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Bach 休养所(在南岛也叫crib)
Barbie 野外烧烤(也写作 BBQ)-用木炭或煤气在户外烹调
Beaut, beauty 形容好或出色。通常用于讽刺语气形容相反意思
Bro 称呼男性朋友或亲戚
Bright as a button 看上去很新、有活力
Bright spark 聪明,伶俐,专心,悟性
Bring a plate 每人自带食物大家分享。不能带空盘子。
Bush 新西兰本地森林
Bushed, had it 疲惫
BYO 自带酒水的英文字头缩写。BYO 餐馆允许顾客自带酒水用餐。
Chocker 饱了
Choice 好的,太好了
Chunder 呕吐
Clean as a whistle 擦得净亮
Clown 辱骂用语,白痴
Crook 患病或不舒服。也指小偷
Cuz 称呼朋友或亲戚
Dag 有趣的人,指性格
Dork 白痴或身体动作不协调的人
Dough 金钱
Drive around the bend 苦恼得控制不住情绪
Drongo 辱骂用语,白痴
Dude 外表英俊的男子
Fade 一种发型,后部头发和两鬓处很短,越接近头顶处头发越长
Feed 一顿饭
Flat tack 高速
Foxy, fox 用于形容外表冷俊的男女
Fully 我同意
G’dday 问候语,相当于‘哈罗’
Got the blues 用于形容悲伤的心情
Greenie 环境保护主义者
Gumboots 防水胶靴(英国称作高筒靴)
Grog 烈性酒
Grouse 好的,太好了,常用于表达喜悦
Hard case 脾气倔犟,但不招人讨厌的人,行为古怪的人
Hard graft 努力工作
Head over heels 通常用来形容一个人极度高兴的样子
Heart of gold 形容一个人非常和善
Hook up 会面或加入
Hoon 爱吵闹的人,粗野的人
In a spin 一般指同时发生许多情况,或不知如何是好
Jandals 橡胶鞋或皮带 (英国也称作 flip flops)
Joker 男子
Kiwi 新西兰本地鸟的符号,新西兰人
Lolly 通常指蜜饯或糖果
Mate 朋友,也是称呼用语
Mission 冒险
Mongrel 对人辱骂或表示轻蔑
Mullet 一种发型,顶部头发短而直立,后部长发而披散
Munted 断裂或扭曲
Narley 酷,棒
Nerd 乏味的人
Nifty 好(适用于描述事物)
No worries 同意的习惯用语
On to it 能干的 聪明的
On a high 成功的欢乐感
Once in a blue moon 罕见的,极少,几乎不
Paddock 场地,运动场
Paint the town red 外出散心
Piker 不愿参加集体活动的人
Pootang 粗俗或令人讨厌
Pop on over/ pop in 到我家来玩 字串4
Potluck dinner 每人带来预制的食品与全体客人分享
Pressie 礼物(礼品)
Pub 酒吧
Rapt 非常高兴的
Rellie 亲戚
Rough ride 困难的经历
She’ll be right 万事如意
Shocking 非常糟糕的
Shout 请朋友,例如吃饭或喝酒
Skite 自夸,自夸者或卖弄
Smoko 休息(喝咖啡或茶歇)
Snowed under 一般指负责的工作太多太杂
Spuds 土豆
Sticks 远近郊区,乡下
Stinge/Stingy 花钱不要大手大脚
Stoked 非常激动
Sweet as 太棒了
Swot 努力学习,特别是在考试之前
Ta 谢谢
Tinnie 一听啤酒
Tinny 幸运
To take for a ride 欺骗或捉弄人
Togs 泳装
Tucker 食物
Turn to custard 想法、计划、方案失败了
Unc/Unco 干活不利索的人,经常用来侮辱或嘲弄人
Under the weather 气色不好,不舒服,疲劳
Uni 大学
Varsity 大学
Veggies 蔬菜
Wicked 好的,太好了
Wop-wops 远近郊区,乡下
请允许我把外语沙龙 [xiaolangnz]整理的这些加上,以方便大家学习,谢谢
kiwi slang
As with any nation, we Kiwi's have played around with the English language a fair bit. If you're having trouble understanding us in chat, try looking up the weird words here:
[Thanks Brie for your excellent work on this page!]
