- 98321
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- 98321
- 热情
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- 人气
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- 积分
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- 阅读权限
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- 注册时间
- 2006-11-21
Boy, have I learned?
——我一向有做喜剧的想法的,这次算是第一次爽了一把。把这个喜剧这个梦想播种在我心里的,还是冯小刚,梁左,王朔,英达这些国人。然后让他成长的是 jim carrey, tom hanks, 最近有flight of the concord, steve carrol, tinay fey,这些洋人,当然,还有网上的黄贱人,和菜头,所以我的喜剧梦没有国籍。
那个时候,我们的国人比今天自信,也比今天幸福。 我们之所以知道什么能笑,是因为我们知道如何生活,如何面对世界。什么是对的,什么是错的。我们知道自己是谁。
毫无疑问,今天我们面对的生活中,价值观更加复杂了,——“日本人应不应该继续捕鲸?”, “新西兰应不应该开矿”,"GST 该不该涨?” ”中国房价有没有泡沫“ 等等。 尤其对于生活在这个国家的国人来说,我们确实面对着很多艰难的选择。 比如每天人家问你 how are you? 之后,你是告诉他很好,还是告诉他真话? 人家接着问你中国的世博会怎么那么多人;你看着他,徘徊在想爆他菊和一笑而过之间。
很多看过我们片子的国人(终于跑题结束), 肯定会觉得我们利用了洋人对中国人的无知和偏见,去博得他们猎奇的好感。 利用“中国是一个神秘,是一个不一样的地方” 这种调调的电影人不在少数,张艺谋跳下去了,陈凯歌也跳下去了,我们再跳一次。 这样做没新意,而且贬低了我们自己,去取悦别人。
我们丑化了华人? 恶搞了我们自己?
在看Flight of the concord 之前,觉得新西兰很幼稚一个国家,人口少,经济小,十几岁女孩子特显老。然后这两个怪家伙弹唱了 Business Time (youtube 搜去), Racist Dragon, 等歌曲,我就立刻爱上这个国家的文化。
人类是一种很奇特的动物,人类有幽默感。大多数有。 Jack Black 在《功夫熊猫》里面的熊猫,明明自己什么都不会,还假装自己刚刚吃饱还在消化,所以不能表演功夫。我们不但不讨厌他,反而觉得这个熊猫很有趣。同样 Flight of the Concord 让我觉得新西兰很诚恳一个文化,能孕育出这样真诚的艺术家。
只有白人才能这么做么? 只有白人才能在银幕上丑化自己还得到大家好感么?
抛开 Dave Chappelle 不说, 看看我的新偶像, Joe Wong 黄新。
这个人入了美国籍,但他还是能帮助美国人更好的认识中国人,从而帮助中国人获得理解和信任。 他的喜剧充满了”亚洲人是糟糕的司机“ ”亚洲人不性感“ ” 移民都不说英语" 等等一系列的白人偏见。 但是在自嘲之后,这位喜剧演员突然就拥有了能够评价其他人(其他种族)的权利。而且这个权利是观众给他的。他的自贬是对世界宣布,“我这个人不装逼;我知道你们(这些不了解我们种族的人)心里是怎么看我们中国人的,咱们都别装了,开诚布公的谈谈吧。”
不错个屁{:7_363:},这个片超级丑化华人,我的几个洋人同事说:Why these people want to make such fool of themself?
当时在C4上放的时候,我朋友孩子满月,家里邀请了二十多人吃饭,大家都觉得是洋人拍出来恶搞 ...
大义灭猪 发表于 2010-5-12 09:54
不是说非要喜欢我们的电影才行—— 我们自己都知道31个小时排出的电影能有什么水平。 没有故事线,演技欠火候,节奏前紧后松等等,我们也希望能吸取教训,之后改进。 审美上,大家也各有所爱,不能强求。
"Making Children For China" is, I think, about the best that could have been possibly done with the Sex-Ed genre. The genre should be retired and "MCFC" hung up next to "Arthaus" and "Virgin With One Eye" as 'This is as good as it gets
'The Fiddles' and 'Making Children For China' were my picks for the night, those are the ones that brought tears of laughter to my face.
What was that line again in Making Children For China?....something like.... 'we all know white people are useless'
Damn that line brought the house down !! Freakin Hilarious !
Now I can understand why so many other movies missed the cut in Auckland this year, there was just too many goodies in Auckland competition to cram in the finals sad.gif
i especially liked stone soup's "making children for china". it was hilarious and it was good to see new talent emerging in the competition
Really amazed to see how an Asian film crew could blow away the western audience !, mega impressed here with their story telling skills. If they are not in the production industry, then they should be. They've got talent.
I adored Making Children For China. But I don't understand why you think it is a surprise that an Asian film crew could blow away a western audience? why wouldn't they be able to? Cos they're asian? We're all humans, all have sense of humours. Most asian's in nz are born in NZ- ie are kiwis anyway!...
its great that we can take the piss out of each other. shows the maturity of a community.
My favorite line in yours was about babies being useful for Accounting, brilliant laugh.gif
QUOTE(flying fox @ May 9 2010, 03:23 PM) *
I adored Making Children For China. But I don't understand why you think it is a surprise that an Asian film crew could blow away a western audience? why wouldn't they be able to? Cos they're asian? We're all humans, all have sense of humours. Most asian's in nz are born in NZ- ie are kiwis anyway!...
I didn't say surprised, I said 'amazed' ...as in wow ! I have had Asian's in my crew for last four years, since 2006 and have found their sense of humour different, but then they are all migrants and you are right, kiwi born will have kiwi humour. cool.gif
Well done dude, please load it up to screening room, so I can watch it again...and again....
PEARLMILL and team Stone Soup. Loved your short, but I’m curious that your film is now up on the screening room? Doesn’t that take you out of contention for a wildcard? I only mention it because I think you guys had a real chance.
Making babies for China. Very, very funny, great lead, nailed it.
Anyhow, awesome film. Thanks for the laughs :-)
I completely get where Darkhawk is coming from. I scripted that film, and in all honesty, one of my big concerns while writing it was that the team wouldn't get it for some parts. Glad to see they liked it as well and that they were very comfortable with making fun of themselves.
I'm Chinese too, but me and the actors for "Sydney Manson" and "Raj" had grown up in NZ. As far as I know, the rest of the crew spent most of their lives in China (with probably a couple of exceptions). I admire the team lead for being able to run a team in two different languages. It's hard enough to organize a team in one language! We had an amazing production crew, and I'm very happy to have been in that team this year.
我们的团队最关注的意见,当然是peer review. 我们的同行能够有这样的评价,我们已经是意外的惊喜了。
再次祝贺大家! |