Requested test/report: Full Blood Count low haemoglobin. No ferritin supplied. If iron deficiency anaemia requires specialist review to determine the aetiology. We have been given no information regarding likely causes so it is difficult to recommend a specialist. If menorrhagia then a gynaecologist would be appropriate, otherwise a haematologist or gastroenterologist
妈妈缺铁性贫血,被要求补报告。请教下有经验的朋友 这个报告中具体要写些什么呢?对医院和专家有什么要求吗?邮件中我的理解只看出需要知道病因?两年前妈妈做了所有的检查,包括肠镜,抽骨髓 等等,全部都没毛病,估计就是因为月经量的问题。可是如果报告中需要写病因,那不是又得把这些检查全部做一遍?? 太受罪了啊!!