本帖最后由 Lease 于 2014-5-16 10:31 编辑
Immigration predicted to add housing pressure
3 News 16/05/2014
First home buyers got nothing in the Budget except a warning: you could soon have even more competition finding a home.
Immigration is predicted to blowout, adding further pressure to the Auckland housing market.
First home buyer Bridget Lysaght tuned into the Budget, hoping for some help.
She has been on the hunt for a home in Auckland for a year-and-a-half.
Ms Lysaght's verdict is that she didn’t feel there was anything in the Budget for her today.
"I know a lot of people struggling to buy their first homes, so I would have expected there to be at least something in there," she says.
Even Minister of Finance Bill English agrees. "The question, is [it] enough for first home buyers? Well I think if you ask any first home buyer they would say no," he says.
On top of that, Treasury is now warning an immigration explosion is on the way, which could add to Auckland's housing
That is because more people are arriving and fewer leaving. That means the original forecast of an extra $26,000 added to the population this year is now predicted to blow out to 38,000.
It has warned that could be as high as 41,500. That is an increase to our population the size of Wanganui each year.
New Zealand First's Winston Peters' solution is to send immigrants to the regions.
Urgent legislation will be introduced to Parliament tonight to make building a home cheaper.
The legislation will get rid of most import taxes on building materials - removing $5.5 million worth of tax each year. It is estimated to save $3500 when building a home.
Read more: http://www.3news.co.nz/Immigration-predicted-to-add-housing-pressure/tabid/1607/articleID/344382/Default.aspx#ixzz31pHUgVwk |