本帖最后由 Coco not Koko 于 2021-5-13 10:50 编辑
· 错层调高商铺!满足各种功能的商业用途,用高度差进行空间隔断,层次分明,立体性强; · 租赁面积213.50平方米,设有夹层地板,高螺柱天花板和大玻璃窗可营造出梦幻般的自然采光; · 包含多个宽敞卫浴和淋浴,满足多方面商业用途; · 一层面积121平米,二层92平米; · 门前临路,曝光率极高,人气鼎盛并且附近有1000多名每日公交车用户,这为您提供了绝佳机会,潜在客户近在迟尺; · 地段一流,轻松即上高速; 珍稀良机,目光精准的您请勿错过!欢迎现在就致电我们了解更多详情! 联系电邮: coco@luxuryinfinity.co.nz 联系电话: 02108230554
Situated on the ground floor of the newly built OKLA apartment development, this prime retail space is quality built with amazing natural light throughout. Your retail/showroom is split over two levels with 121m² on the ground floor and 92m² on the first floor.
This is a high traffic area and excellent location. You will be directly opposite the Albany Bus Station, and metres from the Albany Lifestyle Centre on Oteha Valley Road. Move your business to this brand new site. Don’t delay, enquire today!
Ground floor over two levels approximately 213m² Attractive high stud and floor to ceiling windows Net rental approximately 128,000 plus OPEX and GST Multiple car parks available
To find out more information please contact us soon! Maybe today is the best day to talk with us!