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[工作] 工作时间 小调查 |
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Disclaimer: 本老鼠发的帖子内容都是在我的理解范围内的。没有误导网友的意思。如果是读者自己误解,不是本老鼠的责任。
我们应该鄙视他们,因为他们脑残 懂的人自然会懂,不懂的永远不会懂 |
升级 54.04% |
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Gotta remember we live what we choose
It s not what you say It s what you do And the life you want Is the life you have to make |
升级 77.47% |
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Gotta remember we live what we choose
It s not what you say It s what you do And the life you want Is the life you have to make |
升级 15.58% |
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