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http://bbs.skykiwi.com/frame.php ... t%3D%252Bfaybluesky
准备材料请参考上边帖子,话说某肥去年5月开始准备来新西兰,然后找到这个无所不能的天维论坛,准备材料7月递交申请,5天work visa5天拿下,然后9月抵纽,转眼之间一年就要过去了,某肥又老了一岁,同时工签也要到期了。PR以于4月递交,还想着在work permit到期之前拿下PR,可惜事与愿违,无奈受到移民局的一封信。 不得又开始准备renewal工签的材料。
immigration-nz@datasquirt.co.nz to me
show details Aug 5 (12 days ago) Reply
Images are not displayed.
Display images below - Always display images from immigration-nz@datasquirt.co.nz
Dear xxx
Our records show that your permit is due to expire, as follows:
- Client number xxxxx
- Work Permit expiring on xx/09/2009
If you are planning to stay longer in NZ then we suggest a new application be lodged shortly.
Application forms can be downloaded from our website:
If you have already lodged a new application or you plan to leave New Zealand before 19/09/2009 then no further action is required.
We hope you have had an enjoyable stay in New Zealand.
Kind Regards
Immigration New Zealand
无奈又得抽出时间来准备工签, 说道准备材料,不得先说一下4月我的PR准备材料。下边一个完整的上交的list, 里边人名,地名,大多用xxx表示,只是做一个抛砖引玉的作用,有些童鞋说到,我们准备得越详细,CO越省事,与人方便自己方便。材料准备完全按照immigration网站上要求的。准备好,用一个透明a4 size的folder分门别类,弄好,上次申请本来是用一个大folder弄得,可是最后要装信封塞进移民局的桶里,所以用a4 size的比较方便。然后就是漫长的等待。
无犯罪记录有效期6个月,我需要两个国家的无犯罪记录,星国和中国,中国的因为我不在,需要家长帮着弄,于是写了一封委托书如下,然后妈妈自己起草了无犯罪公正内容, 因为很多人要面临翻译的问题,所以我让妈妈起草的同时,起草了中英文双语, 先到居委会盖章,然后去公安局盖章, 然后再去公证,整件事情很顺利.
本人 xxx 委托 母亲 xxx 女士 凭本人签字的委托书以及护照复印件代理申办无犯罪证明以及无犯罪公证.
申办人姓名: xxx
出生日期: xxx
护照号: xxx
住址: xxx联系方式: xxx
受委托人姓名: xxx
出生日期: xxx
住址: xxx
联系方式: xxx
日期: 200 年 月 日
网站上抄下来的办理 办理出生公证和无犯罪记录公证需要准备材料
1. 出生公证,办理出生公证须提供以下材料:
2. 办理无犯罪记录公证须提供以下材料
(1) 申请人的身份证、户口簿;申请人在国外的,需提供护照复印件;
(2) 申请人所在单位保卫部门、申请人户籍所在地街道办事处、公安局派出所或广州市公安局刑警支队(十一处)出具的有关证明;申请人在国外的,证明中应记载申请人的离境日期;
(3) 委托代理人代为申请的,须提供授权委托书和居民身份证。
兹证明XXX , 女,现住 XX 区 XX 路 XX 号,至X 年 X 月 X 日止,在中国居住期间未受过刑事制裁。
XXX 单位保卫处 /科(盖章)
出证人: XXX (签名)
X 年 X 月 X 日
如果你的户口在家,就在家所在居委会开个证明, 证明我在国内居住期间没有受过任何刑事处分,然后去派出所出所开证明 (留一份复印件),再去公证处公证。(一共两分,一份派出所证明原件或复印件,一份公证处公证原件)
PR application CHECK LIST
Application for Residence in New Zealand form (NZIS 1000)
Sponsorship form (NZIS 1024)
My partner xxx’s immigration status
certified copies of: a residence permit in his passport
a current returning resident’s visa in his passport
My partner, xxx policy certificate from xxx to certify that he lived for 12 months or more in 7 years prior to the date my application is made dated 07 February 2009.
Two recent passport size photographs
A valid passport
A completed Medical and X-ray certificate form (NZIS 1007) Dated xxx 2009
A police certificate for xxx dated xxx2009
A police certificate for xx dated xx 2008.
A full birth certificate (Please return) and a certified full birth certificate.
Evidence of Partnership
Proof of shared residence (such as joint mortgage or tenancy agreements of rent book)
Correspondence (including post marked envelopes) to you and your partner at the same address
1. Letters sent to xxx and New Zealand at the same address
Singtel (Telephone and broadband company’s) bill sent to xxx
Letters sent to xxx at the same address from 2006-2008
Letters sent to xxx from Sep 2007 to March 2008. Which include insurance company, telecom, bank, Central Provident Fund Board, etc.
Letters sent to xxx at the same address.
2. Photocopy of Identity card showing the same address.
3. xxx’s Father (House Owner) Letter to prove that we shared the same residence.
Financial dependence or interdependence (proof of shared income or bank accounts, or accounts that show money transfers to or from your account to your partner’s account)
1. Insurance Nomination endorsement for policyholder Xxx
a. 2. xxx depicting xxx and xxxsharing a Joint account statement from xxx to xxx
3. xxx and xxx opened the second joint account from xxx in xxx
4. xxx - Telegraphic transfer of $10,0000 from xxx account to xxx. (Telegraphic transfer application form and Bank of New Zealand advice of credit)
5. Joint payment paid by xxx’s credit card (Shown on credit card statement)
January 2009 Statement
During xxx returned to xxx, time spent together
February 2008 Statement
January 2008 Statement
December 2007 Statement
November 2007 Statement
12 Oct Payment for post charge to send mail to Xxx
22 Oct Payment for xxx’s air ticket to return to xxx from Christchurch
6.xxx’s debit card statement
Jun 2008 Payment for xxx’s birthday cake ordering
Mar 2008 Payment for dinner together.
