家里在建房,地是分割出来的,已经有车道及公共人行部分,我想申请VEHICLE CROSSING,看了COUNCIL申请表,他说我这种情况与新房不同,我还需要申请吗?多谢!Some vehicle crossings are built as part of a land subdivision. In these cases, the consultants or contractors building the subdivision should contact Auckland Council to get the work approved. These types of vehicle crossings are not covered by this application process.这是他们申请里提到的,我不明白。
家里在建房,地是分割出来的,已经有车道及公共人行部分,我想申请VEHICLE CROSSING,看了COUNCIL申请表,他说我这种情况与新房不同,我还需要申请吗?多谢!Some vehicle crossings are built as part of a land subdivision. In these cases, the consultants or contractors building the subdivision should contact Auckland Council to get the work approved. These types of vehicle crossings are not covered by this application process.这是他们申请里提到的,我不明白。