由于很多人是因为担保而拿到的PR, 而在这之后,又分手了,所以在申请永久回头签的时候,需要给移民局提供分手信。(分手信不必需要双方的,单方的声明就可以,不过双方的分手合同更好)在提供分手信样本之前,我觉得有必要提供一些为那些准备,进行中,和过去时的朋友们一些关于同居,结婚,分手方面的法律常识。不过本人声明:以下言论仅为个人对法律的理解,我不承担任何由此产生的责任以及赔偿。如需要具体的法律服务,请咨询律师。
结婚需要先到内政部(internal affair)获取结婚,civil union的许可
(Notice of intended marriage/civil union)表格也可从www.dia.govt.nz获取,结婚或者civil union中的至少一方需要直接把表格送到内政部,并且做出声明你们两个人不违反亲属关系并且年龄符合要求。此许可有效期3个月。如果你在申请了许可的3个月之后才结婚,你需要重新申请。
分手合同可以是口头的,也可以是书面的。不过如果合同中涉及到财产的分配,则必须书面合同。在纽西兰,分手合同虽然是两个人同意分手的证明,但是分手合同中也可以包括分手后的抚养问题,例如一方需要另一方的援助,日后的照顾联系,小孩的安排,住房的安排等等。另外,如果你们是结婚/Civil Union关系,那么你们也可以在家庭法院注册(Family Court),那么在注册之后,将有执行权(enforceable power)。
另外需要注意的是,自从2002年新的法律生效之后,所有结婚,civil union,同居关系在三年以上的,在分开之后,按照法律要求,双方的共同财产是一份为二的。如果少于三年,财产分配根据每个人对共同财产的贡献决定。
下面这份是指需要单方做出如下声明的分手信 (建议结婚的用正规的在下面)
I and ____ have made oral separation agreement.
I and _____ were recognised as de facto
since ____________, ______, at ______________ (city) in the County of ________________. Because certain problems have developed between me and ____, we
have agree to live separately and apart since_____.
I, ______, solemnly and sincerely declare that the information supplied is true and correct. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957.
Declared at (place)
before me______________ (这个me最好是JP or Lawyer)
以下是一份正式的Formal 的分手协议书。(双方需要签字的)
_________________, hereinafter referred to as "Husband," and _________________, hereinafter referred to as "Wife," hereby agree to the following:
A. Preliminary Matters
1. Husband and Wife were lawfully married on ____________, ______, at ______________ (city), _____ (state), in the County of ________________. Because certain problems have developed between Husband and Wife, they hereby agree to live separately and apart, subject to the terms and conditions as set forth below.
2. Husband and Wife have made a complete, fair, and accurate disclosure to each other of all financial matters affecting this agreement.
3. Husband and Wife have each been advised and counseled by attorneys of their choosing regarding their legal rights as related to this agreement
4. This agreement is intended to be a final disposition of the matters addressed herein and may be used as evidence and incorporated into a final decree of divorce or dissolution.
5. Should a dispute arise regarding the enforcement of this agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to his or her reasonable costs and attorney's fees.
B. Spousal Support
Husband will pay to Wife the amount of $_____________ each and every ____________ (week, month, etc.) as and for spousal support.
Wife will pay to Husband the amount of $_____________ each and every ____________ (week, month, etc.) as and for spousal support.
C. Homestead
Husband / Wife (circle one) will remain in the family home, located at _________________________________________________.
Husband's / Wife's (circle one) new address will be
The expenses relating to the family home will be paid by the parties as follows:
Husband will pay:___________________ Wife will pay: ___________________
D. Other Debt & Expense Payments
Husband agrees to pay the following debts and expenses and will not hold Wife responsible for the same
Wife agrees to pay the following debts and expenses and will not hold Husband responsible for the same:
Neither Husband nor Wife may incur any additional debt that may result in joint liability. Any debt incurred by either party subsequent to this date will be the sole responsibility of that party.
E. Personal Property
The personal property of the parties will be divided as follows:
To Husband:
To Wife:
F. Insurance
Husband will maintain life insurance in the amount of $_____________ for the benefit of:
Wife will maintain life insurance in the amount of $_____________ for the benefit of:
Husband will maintain medical and dental insurance for the benefit of:
Wife will maintain medical and dental insurance for the benefit of:
I. Attestation
Agreed to this __________ day of _____________, ____________.
Husband ________________
Wife ________________
Witnessed by:
(Witness or counsel signature)
(Witness or counsel signature)
[ 本帖最后由 STEVFAN 于 2008-7-25 23:44 编辑 ] |