Across the ditch = across the Tasman Sea to Australia
Ad = Advertisement
Ankle-biter= small child
Arse over tit= head over heels
Aussie/Ozzie = Australian
Away laughing = to do without problems
Away with the fairies = day dream, on another planet
A few logs short of a barbie = a bit crazy
Banger = sausage
Barbie = BBQ
Basin = bathroom sink
Bassinet = baby cradle
Bach = small holiday house (word used mostly in the North Island)
Beaut = great, good fun
Bench = kitchen counter
Berm = see verge
Big bikkies = lots of money
Bikie = member of motorbike gang
Bikkie= biscuit
Bite your bum= go away, get lost
Biscuit = cookie
Bloke = ordinary guy/man
Bludge = take unfair advantage to get something for nothing
Bob's your uncle = that's all there is to it
Bollocks = rubbish, disbelief
Bonnet = car engine hood
Boohai = remote or non-existent place
Boot = car trunk
Brassed off = disappointed, annoyed
Bring a plate = bring food on a plate or dish to share with others
Bro = male person (friend or stranger)
Bugga = (Bugger) mild swearing, as in damn
Bugger all = very little, not much
Buggered = exhausted, broken
Bush = forest or scrub land
Bust your gut = make an intense effort
Cardie = cardigan (jersey with buttons up the front)
Carked it = died
Catch ya = goodbye, see you later (even if you won't meet again)
Catch ya later = goodbye and will see you at a later time
Cheers = thanks, goodbye, good luck ("cheers mate")
Cheerio = goodbye
Chilly bin = portable insulated cooler box
Chippies = crisps
Chippy = carpenter
Choc-a-block = full to overflowing
Chocolate fish= chocolate covered marshmallow in a fish shape
Choice = good, excellent
Chook = chicken
Chrissy= christmas
Chunder = vomit
Cop-out = poor excuse
Cow-cocky = dairy farmer
Cracker = very good
Creek = stream
Crib = a small holiday home in the South Island, bach
Crikey-dick = expression of surprise
Crook = sick, unwell or a criminal
Cuppa = cup of tea
Cuz (cuzzy) = cousin or other family relation
Dairy = small shop selling dairy products, confectionery, food etc.
Dag = someone who is funny, joker
Daylight robbery = overpriced
Dear = expensive
Dodgy = can't be trusted
Doodackie= variant of thingummybob or doodad, for an object that you can't think of a name for
Dreaded lurgy= cold or flu
Dunny = toilet
Duvet = Bed quilt (feather or polyester inner with removable cover)
Fair dinkum = true, no lies
Fair enough = it's acceptable with me
Fair go = appeal for fairness (give us a break)
Fart sack= bed
Fence sitter = person who is undecided
Fizzy drink = soda pop
Flash = smart looking
Flat = apartment
Flatmate = someone sharing a flat
Flat out = full speed
Flat stick = full speed
Flatty = tyre puncture
Flicks= movies
Freezing works = meat processing factory
Gawk = to stare, take a look at
Get off the grass = said in disbelief
Gidday or G'day = hello (Good Day)
Give us a bell = make a phone call to us
Give us a break = appeal for fairness (fair-go)
Gob= mouth
Good as gold = everything is OK
Good nick = good condition
Gone bush = go somewhere without being found
Greasies = takeaway food (fish and chips)
Gross = horrible, scungy, lousy
Grouse = good, excellent
Gummies/ Gubbies= gumboots
Guts for garters = in big trouble
Half pie = not good enough
Hangi = traditional Maori earth oven
Hard case = funny, unusual, a dag, joker
Hard yakka = labouring hard
Heaps = lots of
Hire = rent
Hit the sack = go to bed
Hokey-pokey = pieces of golden sugar candy
Home-n-hosed = successfully completed, safe
Honky dory = everything is fine
Hoon = youngster who drives fast and aggressively
Hooray = goodbye, exclamation of pleasure
Hosing down = raining heavily
Hottie = Hot water bottle
Ice block = frozen confectionery on a stick
Jandals = thongs/flip-flop footwear
Jafa = someone who lives in Auckland "Just Another Friendly Aucklander" - for some the F is replaced with other words best left to your imagination.
Jerk = stupid or annoying person
Jersey = sweater
Joker = man or guy
Jolly good = wonderful
Jumper = sweater
Judder bar = speed bump
Kai = food (Maori)
Kia ora = Maori greeting, hello.
