"When council is formally notified by another agency [eg, police] that a property has been used in the manufacture of methamphetamine or where evidence has been provided confirming that there is contamination present, then this information will be placed on the LIM," Chetty said.
"Likewise, whenever a cleansing order or closing order is issued, these will also appear on the LIM. Once the property is remediated the LIM is updated to reflect this. All this information must remain on the LIM." In some instances where it was likely that the land had also been contaminated with chemicals then this would also be noted on the LIM, Chetty said. This was a requirement under the National Environmental Standard as methamphetamine production was listed in the Hazardous Activities & Industries List (HAIL) by the Ministry for the Environment and was required to be placed on the LIM.
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/property/news/article.cfm?c_id=8&objectid=11374666 |