7. Part of the gifts to send to each other
Some valuable things Xxx bought for Xxx
Some valuable things Xxx bought for Xxx
Notes: These were just some small amount of the gifts we sent to each other as we had been sending a lot of other things to each other like clothes, shoes, jewellery, games and etc. Most of the receipts/warranty card may not be kept.
Evidence of communication between you both
Love Letters
Some love letters we kept for year 2003 to 2005.
Emails between Xxx Quek and Xxx from year 2005 to year 2008.
Chatting history
Please refer to CD
Sample screen shots of internet call (Including webcam) we called to each other every day during separated time.
HP bills from Xxx (When separate )
Telecom company’s itemized call details from May 2008 to September 2008 to shows the calls received from Xxx. (Used for work visa application in Xxx. Calls Highlighted)
HP plans in New Zealand
Bestmate Start from Jan 09. Xxx’s hp number 021 1xxxx best mate with Xxx’s number 021 10xxx. We call and text each other every day.
Some used calling cards for xxx to use in Xxx to call Xxx. Some used top up cards for Xxx mobile no. 92461826 for Xxx to used in New Zealand (Auto Roaming)
Envelops with the post office stamp (Xxx kept those I sent to him. Those Xxx sent to me either lost of left in Xxx. Some of the dates are not clear)
01 Feb 2005 Xxx sent mail to Xxx (Auckland)
2005 Xxx sent mail to Xxx (Riccarton Christchurch)
11 July 2006 Xxx Sent mail to Xxx (Christchurch)
2006 Xxx sent mail to Xxx (Christchurch)
08 Mar 2007 Xxx Sent registered mail to Xxx (Christchurch)
17 Sep 2007 Xxx Sent mail to Xxx (Christchurch)
12 Nov 2007 Xxx sent mail to Xxx (Christchurch)
2008 Xxx Sent mail to Xxx (Christchurch)
30 Dec 2008 Xxx’s mother send EMS to Xxx and Xxx
Any documents showing public or family recognition of your
Xxx father’s support letter
Xxx’s mother’s support letter
Xxx’s sister’s support letter
Xxx’s friend xxx’s old support letter for Xxx’s work visa application
Xxx’s friend xxx’s old support letter for Xxx’s work visa application
Photos took with friends or families.
Christmas Card sent by friends.
My Xxx Employer NTUC INCOME HR profile, Put Xxx Quek as the next of Kin.
Photographs of you and your partner together
Please refer to CD
Evidence of the duration of your relationship
Please refer to the brief history of the love story
Please refer to the photographs. We have the photographs together from year 2002 to current.
Please refer to the support letters from family and friends.
Work Visa approval letter under partnership.
The degree of commitment to a shared life
Please refer to all the evidence overall.
Evidence of you being committed to each other emotionally and exclusively, such as evidence of joint decision making, an exclusive sexual relationship, and the sharing of household duties, parental responsibility, and spare time.
Please refer to the photographs for some of the spare time.
Please refer to the travel or short trips together. (For 4 times overseas trips, please refer to the passport stamps)
Please refer to receipts for spare time.
a. Receipt of shopping at super market in New Zealand
b. Receipt of having meals together at restaurants.
c. Receipt of shopping and bought clothes or gifts for each other.
Please refer to Xxx’s support letter
Xxx booked tickets for the whole family to watch Miss Saigon at 25 April 2009.
E tickets receipt duplicate copy to show that Xxx returned to Xxx on 21 Nov 2006.
Email air ticket confirmation copy to show that Xxx returned to Xxx from 14 Dec 07 to 21 Feb 08.
Hotel booking email confirmation for 3 trips to China (Xxx and Xxx)
a. 29 Jan 2006- 30 Jan 2006 at Bei Jing Hang Lu Airport Hotel.
b. 07 Dec 2006 – 11 Dec 2006 at Top Star Hotel, Shen Zhen, China
c. 11 Dec 2006 – 14 Dec 2006 at Home Inn Guangzhou Shangxiajiu
d. 29 Dec 2007 – 31 Dec 2007 at Top Star Hotel, Shen Zhen, China
Some train tickets or the entrance tickets for tourist sites we had during our trips at China.
E Tickets for Xxx and Law
05 Dec 06 – 14 Dec 06 From Xxx to Hong Kong, and Guang Zhou to Xxx
29 Dec 07 – 12 Jan 08 From Xxx to Shen Zhen and Guang Zhou to Xxx.
From Xxx’s Passport stamp, it is evident that his first arrival in New Zealand was on 18 Oct 2004, thereafter he went back to Xxx four times, the next arrival date to New Zealand is 28 Dec 2004, 1 Feb 2006, 9 Feb 2007, 16 Feb 2008. He tries to go back to Xxx every year (3 mths) to accompany me during his summer holiday. During those time, both of us stayed together at his father’s apartment in Xxx.
If you have been living apart from your partner for any significant period during your relationship, you must also provide evidence of the length of any periods of separation, the reasons for them, and how your relationship was maintained during these periods.
Please refer to the brief love story history for details
[ 本帖最后由 faybluesky 于 2009-8-17 14:44 编辑 ] |