本帖最后由 匿名 于 2020-3-2 19:59 编辑
具体情况是这样的,最近请了一周假回国处理事情,也和公司说了回来后自己在家隔离两周,公司明确告诉我,这两周是unpaid的,我这个能接受。但是公司说,如果两周后要回去上班,必须由GP开医学证明,证明我很健康能够回去工作。由于我GP费用不便宜,我就发邮件问公司是不是报销这个费用,公司又明确表示不会支付这个费用,这个我就不能理解了。 现在隔离新西兰政府都是推荐自愿隔离,不是强制性的,我已经出于社会公德心的角度,去做自我隔离了,但公司现在强制要求有医生证明才可以上班,等于这个证明是公司自己要的,凭什么要我自己支付这个费用呢,怎么想都想不明白,不知道哪位懂法律的大神能支个招?
An employer cannot force an employee to have a medical examination. However, if an employer has good reason to believe that an employee is impaired (unwell or harmed) for any reason (whether from exposure to workplace hazards or other causes) then an employer may suspend an employee, subject to the usual legal requirements. An employer may request proof that an employee is sick once they have been sick for three or more consecutive days. In some circumstances, an employer can request proof of illness or injury within three consecutive calendar days, but the employer must agree to pay for the doctor’s fees.