妹纸给大家分享一份自己原创的雅思6分句型归纳,大家不要喷,有问题指出来,我也就是想帮帮语法不好的童鞋们作文能再提高一些。 雅思大写作专用词汇及句型 1. 发展国家经济 Increase the development of national economy / develop thenational economy (government revenue 政府收益 / government expenditure 政府花销) 2. 提高人民生活水平 Promote the living quality of inhabitants / improve the livingstandards of residents (Convenience of commercial shopping centers 便捷的商业中心 / providecomfortable living environment舒适的生活环境) 3. 丰富了人们的业余生活 Enrich the leisure-time activities of people (release the pressure received from work or study 释放学习和工作带来的压力/ encourage people to work efficiently 鼓励人们高效率的工作) 4. 减少环境污染 Reduce the industrial pollution (Protect environment for the whole world 保护环境) 5. 增长交通事故的发生和市区拥堵现象 Increase traffic congestion and accidents in crowded area 6. 犯罪率的膨胀是一个潜在的危险对于整个社会来说 The explosion in crime rate is a potential threat for society 7. 教育水平的提升是由于政府投资了更多经费在教学研究上 Increased level of education for children is a result of raisedgovernment expenditure on educational research 一个国家的教育水平是和国家的富裕程度相关的 There is a direct link between the level of national educationand the extent of economy of country 8. 增加国际贸易及世界援助 Raise the worldwide aids and promote the international trades 9. 保护传统文化和历史文物/景点 Protect the traditional culture and historical relics / sites |