本帖最后由 呼噜猫 于 2013-6-22 14:31 编辑
哈哈 刚才看了个VEDIO好搞笑哦。。。原来那种旧款的FISH&PAYKEL的洗衣机是可以调出新西兰国歌的。。。。家里试过了。。。真的可以啊 哈哈哈 太可爱了 不过是要那种老式的FISH PAYKEL洗衣机~~
这个链接有VEDIO http://www.morefm.co.nz/How-to-Play-The-National-Anthem-On-Your-Washing-Machine/tabid/96/articleID/7706/Default.aspx
INSTRUCTION 在这里 哈哈。。。。
Before you start, the machine must be turned on at the wall switch, but off at the machine. Press and Hold the Advance button, and press Power button. Push and Hold the Water Temp Up button for 2 seconds. The tune will begin to play. To change the Tune: Press and Hold the Water Level Up button for 2 seconds And then Hold the Water Temp Up button for 2 seconds. A new tune will begin to play You can scroll through the three songs. To cancel and return to normal settings: Turn the power off at the wall switch.
This works on older machines by trying the following combination: Press and Hold the Wash Temp Down button and the Spin Speed Up button and the Start/Pause button, simultaneously, for 3 seconds. |