本帖最后由 绿色案板 于 2021-6-13 21:58 编辑 4 P0 B" s+ Q! X* J % z* F( \: h7 W房子面积有250平,两卫六房高挑高,有一个两千平的大花园,和相对宽敞和放松的房间,内嵌大衣柜,大窗户,厨房和生活环境,出门右转再左转到pah road就是公交站.我们不和房东住在一起,因为室友临时退租和女朋友搬到一起了,现在寻找合拍的年轻人入住,住户有男有女,我和另一位负责的都是奥大的学生,大家来自的地方都各不相同,但是都在一起住了将近两年了,欢迎新伙伴加入。包水电网vodafone光纤,冬季heat需另行付费。: y3 F1 n0 W* ^# R6 B$ W0 d
Hey there, we are looking for one flatmate in our house(Epsom Liverpool st near the royal oak mall). People who consider renting a large room which is 4.7m * 3.4m will be interested. The rental is 185$ include water electrician fee and fibre internet but exclude the wintertime heating fee. You gonna live with friendly young people and students. We have been getting along well for a year and everyone together enjoys BBQ barbecue party in our central Auckland first big yard half the time. We have the Vodafone fibre plan in the property for the gamers which is super fast and high response since most of us play games a lot. Two-step out of the door is 309, 295, 30 bus direct to the city, Newmarket and Onehunga. We provide parking and have a motorcycle garage. The address is 2 min drive or 15min walk to the royal oak mall for shopping, medicine and daily matters shops. We don't have access control, as long as you don't disturb other people's rest. you can cook as long as you remember to clean up, we provide storage ,refrigerated and freezing space。We expect you to be non-smoking, feel fine to keep yourself clean and tidy, friendly and communicative person. Feel free to pm me and it's better if you have a reference.Kind regards,Neptune.C 5 Z. m( v3 L- Q& \# Z. B f图片见https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/853921571842540/" J. l6 J- |- ^$ e
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