本帖最后由 甜甜向上 于 2014-2-18 22:39 编辑
WS2 Specific purpose or events
g. Installers or servicers of specialised machinery or equipment supplied by an overseas company who can provide evidence that installing or servicing the equipment in New Zealand is a condition of purchase.
WS3 Evidence requiredPeople applying for a specific purpose or event work visa (with the exception of entertainers, performing artists, film and video production crew, and associated support personnel who have special requirements see WS6), must provide:- evidence of the amount of time they need to be in New Zealand; and
- evidence of a job offer, invitation, or schedule of events, if required by WS2; and
- a completed Employer Supplementary Form (INZ 1113), if a job offer is required by WS2 ; and
- evidence of their qualifications or experience relevant to the position or event, if required by WS2; and
- evidence of their international merit or distinction, if requested by an immigration officer; and
- evidence of any other requirements in WS2 being met.