Kick the bucket = die
Kindy = kindergarten
Kip = a short sleep, nap
Kiwi = a New Zealander, NZ native flightless bird
Knackered = tired, broken
Lift = elevator
Local rag = local newspaper
Lolly = sweet, confectionery
Long drop = outdoor toilet built over a hole in the ground
Loo = toilet
Lounge = living room
Lousy = horrible, scungy, gross
Lugs= ears
Mate = friend or stranger
Mates rates = special (reduced) price for selling product or service to friends or family
Mobile = mobile phone, cell phone
Morning tea = short break from work mid-morning
Mr Whippy = van that sells ice cream cones
Nana = grandmother
Nappy = diaper
Narna = banana
Nap = a short sleep, kip
Neck of the woods = area where one lives
Nick = steal
Nick away = to leave quickly and without notice
No sweat = not a problem, easy
No worries = not a problem, easy
OE = overseas experience (working holiday abroad)
Oi = call to attention
On ya bike= get out of here
Oz = Australia
Pack a sad = become moody, ill humoured
Paddock = field
Pakeha = Maori term for person of European descent
Pants = trousers
Pavlova/Pav = A meringue cake covered in cream and decorated with seasonal fresh fruit
Pictures = movies
Pikelet = small pancake
Piker = person who gives up easily or does not join-in the activity
Plonk = cheap wine
Pop your clogs= die
Pong = bad smell
Prang = minor vehicle accident
Pressie= a gift, a present
Puckerood = broken, worn out
Pudding = dessert course of a meal
Rack off = go away (angry expression)
Rattle your dags = hurry up
Rellies = family relatives
Ring= make call on telephone
Ripped off = cheated
Rough as guts = shabby, not finished
Rubbish = nonsense, trash or garbage
Sandshoes = canvas sneaker footwear
Sammie= sandwich
Scungy = grungy, horrible, lousy, gross
Section = plot of land
See ya = goodbye, see you later (even if you won't meet again)
Serviette = table napkin
Shank's pony = walking
She'll be right = it will be OK, not a problem
Sheila = woman (Australian expression)
Sickie = sick day taken off work, even if you aren't really sick
Singlet = vest
Sitting on the fence = can't make up your mind
Skivvy = long sleeved top with polo neck
Skint = short of money
Smidgen = small amount
Smoko = short break from work
Snarler = sausage
Snurdge = small amount (same as smidgen)
Sook = a very emotional person
Sparkie = an electrician
Spuds= potatoes
Squiz = look, examine
State house = rental house owned by government
Strapped for cash = low on money
Stone the crows = expression of amazement and surprise
Stuffed = tired or worn out
Stuffed up = made a mistake
Sunnies = sunglasses
Supper = last meal of the day, late night snack
Suss = to figure out
Sussed out = understood
Sweet as = excellent, very satisfactory
Swimming togs = swim suit
Ta = thanks
Take-aways = food eaten off premises (take-out food)
Take a hike = go away
Tangi = funeral ceremony (Maori)
Ta-ta = goodbye
Tatties= potatoes
Tea = evening meal, dinner
Teatime = evening meal time
Thingimmy = someone whose name you have forgotten
Thwop= a slap or smack
Tiki tour = scenic tour, indirect way of going somewhere or driving around with no destination
Tip = garbage dump
Tit for tat = retaliation
Togs = swim suit
Trolley = shopping cart
Truckie = truck driver
Tyre = tire
Uni = university
Up the creek = in a wrong direction
Ute = small pickup truck
Verge = grass strip at side of road
Wally = someone who has done something stupid
Warrant of fitness = formal car safety check
Whallop= a slap or smack
Wharfie = cargo handler for shipping (stevedore)
Whatsername/whatsisname = speaking about someone whose name you don't know or have forgotten
Who'dackie = someone whose name you have forgotton (thing'immy)
Whinge = moan, complain
Wobbly (throw a wobbly) = become angry
Wonky = crooked, weird
Wops = rural areas
Wop wops = rural areas
Whanau = extended family (Maori)
Wuss = person who is timid, scared
Yonks = a long time
Yack = conversation between friends or aquaintances
Yo = how are you, whats up
[ 本帖最后由 Now 于 2007-3-7 12:49 编辑 ] |