本帖最后由 huluxiong 于 2020-6-25 22:06 编辑
" ?4 G: C. p3 l6 e7 x- |- S+ B2 Y0 J! k$ z6 r- P. B$ q/ {9 ?
幫朋友轉發 誠找租客 (Flat Mate) 2 C; v2 m/ j: l" O4 A+ s
屋主是一對年輕夫妻,住在奧克蘭西區Massey.目前在找Flat Mate 新房,房屋狀況良好.地點絕佳. 距離高速公路兩分鐘車程,十五分鐘抵達奧克蘭市中心 距離公車站五分鐘路程,直達車到Queen St 十分鐘路程到Westgate Terminal,可坐Express Bus到Britomart 十五分鐘路程到Westgate商場
6 X& `& @0 g1 k& Q. Y" |) g3 J" N$ _目前兩個在一樓的房間招租 大房間 – 視野佳 採光好 – 每個禮拜NZD$220 (不包含水電網)- 床,床頭櫃,衣櫥都有 小房間 – 採光好 - 每個禮拜NZD$200(不包含水電網) - 床,床頭櫃,衣櫥都有 若兩間房間一起租 – NZD$400 (不包含水電網) 廁所與衛生間是兩間房間共用一個,不需與房東share 小廚房是兩間房間共用一個 洗衣機與洗衣房則是大家合用
: ?$ U: ~+ f S' p+ `. f共用空間還包況Deck Area
+ D6 O6 {$ j/ F. T0 C9 c# Q水電網是大家一起Share 每人每月約為NZD$65
需付三個禮拜的Bond 以及一個禮拜的租金,這個可以面談討論
0 A/ e& p5 g. c# @8 m [) @) M請勿在室內抽菸
3 v" n7 ~9 F/ H1 G5 I屋主介紹 – 年輕夫妻以及家人(1人) 以及一隻狗與一隻貓
; p/ \& O% U# k! G- K) ~屋主是華裔,能用中文以及廣東話溝通 (中文閱讀能力有限,從小在紐西蘭生長) 以招租為單人學生或者年輕工作的夫妻為優先考量 (背景單純)
1 _3 Z" l) H) g) x! D+ q: s如果有意租房者 請與房東 (TOM) 聯絡 Wechat acoount - 麻煩請打英文或者留語音 微信帳號ViperTJ
% z6 K0 b& N8 X5 X2 C% N7 b - f6 J) w7 X$ y! \! z ^' \
# p* c& F7 U8 E! Q
Dear All,: }2 ]1 d$ v( g" y' a. _( P4 m% U
) G! Y6 X1 ?. YWe are currently looking for flat mates in our newly built estate located in Massey Auckland.
5 i$ Y& y- W& T4 V/ VBuilt in a convenient and strategic location, everything is within reach.
4 S! F+ M" H' A5 l4 r/ Y
2 _ M, L' v& _; p3 }-2 minutes drive from motorway on-ramp, 15 minutes drive to reach CBD.* b1 d- f1 K8 Z
-5 minutes walk from bus stop that takes you straight to upper Queens Street% k: a3 P; }2 r t* d0 h( H" C2 h
-Or 10 minutes walk to the Westgate terminal where you can take the express bus straight to Britomart." W- w% X2 q* m5 O# H0 M
-10-15 minutes walk to the Westgate shopping centre as well as NorthWest shopping mall.
+ a$ v* n, J$ [7 L* @ LEverything thing you ever need is within walking distance!& }( a" o6 R3 U/ z8 d
' @+ i" z0 N/ ^- Z' b! m
We have 2 rooms available for rent on the first floor of the house.5 K' C5 [. @% M
Bigger room with hilltop views over the motorway is $220 per week.. F6 H( U" F5 R1 L0 s
Smaller room also spacious with plenty of natural sunlight is $200 per week.
1 Q2 N; R; d. b7 Z; k$ h& HIf you are interested in renting both rooms we can do $400 per week.! r$ F: g0 i+ c o- n# u$ }
Tenants will have their own bathroom and shower shared between the 2 rooms.& N( z T8 U- C5 h+ f, r' C7 s) n
Laundry room is shared with everyone and includes a sink and small kitchen area for tenants to use.3 U' l6 i+ V4 h& i* z
Large shared deck area that is available for everyone.) H* R/ N' c1 D3 z/ ^4 _
Uility bills will be shared per person, average monthly cost (water,power,internet) around $60-70 per person7 I' y4 b3 L2 p( t
3 weeks bond + 1 week rent required upon agreement.
% \9 \) Z8 C7 M) c1 i& `4 ZBed and bedside table will be provided, wardrobe included within the rooms.$ d2 P, x. f! I9 K6 y. n. U
No smoking inside the house.
/ i6 s5 r: z4 [) {7 T p5 W; K4 J% h7 O! T! a
About us: We are a young working couple living together with our younger sibling and 2 pets (1 dog 1 cat).
5 a7 S7 O! h3 nI am of Hong Kong descent and can speak both mandarin and cantonese reasonably So ideal tenants should speak basic english but this is not essential.
& k/ u$ U/ H" N0 Q- Y+ O6 L, l+ GWe are primarily looking for working couples and or students who are quiet and polite.8 R' b2 B: z$ k2 s. u+ _% R
9 t$ a0 M( D, s' M. s
If you are interested, please feel free to contact me on the below and we can arrange viewings etc. . w7 W, I$ Z, T' \& h- ~% w
( j3 n7 O4 z0 v$ M5 t n; S [/ R. e+ S( d- w2 {, {; y