- 14094453
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升级   99.67% - UID
- 14094453
- 热情
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- 主题
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- 帖子
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- 积分
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- 阅读权限
- 20
- 注册时间
- 2021-9-22
根据研究,超速只是造成 26% 的交通死亡事故的因素之一。那些超速是造成交通死亡的一个因素,有多少是因为遵纪守法的公民遵守限速?或者是飙车者不管限速多少都会超速? https://www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/speeding 因此,大多数 (74%) 的交通死亡事故是由其他原因造成的,不使用更便宜、更有效来挽救生命,例如将高级驾驶课程作为驾照要求的一部分。而是通过降低限速而走捷径,(已经是发达国家中最低的限速)与此同时,交通拥堵使奥克兰每年损失 10 亿元。 https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/tr ... traffic%20jams%20is,extra%20costs% 20and%20lost%20business。让他们知道您的意见,发布到 https://www.facebook.com/akltransport/
Auckland is plan to reduce the speed on 600 street.According to the study speeding is only one of the contributing factors in 26% of the all traffic fatalities. Of those speeding is a factor in the traffic fatalities, how many is because cause by law abiding citizen follow the speed limit? Or are cause by boy racer who will speeding anyway no matter what speed limit is? [color=var(--blue-link)]https://www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/speeding So majority (74%) of traffic fatalities are caused by something else, instead cheaper more efficient way to save life like make advance driving course part of the license requirement. once they take the easy way out by reduce the speed limit, (Already the lowest in developed countries) In the mean time traffic jams cost Auckland 1 billion a year. [color=var(--blue-link)]https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/traffic-jams-cost-1-billion-a-year/AQHA3BF5Q2D7KEMLTELW2N3LTU/#:~:text=Sitting%20in%20traffic%20jams%20is,extra%20costs%20and%20lost%20business. Let them know your opinion, post on [color=var(--blue-link)]https://www.facebook.com/akltransport/