本帖最后由 稳稳 于 2014-2-19 18:12 编辑
其实主要的问题就是"中心思想"不突出, 而且这个表哥还是堂哥不再family category(只有partner,dependent children和parents)下;
所以CO第一个反应就是有移民倾向;然后中心思想不突出的问题就在于旅游上,申请旅游签,就说旅游的事情,什么看你,什么看你生活,考察产品市场之类的(这就属于目的不明确,不是真实旅游者),这些完全让CO自己就make sure他的第一感觉移民倾向,所以不在乎双方存款多少啊,不在乎什么工作,肯定不能批。
因为CO不确定:1)他是真实旅游的,可能涉及其他目的,2)不确定他会如期返回;所以两次不批都是因为被列入high risk的申请。
如果,还想申请旅游签,可以考虑general visitor和 visitor visa-business(因为他国内的企业没挂牌,所以这个要三思),乃至如果是南方航空金银卡持有人申请的visitor visa。申请的目的要明确,不要跨category的去说事情,如果旅游就说旅游的事情。
Proof that you plan to leave New Zealand
You will need to show us that you intend to leave within the period of your visa. For example:
travel tickets (confirmed or open-dated) out of New Zealand to a country which you have the right to enter; or
written confirmation from an airline or travel agency that onward travel has been booked and paid for; or
evidence of sufficient funds to purchase a ticket to a country which you have the right of entry.
你给他设计一个详细点2~3周的NZ境内旅行计划,按照什么路线,到那个城市,停留多久……还有上面这个计划离开的NZ的证据都准备好。另外参考http://www.immigration.govt.nz/NR/exeres/A939DF64-29FD-483A-BB14-BB6F7E88C1BB.htm 各种旅行签证有详细的checklist。
Bona fide Temporary Entry applicants All people coming to New Zealand must genuinely intend a stay for a ‘lawful purpose’ (see below).
A bona fide visitor will leave New Zealand before their visa expires and keep to the conditions of any visa granted.
‘Lawful purpose’ for visitors We consider you to be coming to New Zealand for a lawful purpose if you are a visitor coming for the purposes of: - holidaying
- sightseeing
- family and social visits
- amateur sport
- business consultation
- medical treatment
- guest of Government visits.
Genuine visitor/tourist We consider you to be a genuine tourist if you are a visitor who: - is not working and has not worked in New Zealand
- has not held a student visa
- is not sponsored
- has enough funds to provide for your maintenance and accommodation costs.