AUT 为移民就业开设15周的语言课程,这个课程将带你了解新西兰的文化,在新西兰如何找工作和新西兰的工作环境,另外这个课程还包括3周与你所学专业相关的实习机会。
English for Professional Employment
is a New Zealand workplace focused course that will improve your English skills as well as help you learn about New Zealand culture, job seeking and working in New Zealand.
Included in the course is three weeks of voluntary work where you will gain experience in a New Zealand workplace in your field.
Many students have found employment in their field after completing this course.
The course content includes:
Individual help with specific needs e.g. pronunciation
How to apply for a professional position
Understanding New Zealand society
Completing a research project to understand your professional field in New Zealand
Participation in voluntary work experience
New Zealand workplace communication, both oral and written
Development of reading, writing, listening, speaking and vocabulary skills
Course Dates:
3 March – 27 June or 21 Jul – 14 Nov 2008
9am – 1 pm, Monday – Thursday
16 hours a week for 15 weeks
Note : There are funded places available for tertiary qualified migrants with a Post Intermediate/ Advanced level of English who fit the criteria for a TEC study grant.*
For further information: Shanessa, Programme
Administrator Phone: [09] 921 9999 Ext: 6088
Email: *Conditions apply.
Funding is available for most migrants whose professions are listed on the New Zealand Immigration Service Long Term Skills Shortage List and Immediate Skills Shortage List.