本帖最后由 匿名 于 2012-4-6 18:11 编辑
现在同时有3个offer:两个银行的 一个city council的
我该接受哪个offer好呢? 大家给点意见我吧。。。。
(今天日子不好, 但没闹,没骗大家, 因为明天周一了 这3个机会都同时说周一或者周二给我打电话,约时间签约什么的。)
不说那些了,我来说说找工作的过程,希望能帮到正在找类似工作的xdjm。。我不总发帖的 所以言语篇幅会很混乱,大家包含哈。。。
City council的是planning department(中文大概是城市规划吧我想)里的finance team的assistant,主要做些payroll, acc rec, acc pay, reconciliation。不是全权负责的 做些简单的data entry而已。。。
银行的是investment banking, 范围比较大,但招聘广告没具体写做什么,只大概说如果你对投资行业有兴趣 then join us。。。大概是外汇的投资 deposit investment, retirement kiwi saver那些,实际工作应该也是data entry比较多,输入客户资料啊 汇率啊 利息那些东西。。。
(当初申请的那个招聘链接 已经过期了,现在显示 the job is no longer available了,所以不好意思了 我没法给大家看具体的requirements)
我最后还是坚持自己的想法,接受其中一个银行的offer,在city总部上班,一般不去branch的,但经理说 有需要的话,再跟我商量。。
上网投了cv后 大概一个星期,接到电话面试,过了大概10天,再接到电话通知去面试,(面试的那天大概是投了cv后两个星期,)面试后一个星期(5天)电话通知 他们需要联系以前雇主 以及credit check,又过了一个星期,电话通知正式录取。。前前后后正好一个月。。 找个工作 快连我祖宗了都查了。。T_T
其实我只是本科毕业 没有大家说得那么厉害,只是在毕业后 我去了air nz的accounting部门里上过班 (大家不用问待遇了,我当初是voluntee 没有工资的 囧!) 我在cv里有写这个,做义工学徒很有用,大家如果有机会 经济又允许的情况下,不防考虑一下,(我跟家人住,所以我没有房租那些大的花费,当时我也就不太介意没有收入了,加上我总希望能留在AirNZ)
在找工作的时候,我都去公司的官网找的,我申请的都是各大银行啊 政府啊 要么是F&P application 或者其他上市公司。。。 大家要对自己有信心,咱中国人的名声很好的,工作态度好 使劲干活 干活认真 干活没那么计较 没洋人那么八卦 不会10年请8次产假!其实很多大公司很愿意请咱中国人的!
而且大公司请得人多 机会自然多,比如小公司就需要一个会计,当然苛刻,当然万里挑一 挑什么有证的 有经验的,老板还通常很抠门 去它大爷的。。。 大公司就好多了 有活一起干,没货一起看报纸,活多了 请多一个人,没活找活的日子 相信大家都体验过。。。 政府部门就不用说了 工资都由财政拨款。。。
1、why do u chose to work for us? / why do u chose ASB?
我回答地很实在,没有说你们公司很好很强大那些话: i heard abt this job from the email alerts. I registered online and request to receive the recruitment opportunity alerts. I like the role after I read the job description.
2、do u have any competitive abilities that u think u might have any chances to add value to your application? / Tell me abt urself. / what makes u think I should consider ur application?
一顿吹呗:let me start with my personal life. Interest of finance is the main reason I studied my degree. I am investing on stock and exchange of China, upon my own analysis, which applied the theories i learnt in the uni. (中国股票赚没赚钱 就不说给他听了 嘿嘿)然后根据job description说:I have customer service experiences, include: sales, consultant. And I also got office experience of accurate data entry, online banking (coz I was assistant in finance dept in AirNZ. one of my job is to handle the daily e-payment. ) 先仔细看看job description,然后打电话时候说些跟具体工作有关的。。。
3、Have u ever had a bad experiences at work? / have u had any example of dealt with difficult customer? How did u overcome that.?
不能说犯了原则性的错误,不能说太负面的,我说 honestly, I felt so embarrassing when I called client's name incorrect. Coz sometimes some clients' names were so hard to pronounce, especially when i answer phone calls of the indian and russian clients. What i did was, write that down. Coz many regular business passengers keep coming back to us, it would be much easier for me to find their names and details next time.
4、anything happened that u cant handle?
Yes, but nothing major. If i am not sure about something, I stop it and ask. For example, the clients' name I mentioned, I cant handle it, i cant just guess the name.. i dont put myself in mess, I asked the client to spell their name for me, to avoid further mistakes.
另外我还说了几个例子 3个公司不太一样的。。。是以前工作时候发生的事情,基本上是 i tried to fix it, then i realized that ... So i reported to my manager, and ask for help 要说自己想解决 但又不是自以为是强出头的,又什么问题 你会上报。。。说得乖巧点 呵呵
5、tell me abt ur teamwork performance.
Actually, when I work in Air NZ, and the past part time jobs, everyone has been assigned to different works. So basically, we didnt had much teamworks.
But I had lots group assignments when I was in Uni. I am very glad to say, I always got A+ on the group assignments. 我cv里reference list有写一个lecture的联系方式,当然是成绩最好那科,c的就不提了,不过的就更不说了 There were usually include calculations, essays, and presentations. We shared the work upon different strengths of group members. Chinese students are really good at math, and we usually ask kiwi students to check the essays. I like teamworks and I have confidence that i will be a good team-player.
6、whats ur expectation of salary?
I didnt do research on that, i dont really know the average level. 其实我不想回答这个问题,但她们还问下去,i guess maybe ?0,000 to ?0,000。我觉得说少点可能好吧?但不能说太少了 人家会觉得我没自信了。。。我说是说没调查过,但我还是上网找过平均年薪大概是多少。。 三家公司都有问这个。。
7、再就问一问你的工作时间, 尽量说自己啥时间都行 啥地方都行,I am flexible and able to work on weekends and holidays. i dont mind. .. Also, it would be no problem if i live far from work, i can drive.
8、最后问你有没有什么问题,我问if i am lucky enough, i would required for full time training ay? How long would that be? Is it gonna be three weeks full time training? Or two weeks..? 问些让人觉得你对自己刚刚的表现比较满意,表现你有自信能拿到工作的问题
差不多是这几个问题了。。 面试的我再继续写哈 |