匿名者 发表于 2019-9-18 16:22 
Mr Simon Bridges, the National Party leader said if the Crown buys the land it will set “an unfortu ...
别说西门大官人啦,他已经完蛋了。国家党也是脑残居然敢在这个时候访华,不知道现在防止china influence是重于一切得么?国家党和西门失去人心了,被扣上跪倒在ccp石榴裙下的卖国党了。 Winston Peters did not hold back in his description of Simon Bridges' interview with Chinese state media, mocking it as "subservient grovelling". Peters, the Deputy Prime Minister, used his speech in Parliament on Wednesday to criticise the interview Bridges gave Chinese state media during his visit to the superpower earlier this month.