Story: This music video is based on a famous Taiwan music song called :Yi dong de xin.《驿动的心》by singer Jiangyuheng(姜育恒) 男主人公:Michael 女主人公:Lily 餐馆的女生:Cathy 富二代:Josh 餐馆老板:Bob 修车师傅:Ben 二手车老板:Dan 故事概要: Michael上班是在火车站坐火车,早上邂逅Lily,他好心帮助Lily买车票。但买完车票后,Lily向Michael笑了笑,然后坐到了车站凳子的很远的地方。Michael坐在了另一头的凳子上等火车。Michael回想起以前在餐馆打工的碰见的一个女生了,本来Michael给Cathy送去了一碗面后,Cathy也向Michael笑了笑,但是在Cathy再来餐馆吃饭的时候,Michael本来想送给Cathy一个小礼物,但是没想到Cathy的男朋友这时来了开豪华小车把Cathy接走了。Michael的礼物却藏在了手里都没有机会拿出来。 Michael又去火车站等火车,但是这次坐在那边的不是那个女生Lily了,而是其她的一个一般的女孩。 Michael准备攒钱洗盘子,盘子落了一大堆,终于一天天的干完了活。然后老板发了工资。 Michael回到家把钱放到了存钱罐里。躺在床上想事情。 最后Michael攒够了钱终于可以买一辆二手汽车了。他交完了钱就把车开走了。 后来半道上车开不动了,很着急。 Michael找到了Ben去Ben家的后院去修车,终于车修好了。Ben和Michael挥手告别。 一大早Michael又要上班了,但是路过那个火车站的时候他看到了那个女生Lily。Michael朝Lily挥了挥手,Lily也朝着他挥手笑了笑。然后他们两个就各走各的了,但是后来。 Michael把车倒了回来,让Lily上车,Lily坐上了Michael的车。 Michael高兴坏了,结果突然打火的时候车不动了。 Lily一看这是怎么回事啊?Michael突然发现没有把车挂到P档是没法启动的。Michael赶快把车挂P档启动然后他们两个坐在车里就离开了。 《驿动的心》歌词 词:梁弘志 曲:梁弘志 编曲:陈志远 1.曾经以为我的家 是一张张的票根
撕开后展开旅程 投入另外一个陌生
这样飘荡多少天 这样孤独多少年
终点又回到起点 到现在才发觉
2.曾经以为我的家 是一张张的票根
撕开后展开旅程 投入另外一个陌生
这样飘荡多少天 这样孤独多少年
终点又回到起点 到现在才发觉
和你相依 Music Intro: 12s without music sound but with background sound of train+12s with music sound. EXT. FRUITVILLE TRAIN STATION –DAY 8-9AM A TRAIN coming to the platform from west, the front light flashes with loud whistling. The train stops. Some PEOPLE come out of the carriage and then some get on. TICKET OFFICER waves his hand to show that it is ok to leave. Slowly, the train moves off to the eastern side of the station. EXT. FRUITVILLE TRAIN STATION TO THE CITY, ENTRANCE. Michael comes to the platform with his lunchbox walking toward the ticket machine. Michael meets Lily who does not know how to use the ticket machine. Michael takes her money and then buys her a ticket. Lily smiles at Michael, and then she left and then sits at the far end of the bench. Michael buys his ticket and then sits at the other side of the bench. They do not look at each other. Michael feels a bit lonely. 曾经以为我的家 是一张张的票根
撕开后展开旅程 投入另外一个陌生
这样飘荡多少天 这样孤独多少年
终点又回到起点 到现在才发觉
INT.A CHINESE RESTAURANT –NIGHT. Michael is bringing a bowl of noodles to Cathy, he put it on the table, and Cathy looks at him, smiling…and Michael feels shy, scratch his head, and his face turns to red. Cathy comes to the restaurant again, eating another dish, and Michael is going to bring her a gift he has prepared for her. Michael takes out the gift from his bag and is about to go close to Cathy with his hands hiding the gift. Then suddenly another rich young man comes to Cathy with a car key in his hand. Cathy and the rich young man Josh leave the restaurant happily. Michael walks up to the window and sees Josh and Cathy they go into a flashy car outside of the restaurant. The gift dropped. Michael drinks a lot of beer at the table in restaurant. CA.哦路过的人我早已忘记
Michael and Lily are still waiting for the train, and then the train comes, and then they both go into the same carriage. INT. CHINESE RESTAURANT-NIGHT AT KITCHEN AREA Michael is working hard washing dishes and cleaning floor. The plates piles up by the boss, and Michael is still working hard. INT. CHINESE RESTAURANT-NIGHT AT DINNING AREA The boss now gives Michael the wedge, and he bows for thanksgiving… INT. MICHAEL’S ROOM-NIGHT Michael put the dollars into a money saving box again and again…different times in different dress, and until it becomes having lots of money. 曾经以为我的家 是一张张的票根
撕开后展开旅程 投入另外一个陌生
这样飘荡多少天 这样孤独多少年
终点又回到起点 到现在才发觉
EXT. CAR DEALER COMPANY OFFICE-DAY Michael gives his money to Dan, the dealer, and the person takes the money and waves his hand. Michael goes into the car and drives the car away. EXT. ON THE ROAD-DAY Michael starts a car at another place on the road, but he cannot get the car started, and he feels helpless and disappointed, and then he lie down on the steering wheel. CB.哦路过的人我早已忘记
EXT. BACKYARD OF MECHANIC BEN’S HOUSE-DAY Michael kneels down to pass on the tools to Ben who is under his car fixing something in his blue dress. The hood is being closed, and Michael drives away his car, and Ben waves his hand to Michael when he is leaving. EXT. CLOSE TO THE FRUITVILLE TRAIN STATION-DAY. Michael drives his car slowly passing the train station, and he sees the girl Lily, and he rolls down the left side window and waves hand toward her, and she finds Michael in a car. Lily smiles at Michael and waves her hand as well when Michael driving passed her. They are still keeping doing their own moving. Michael drives his car having passed Lily. As they depart from each other, Michael backs up his car with back light flashing. Michael invites Lily to come into his car, and then Lily comes in, sits beside Michael. CDX疲惫的我是否有缘
和你相依 INT. MICHAEL’S CAR-DAY. NO MUSIC BACKGROUND. Michael now tries to move the car, but the car cannot be going…Michael is worried, and Lily turns her head toward Michael wondering what is wrong with the car. Michael realized that he did not put the gear to P, and then he puts it back to P and then car starts… EXT. CLOSE TO TRAIN STATION-DAY. Shoot from the back of the car, they are happily on the road. FADE OUT: CAST LIST AND SO ON. 其实还要拍的很多,以上只是个例子,还想拍李香兰,但是没有枪,那种狙击步枪。 刚刚从网上弄了个WIDE ANGEL LENS。。。可以拍《阿飞正传》最后的三分钟镜头。 |