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热搜: 移民 留学

留学新西兰 今日: 0|主题: 37692

作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[AUT] 求一本management accounting textbook 459677496 2016-3-4 0314 459677496 2016-3-4 13:49:40
[AUT] 出售 Financial institutions and instruments & markets, 7/e, 附赠资料 attach_img 奇奇怪怪 2016-3-4 0339 奇奇怪怪 2016-3-4 13:46:24
[奥大] --------------- o0xiaoyao0ox 2016-3-4 0499 o0xiaoyao0ox 2016-3-4 13:44:44
[奥大] 出售 Financial institutions and instruments & markets 附赠资料 attach_img 奇奇怪怪 2016-3-4 0231 奇奇怪怪 2016-3-4 13:43:32
[奥大] 出售 Financial institutions and instruments & markets 7/e 附赠资料 attach_img 奇奇怪怪 2016-3-4 0252 奇奇怪怪 2016-3-4 13:40:35
[梅西] 出售220并且附赠资料 attach_img 奇奇怪怪 2016-3-4 1319 篮球高手 2016-3-4 13:39:57
[AUT] 出售经济,统计课本,还有会计MA, 金融FM, investment课本 Serenaqiuqiu 2016-3-4 1343 Serenaqiuqiu 2016-3-4 12:56:34
[综合讨论] 急急急!谁知道读语言出勤90%解释信怎么写 夜色风云 2016-3-2 81619 phoebe_sd 2016-3-4 12:07:54
[综合讨论] Unitec的foundation课程 花脚猫 2016-2-26 8964 UOSG 2016-3-4 09:57:58
[综合讨论] 请教奥大读博 849832673lu 2016-1-26 131252 sgyfm 2016-3-4 03:34:45
投票 [奥大] 假如你去蹦极落到一半时发现绳子断了,要是只能喊两个字你会喊什么  ...2 佦尐綠 2010-7-22 494687 路西法 2016-3-4 01:58:52
[奥大] 奥大有没有学Engineering Part 1的同学 sheepy 2016-3-3 0328 sheepy 2016-3-3 21:10:24
[奥大] 求购Korean 110G和math 108课本,math108需要两本,微信ivor1996,或电0274408626 Cyclopia 2016-3-3 0286 Cyclopia 2016-3-3 15:49:41
[梅西] 出售 115.105 Finance 書 看这里啦 2016-3-3 0289 看这里啦 2016-3-3 14:29:20
[综合讨论] 旅游签证转工签的问题 Sare 2016-3-3 3719 ncboy 2016-3-3 09:43:02
[梅西] 卖125330 Business Finance书 AjenService 2016-3-1 6328 AjenService 2016-3-3 07:38:17
[AUT] 已卖 Claire0923 2016-3-1 5329 Claire0923 2016-3-3 06:17:37
[梅西] 出售115101、115106、115107。书店购入。 ppbbb0320 2015-11-9 5479 ppbbb0320 2016-3-2 21:54:17
[AUT] 转酒店管理的书 simple434318 2016-3-2 0315 simple434318 2016-3-2 20:49:06
[AUT] 求购Measurement Systems: Application and Design 大大奶糖 2016-2-25 4408 大大奶糖 2016-3-2 19:53:40
[梅西] 便宜卖书啦115101,115105,110209,110229,110279,110249,110289 attach_img nanguache 2016-1-29 9746 nanguache 2016-3-2 18:01:58
[梅西] 出售 115.101 115.105 115.106 242.101 haryung90 2016-3-1 1296 haryung90 2016-3-2 17:38:56
[综合讨论] 请问奥克兰哪里有开设正规学习小语种课程的学校? 笨笨木头八戒 2016-2-28 2960 rou-rou 2016-3-2 16:20:25
[奥大] 求购accounting 371课本!! sophiarensiqi 2016-3-2 0275 sophiarensiqi 2016-3-2 15:34:39
[AUT] AUT 课本!(Accounting专业,AS还有Management&Organization) yyf627576767 2016-3-1 1344 Maggie3619 2016-3-2 13:30:13
[梅西] Sold 桃子小姐 2016-2-4 1417 桃子小姐 2016-3-2 10:37:18
[奥大] ACCTG 321 323 331 三选一 clearcleaning 2015-11-5 15605 sophiarensiqi 2016-3-2 09:24:04
[奥大] 低价出售commerce课本 4everyoung 2016-1-18 1266 hannah0913 2016-3-2 01:18:54
[AUT] 求购一个金融计算器还有二手的finance的书!! wangjiluo 2016-3-1 0314 wangjiluo 2016-3-1 23:34:32
[综合讨论] 代小伙伴咨询选专业事宜~ 今天早上看柯南 2015-12-18 10875 东北玉麒麟 2016-3-1 22:00:59
[奥大] Academic English100 & Education 283 Beautiful_ 2016-3-1 0293 Beautiful_ 2016-3-1 21:04:24
[Unitec] 请教前辈网上怎么进入老师当天的讲义,谢谢 TAO 2016-3-1 2427 飞狗 2016-3-1 21:02:05
