不冲突。
“[78] Excluding the good faith obligations under s 4(1A)(c) as required by
s 67B(5)(a), the balance of the good faith duties under s 4 tend to favour a
requirement on employers to give such explanations at the time of giving notice.
Not only must the employer neither mislead nor deceive or act in a manner that is
likely to mislead or deceive under subs (1), but subs (1A)(b) requires parties to an
employment relationship (which is their status when notice of termination of a s 67A
arrangement is given) to be active and constructive and, in particular, to be
“responsive and communicative”. To refuse to give to an employee being dismissedotherwise lawfully, any explanation about why that is happening, is not onlyinconsistent with the statutory obligation to be “responsive and communicative” but is arguably the antithesis of that requirement of good faith behaviour between the parties in the employment relationship. This obligation is unaffected by ss 67A and 67B.“
其实如果光看这一段,很多人会认为这一段的意思是说如果在90天内解雇员工而且不给理由是不正确的(inconsistent with the statutory obligation to be “responsive and communicative”…..)
“[26] On 8 December 2009 at Ms King’s request, Ms Smith spent the day at the
defendant’s other pharmacy to cover a sick leave absence but at the end of that day
Ms King and Mr Kearns together told her that she was to be dismissed summarily
and that they were entitled to do so because it was within the 90 day trial period.
When Ms Smith asked what she had done wrong, she says their response was that
she was not what they were looking for and that she was inexperienced. They say
they were unresponsive to Ms Smith’s requests because they had been told they were
entitled to refuse to provide reasons or other explanations.
[82] Interpreting the section 67A and 67B obligations strictly and against the
removal of rights of access to justice unless clearly so expressed as set out earlier in
this judgment, I consider that an employer, upon giving notice of termination of an
employment relationship in reliance on s 67B, is not entitled in law to refuse to give
an explanation for such a significant decision. Nor is the employer entitled to give
an explanation that is misleading or deceptive or that may tend to mislead or deceive
the employee.“
此案件其实说的是,Ms Smith 给雇主打了一天工,在一天以后雇主告诉她,不需要她了。当她问解雇的理由时,雇主说,90天试用期可以随时解雇而且当被问起理由时,雇主并没有回答(They say they were unresponsive to Ms Smith’s requests because they had been told they were entitled to refuse to provide reasons or other explanations).在82段,法官认为,在被要求给与理由的时候,雇主不可以拒绝给与解雇的理由。
在我们法律界,我们从来不直接批评自己的同行和同事. By being lawyers, we are not only owing duties to our clients, but as officers of Courts our duties extend further to include acting in a manner that is not disrespectful to our colleagues and Judges, and to act professionally which means, to think carefully and conduct in an extremely diligent manner before making serious accusations on others such as our colleagues operating in similar practices.
1. 在我们的论坛用你的工作id说我们是错误的,但是签名中却在为你们的公司打广告。(就像Pepsi 公司打广告上直接说可口可乐产品是有毒的。无论对方是否真的有产品问题,但是这种模式的指责本身就是恶意竞争的行为)
2. 用一个单独的帖子用一个标题吸引读者,但是在帖子内部矛头直接指向我们,而且我们的名字随处可见。
3. 取出一个未标明的案例,引用其中一段话断章取义的指定我们是错误的,而没有做出更多的法律研究。
4. 随之指责这个案例的某法律律师给于错误法律意见,给读者一种假象,以为我们事务所就是这个案例中的代表律师而且误导了客户。
我们对于您和您公司的抗议不只在对您这种恶意竞争行为的不认同,也对您对于司法的理解,特别是案例法理解的偏差所遗憾。这种错误常常发生在法律学生的身上,就是对于一个案例咬文嚼字,认为法律只有一种解释的方式。而不认为每个判决的ratio decidendi根据事实的不同,并不能在另一个案例上绝对使用,而且案例是可以被推翻的。
不成功不收费并不是因为您有多自信,而是因为如果您工作的公司选择按照时间收费的话,那么很多人会选择直接使用律师而不使用“非律师”的专业人士。而且这种no win no fee 的收费方式有很大的隐患,我搜寻了一下关于”employment advocate”的管理机构,和律师有律师公会管理不同,竟然发现你们这行没有任何投诉机构,没有任何管理你们行为的任何组织,而且发现您的公司被自己员工因非法解雇而败诉的关司的一些文章,不想在这里宣扬,有兴趣的可以参考一下下面的文章连接。
最后引用互联网上的一句话,“网络世界虚虚实实,认真你就输了”。我们不是独孤不败,也不会自称是法律界权威,所以请不要把打败我们作为你竞争的手段。我们的工作并不是每天和他人在论坛上吵架,而更倾向于花更多时间研究案例。如果有时间,为什么不“亮”出一些你自己亲自打的雇佣官司,而不是总是不停以攻击别人,或者攻击别的案例中的华人雇主来承托自己呢? |
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