YEEHAA FISHIGN LTD is professional sports fishing tackel retail business and has 16 years histroy.
we are looking for some young and enthusiastic person join our retail team.
*Hands on and proactive and always good to service customer.
*Have good understanding of English both in reading and speaking.
*Chinese speaking is welcome
* 会熟练使用小红书,抖音和FB等社交软件
YEEHAA FISHIGN LTD is professional sports fishing tackel retail business and has 16 years histroy.
we are looking for some young and enthusiastic person join our retail team.
*Hands on and proactive and always good to service customer.
*Have good understanding of English both in reading and speaking.
*Chinese speaking is welcome
* 会熟练使用小红书,抖音和FB等社交软件