[梅西] 有人想要125 320 电子书的嘛 反正今年改革闭卷考试 pangpang920 2016-3-1 0312 pangpang920 2016-3-1 20:55:56
[奥大] 这学期有学ECON321 和ECON351 的吗 yizhong 2016-3-1 0221 yizhong 2016-3-1 19:21:19
[梅西] 卖书 178.703 The Theory and Practice of Economics wangreg 2016-3-1 0256 wangreg 2016-3-1 19:14:34
[综合讨论] 留学回国人员证明 和open working visa 的问题 victoryu 2016-2-18 4865 pepsihdj 2016-3-1 19:01:47
[奥大] 低价出售nz legislation taxation 2014 and handbook ryanzhao 2016-3-1 0202 ryanzhao 2016-3-1 17:44:59
[AUT] 低价出售nz legislation taxation 2014 and handbook ryanzhao 2016-3-1 0248 ryanzhao 2016-3-1 17:42:46
[AUT] 求 Hospitality accounting text book jane69 实名认证 2016-3-1 0239 jane69 2016-3-1 17:20:16
[AUT] 出售 Finance Lv7 Entre Finance weirdkz 2016-3-1 1268 cruise 2016-3-1 17:09:48
[奥大] 求购Korean 110g textbook 和workbook 看这里啦 2016-3-1 1304 cruise 2016-3-1 17:09:09
[奥大] 出Acctg101 coursebook greta96 2016-3-1 1251 cruise 2016-3-1 17:08:48
[奥大] Infosys 110, acctg101 textbook 蓝色sky 2016-3-1 1247 cruise 2016-3-1 17:08:26
[梅西] 卖书115.105,115.107,110.209 不知道什么名字 2016-2-29 1309 不知道什么名字 2016-3-1 16:28:23
[梅西] 求购115107的书 danica812 2016-3-1 1294 cruise 2016-3-1 16:22:12
[梅西] 出售梅西115.101 Statistic 書 看这里啦 2016-3-1 1273 cruise 2016-3-1 16:21:50
[AUT] ### Year one 必修课本!!! attach_img 小椰子 2016-2-29 1286 小椰子 2016-3-1 15:07:16
[奥大] 各位师兄师姐有没人去过exchange program的 hgym123 2016-2-29 1276 hgym123 2016-3-1 14:57:56
[AUT] Science major-Medical Lab, 出售Human anatomy, Organic chemistry, Haematology sunsunhana 2015-8-4 23960 sunsunhana 2016-3-1 14:33:26
[AUT] 求购AUT Master of Engineering 课本 ﹌戀ゆ寳唄の 2016-3-1 1347 cruise 2016-3-1 13:54:49
[奥大] delete plz manwyt 2016-2-29 2260 manwyt 2016-3-1 13:12:12
[AUT] AUT economics level 6 教科书 405079628 2016-3-1 1241 405079628 2016-3-1 12:58:38
[梅西] 出售178.201Intermed Microeconomics LULULUHAHA 2016-2-23 2313 LULULUHAHA 2016-3-1 12:38:05
[Unitec] 卖二手level3语言书!!! sliver1106 2016-3-1 1427 sliver1106 2016-3-1 10:09:18
[奥大] COMLAW201 fourboys 2016-2-25 1297 sophiarensiqi 2016-3-1 09:10:42
[其他] 在校生兼职招聘 sophiaandjoyce 2016-2-22 2486 sophiaandjoyce 2016-3-1 08:58:55
[梅西] please delete  ...2 陈诗妍 2015-11-9 481483 陈诗妍 2016-3-1 08:16:27
[其他] 还有人道吗? 轩墀步 2016-2-27 5409 轩墀步 2016-3-1 00:51:11
[AUT] 出售business year1 课本(mao,intro finance) Paranoiaaa 2016-2-29 1298 cruise 2016-2-29 23:46:21
[奥大] 有关stats208 viola123 2016-2-29 0267 viola123 2016-2-29 22:05:52
[奥大] 奥大Acctg211, 222text book ryanzhao 2016-2-14 6394 ryanzhao 2016-2-29 21:38:06
[奥大] 普通计算器,笔芯 attach_img manwyt 2015-12-4 8412 manwyt 2016-2-29 21:19:54
[梅西] 找拼车的 city到梅西每天来回 xichennz 2016-2-29 1373 xichennz 2016-2-29 20:39:07
[梅西] 卖152.304 Managing Services;114.326;114.241; attach_img ian555 2016-2-15 3397 ian555 2016-2-29 19:52:34
[梅西] 卖书!115.103 qiaopizai 2016-2-29 0262 qiaopizai 2016-2-29 19:36:15
[AUT] 出 必修Accounting for decision making 青峰 2016-2-29 0244 青峰 2016-2-29 19:04:53
[AUT] 》》》出售AUT日语Japanese 1A的书和练习册 attach_img Methy 2015-8-24 10782 student1234 2016-2-29 18:43:31
