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[工作] lean healthy male volunteers wanted for a nutrition study -- UoA [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-3-31 16:43:24 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 微信分享
               NUTRITION STUDY VOLUNTEERS WANTED The University of Auckland Human Nutrition Unit

Dairy Lipid Emulsion Particle Size & the Control of Body Weight

The University of Auckland Human Nutrition Unit is inviting

Lean male volunteers to take part in a dietary study

What is the aim of the study?
The aim of the study is to investigate whether newly developed dairy lipids (emulsions) can help in the control of appetite & food intake

What & where is the Human Nutrition Unit?
The Human Nutrition Unit (HNU) is a purpose designed human volunteer facility located in the central suburb of Mt Eden (approx 3km from the CBD).

What does the study involve?
To enrol in this study we ask you to come in to the Human Nutrition Unit in Mt Eden, Auckland for a brief screening visit where you sign your consent & fill in some paperwork. We will also gather your demographic & anthropometrical data (age, gender, ethnicity, height, weight, body mass index (BMI), waist & hip circumference).You do not have to answer all of the questions and you may stop the interview at any time.
This study involves coming to the Unit on 3 separate days, staying from 8:30am until just after 2:30pm. On each of these 3 study visits you will need to arrive at the Unit fasted (= nothing to eat or drink). Your weight will be measured on the morning of each visit. At each visit you will be given a breakfast meal, & will be asked to complete questionnaires rating hunger & appetite sensations throughout the day. At the lunch meal you will be provided with a buffet of food items & will be asked to eat as much as you like until you feel comfortably full. You will have 30 minutes for lunch. The breakfast & lunch meals will contain typical foods eaten by people in NZ. No new foods or specific test items will be used in the study.

Will I get paid for taking part?
A gratuity and travel expenses (e.g. bus fare, petrol) will be paid for participation.
If you are interested in taking part we would be pleased to discuss the study in more detail.  
Please contact:

Sunnie Xin on 630 1162 or email: hnu.info@auckland.ac.nz

Please see our website for information about our unit: www.humannutritionunit.auckland.ac.nz

This study has received Ethical Approval from the Northern X Regional Ethics Committee (Reference Number: NTX 10/10/108)

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