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[Mount Wellington] Big masteroom [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

升级  82.67%

发表于 2022-6-19 10:10:23 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 微信分享
房屋类型: 独栋 House
每周租金: 250 NZD
联系电话: 02102858387


% ]' ]; D1 c2 U5 k: b. B

% n+ p7 ]. T! n  C- e4 Z# K; uAbout us:
$ w) I5 V1 \" Y- g7 v  L" y; p1 POur household is mostly Korean & one Kiwi. The common language is English primarily but also Korean, and the Kiwi flatmate can speak Japanese.All together, there are 4 people who are in mid 20s - early 30s plus one 2 year-old toddler.
, {, }+ ^+ C$ p1 R# X! S; ~- p' M  k7 a, o) F8 j1 v) F# H
Our occupations are:
5 R+ x, {' k7 {7 d7 I% t( Dchef, ECE teacher, builder and office-worker *  S8 l) y- y0 w6 ?

/ P: `( i& o" j& A1 E( d: y( lThe room: 0 o3 m5 a1 O: F  `: X1 _0 B' e, ?
One big master room is available with private shower and toilet
' }7 {9 M; Z, q1 c9 N6 w! Y" VMaster bedroom: $250 per week (inclusive of all bills/amenities)
8 @+ n/ l5 t5 }, q/ y8 v' B8 eBond: 2 weeks refundable ($500)
1 {" Y' C4 |3 o' E& j+ q$ `( ATotal first week move-in costs: $750
$ G2 D* o* Z1 k# N5 _' J8 o
3 S" T/ ~) k2 I8 W5 fWithin walking distance: 3 q, H( N+ o( ]2 Z; S
bus stop (to Otahuhu and Sylvia Park), dairy (NZ convenience store), gas station, bakery shop, pharmacy, butcher, bottle shop, dollar shop, barber shop, rugby ground
1 I' F! g! m2 O0 I4 l) N2 Y2 ~& Q8 o- k3 F
Driving distance:
' r) }( N8 ?' v% b-3 minutes to SH1 motorway (Mt Wellington Highway exit)/ F, k) `( ?4 [3 m- D& c/ k
-5 minutes to SH1 motorway (Princes Street exit)9 q$ n6 B7 N% {. Y: P
-5 minutes to Sylvia Park* Y+ C" y3 l5 F8 O$ S
-6 minutes to Countdown and Pak n Save supermarkets1 Z! H1 j, J6 k/ x# _& ?) D
. E, t: Z8 B) m9 C
Bus: 4 d% X+ L0 b* e, g* g: {
5 minute walk to Route 32
3 G' q: ~& h& P! |3 a# o(Sylvia Park to Mangere via Otahuhu central and Otahuhu train station)
, Y* q8 J. P9 u/ S-4 minutes to Otahuhu
' u' n2 ?8 O/ A# s2 G-5 minutes to Sylvia Park, o/ \: p, A0 F- U) @, f* y" w
-6 minutes to Otahuhu train station9 ]( y8 L" K5 j9 M0 c
-22 minutes to Mangere
1 [) }% \6 o0 J, i' p% ?0 f1 [- Z' G9 Q. Z
8 minute walk to Route 323 ( W  W! i6 S* R) R5 l0 u0 G' N
(Panmure central to Otahuhu train station via Carbine Road and Otahuhu central)
, x1 f& L; ~5 e0 m4 W-10 minutes to Otahuhu
3 M* D/ \3 s: u& L( B$ u-13 minutes to Panmure) D6 o, L9 [2 G0 u
-14 minutes to Otahuhu train station: @6 [4 Z  [! v/ i: N* P) R
& l% g0 W4 _# N8 j5 B1 Y& b
Approximately 1 hour to CBD on public transport0 H6 C1 M- S( m$ N% [
: F" C! j9 R: b1 _! r9 h, M+ c8 p
6 o. C% ~6 s  o* `-Fiber internet- I& P+ Z; z$ C
-Two refrigerators
1 E* |4 b: x# x1 d3 l2 h% J-Two freezers9 F+ y) _& B$ o. d4 T
-60" LG smart TV
+ e8 C% p( `: n$ {' C-Home gym area
& `. j3 z. c# ~-Washing machine
4 K% h6 S+ u1 b# h/ p3 L-Dryer (coming soon)" k! i( p5 a% h; u% `- e  U
-Most kitchen equipment/tableware
# X$ R$ _3 l) H4 q* h
0 D. i+ s, w' U% K/ `; g* lWe currently don't have driveway space for another car, but there is plenty of street parking available.8 ]' Y. S, l: Z" }; C: K

8 N. |* ]4 W  ~! LI look forward to hearing from you *
# H) ]. i9 C+ D+ u, w. \021-0285-8387 (English/Korean)2 s: f9 z6 B  J# y# J- ]+ I

! ]# P) p- v6 l6 y/ V/ f/ d7 s& C- @0 z
' t9 D6 [2 A- ?
5 x+ x! v' D( j) f& X: U$ k" J

. D+ ^$ Y) @4 M: ?' V5 n, D% b
& M* o; F2 Y" l) Z0 ~& | KakaoTalk_20220619_085726295_04.jpg KakaoTalk_20220619_085726295_07.jpg KakaoTalk_20220619_085726295_03.jpg KakaoTalk_20220619_085726295_06.jpg KakaoTalk_20220619_085726295_02.jpg . Y  T9 h  \, [9 ~8 g: F$ y

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