本帖最后由 kingscat 于 2014-11-2 15:27 编辑
如果是比较老旧的改造,可以默认为是92年以前的改造的话,申请的不是ccc,而是一个类似可以合法的certificate ,应该几百块能做好
Certificate of acceptanceCouncils may decide to issue certificates of acceptance when work has been done without a building consent, or in certain specific circumstances when a CCC can’t be issued. This could be because urgent work was needed to protect lives or property and there was no time to get a consent, or the private BCA (ie, a BCA that is not a council) that issued the consent is unable or refuses to issue a CCC. A certificate of acceptance confirms that, to the extent an inspection was able to be carried out, the work complies with the Building Code. Certificate of acceptance applications for unconsented building work can only be made if the work was done after 1 July 1992 (the date building consents were introduced). The worth of a certificate of acceptance to the homeowner and a potential buyer will ultimately depend on the extent to which the work can be inspected. In many circumstances, a complete inspection of the work will be impossible and the certificate will specify only the elements of the building that can be approved. It remains a serious offence to build without a building consent and this may result in court action. Applications for a certificate of acceptance should be processed in 20 working days. Your council may decide not to issue a certificate of acceptance. |