本帖最后由 匿名 于 2020-4-20 11:45 编辑
1) Order for Eviction first.
2) once tenant left, if you think $5 a week is not practical, so don't use the Collection department,
use bankruptcy proceeding (BP) instead.
BP is done through high Court.
You can do it yourself.
First - Write bankruptcy notice.
2nd,- non-compliance of Bankruptcy notice
3rd- attend hearing - that is the time where debtor will negotiate with you. Because they face the pressure of bad credit or even losing the job. Also, a lot of time, debtor realized is not worth becoming bankrupt if they are applying for PR, new jobs, getting into business.
They might get family members to help at the stage. You can give discount if substantial payment can be made.
4th- Get an order of bankruptcy if nothing material works out.
A lot of people talking about $5 per week is very unknowledgeable, probably people who only hear 2nd hand information from the forum.