3. BC (Building Consent)
• 储水箱设计 (Detention Tank Design for stormwater mitigation)
• SMAF规划区的储水箱设计 (SMAF tanks as per AUP)
• 污水泵设计 (Private WW pump station design)
4. Construction Supervision + Civil project management
• 公共雨水以及污水施工管理以及工程师签字检查 (Site supervision + engineering signoff of public drainage COA & EACC)
• 准备合同或招标文件,施工检测以及合同管理 (Preparing contract documents, calling for tenders, construction monitoring, and contract management)
• 帮助客户解决关于Watercare, Auckland Transport 等问题 (Liaise with utilities, asset owner (Watercare, Parks, Auckland Transport, etc) contractor as required)