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paulwood 发表于 2020-8-21 04:36 
提出这个solution的是 IT 天才, Trademe 创始人三亩根。
https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/421414 ...
他是天才? 就个trademe。还是算了把。
CovidCard is a low energy bluetooth device the size of a credit card, that is designed to be worn on a lanyard around the neck when in areas such as public transport, workplaces, bars, restaurants, gyms, hospitals, large gatherings and events.
It detects and records close contacts using bluetooth and stores this data securely on a person's card for 21 days.
No contact data is automatically stored in the cloud or elsewhere and it does not track user location as the card does not contain GPS capability.
Six weeks ago, the team delivered a report to officials following field trials, but are yet to be given any indication of a decision.
The project and first year of operation is estimated to cost just under $100 million and would take about five months to roll out, which is why Morgan wanted a decision to be made quickly.
contact information 存卡里21天有啥用?就好比, 每个人每天兜里放个本子, 记录下一天的行踪。
数据不能集中处理, 等于没数据。
原理应该就是这个bluetooth beacon, 炒了好多年了
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bl ... ware%20transmitters,close%20proximity%20to%20a%20beacon. |