[AUT] 卖书!Managerial accounting textbook qiaopizai 2016-2-29 0260 qiaopizai 2016-2-29 18:32:34
[梅西] 卖书115.102 115.103 110.209 110.229 110.289 attach_img zhengjun1987713 2015-6-26 4761 zhengjun1987713 2016-2-29 17:42:37
[梅西] 求115.108的书 xichennz 2016-2-28 3320 xichennz 2016-2-29 17:19:08
[奥大] 出售奥大textbook infosys110 nicole-shen 2016-2-29 0233 nicole-shen 2016-2-29 17:15:40
[AUT] BIS (Accounting必修课)九成新书 Suzytiamo 2016-2-29 0246 Suzytiamo 2016-2-29 15:48:13
[梅西] 卖一本110.209 的书!!可附送材料!! beyourself 2016-2-5 1335 beyourself 2016-2-29 15:28:21
[奥大] sold 544819081 2016-2-29 0237 544819081 2016-2-29 15:24:25
[AUT] Current Issue in Financial Accounting TEXT BOOK 90% NEW attach_img nz歪歪 2015-11-25 11519 nz歪歪 2016-2-29 14:21:16
[梅西] 求购 125700 137710 的书和资料 舞低杨柳 2015-7-13 4433 kikin 2016-2-29 14:21:14
[奥大] REMOVE===== seasidestone 2016-2-29 0266 seasidestone 2016-2-29 13:59:38
[奥大] 找同学一起学mktg303~!!! 3766319 2012-2-27 5330 timzou 2016-2-29 13:30:38
[梅西] 求购119155 textbook Kevin68233 2016-2-29 0226 Kevin68233 2016-2-29 13:25:28
[奥大] 卖psych108/109,econ101,educ117 hgym123 2016-2-29 1222 hgym123 2016-2-29 13:23:13
[梅西] DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD babychloeee 2016-2-28 2355 babychloeee 2016-2-29 13:05:49
[奥大] Phil 105G textbook $45 ksun193 2016-1-10 5462 ksun193 2016-2-29 12:24:43
[AUT] Books for Sales for Hospitality students with HR major Lulu123456789 2016-2-29 1276 cruise 2016-2-29 12:14:08
[Unitec] 法律书籍 抹茶豆腐 2016-2-29 11761 cruise 2016-2-29 12:10:12
[梅西] 求购Massey课本 156231和125320 nuannuanxi 2016-2-29 1365 cruise 2016-2-29 12:09:46
[综合讨论] 咨询关于留学或者技术移民问题,望各位给予建议。。。 Alwin_wang 2016-2-28 3475 veeeka 2016-2-29 11:30:08
[奥大] phil105G 课本卖卖卖!!! CrystalLIU 2016-2-29 1270 CrystalLIU 2016-2-29 11:23:23
[奥大] Please deleted  ...2 陈诗妍 2015-11-21 38904 陈诗妍 2016-2-29 11:05:48
[Unitec] 求书 Text BOOK!! unitec 专业master of business CLibby 2016-2-28 3500 CLibby 2016-2-29 10:53:42
[梅西] 卖书啦:))110289,110279,152252,152261,152232,110209,110309 attach_img 00rain55555 2015-8-15 1454 00rain55555 2016-2-29 09:40:51
[奥大] 奥大:GE:日语:Japanese130G的textbook和workbook 烤小瓜 2016-2-28 2365 烤小瓜 2016-2-29 09:12:53
[梅西] 卖书115.105,103,书况佳 joy012 2016-2-28 1325 cruise 2016-2-29 00:29:37
[梅西] 卖书 125.785 Research Methods in Economics and Finance wangreg 2016-2-28 1375 cruise 2016-2-29 00:29:08
[奥大] Accounting 371 Textbook 烤小瓜 2016-2-28 1237 cruise 2016-2-29 00:28:39
[其他] 请问奥克兰哪里有正规的学习小语种的学校? 笨笨木头八戒 2016-2-28 1256 cruise 2016-2-29 00:27:51
[梅西] 出售125.230还有老版auditing Lingen 2016-2-28 1267 cruise 2016-2-29 00:27:05
[AUT] 出售AUT商科必修Management & Organisation和business information system N_in_NZ 2016-2-28 1295 cruise 2016-2-29 00:26:35
[其他] 卖维特Whitireia 5100 5110 5160 5520教科书+雅思书 Summerp 2015-5-15 1319 Summerp 2016-2-28 20:48:43
[林肯] 请问林肯大学选课能在家里选吗 这是真人 2015-7-11 4983 waxoffice 2016-2-28 13:17:20
[奥大] 卖maths 270 textbook啦 shelly199335 2016-2-28 0211 shelly199335 2016-2-28 12:57:12

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