Labour is planning to impose a new Jobs Tax on every worker and every employer. During the worst cost of living crisis in New Zealand’s history, with Kiwis struggling to put food on the table, Labour wants to tax MORE of your pay check. Labour’s new Jobs Tax will make someone earning $60,000 - $834 worse off every year. Help us spread the word about Labour’s Jobs Tax. Can we count on you to chip into our President’s Appeal so we can reach more Kiwis and tell them about Labour’s latest tax grab? DONATE $25 DONATE $50 DONATE $100 DONATE $150 Donate other amount The Jobs Tax joins the long line of other taxes Labour has introduced to fleece New Zealanders of their hard-earned cash, all while delivering worse outcomes for you and your family. Kiwis can’t afford another term of Jacinda Ardern and Labour. If we can tell more people across the country about their new Jobs Tax there is a chance we can stop them. Click the link below to chip in and help us stop Labour’s obsession with spending your money. https://www.national.org.nz/presidentsappeal [img=250,70]https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/59KPRfIfCBQdh_nYKmEp55dXSYygT-vHFMbEHwrIM_O8WXIc9rnkH6QBbwkPARWjTZP7WA-e3o2XXvb3zogVOsfHyWs8LINWb89FwY1T8EQC88DpGun8Xin3_8w5Ll0Zpvy8JbwBTclDg2c1I2DMXTHRlSbB4lU-b9CKuJgCPVrlq7iGLZnyJKXt=s0-d-e1-ft# ?1664238293[/img] Sylvia Wood
President of the National Party