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陌生的香港人 发表于 2020-6-23 10:28 
車棚不超30平方米的話 8月開始應該不用Building Consent 但如果這個東西在地的front yard setback 範圍 ...
The exemptions that come into force in August 2020 will exclude building consent requirements in the following situations, provided the design has been carried out or reviewed by a Chartered Professional Engineer or a Licensed Building Practitioner.
The following exemptions are to be introduced:
Single-storey detached buildings (e.g. sleep outs, sheds and greenhouses) up to 30m2 do not require building consent.
Carports up to 40m2.
Ground floor awnings up to 30m2.
Ground floor verandas and porches up to 30m2.
Outdoor fireplaces or ovens with a maximum height of 2.5 metres, and maximum cooking surface of 1m2.
Short-span (small) bridges which the general public cannot access and does not span a road or rail area.
Single-storey pole sheds and hay barns in rural zones.
Flexible water storage bladders for irrigation and firefighting only, up 200,000 litres in storage capacity. |