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虽说以前也经常也经常有人说房价要大跌, 但这次1月 Auckland 的统计数字也确实显示了非季节性的大幅下跌,加上年底加息已很难避免,移民速度亦在放缓。
https://www.reinz.co.nz/shadomx/ ... &siteName=reinz
一般房价上涨的周期是6 ~ 7年,新西兰的房地产从2009年就没怎么跌过,

奧克蘭的房價自2007年達到一個高峰之後,在過去七年中上漲了將近百分之三十。“戰略風險分析”(SRA)總經理,儲備銀行前行長Rodney Dickens提醒說,房價不會無休無止地上漲,房產市場很快將會面臨跌價的風險。
房產公司BayleysRealEstate商業和物業總經理John Church認為,供應短缺情況的緩解以及銷售活動的增加將是今年商用和物業房產市場的特色。
他在Bayleys房產公司主辦的今年第一期“房產總覽”(Total Property)介紹會上說,由於即將到來的加息,以及更多的業主希望從房產的增值中獲得資本收益,今年上市的房產將會增多。
據英文先驅報的“房產報告”(Property Report),隨著房價的持續上漲,奧克蘭西區和南區的部分地方的房價已經漲高。但其他地區,如Silverdale和Weymouth對首次置業者來說仍然是最佳選擇。
在奧克蘭西區的Titirangi,平均房價目前已經漲到了656,850元,比2007年的最高價高出了百分之26。這也就意味著,要在那裡購房,沒有132,000的首期付款,想都別想了。再往南,如Manurewa的Hill Park和Goodwood Heights,房價同樣漲了很多。Goodwood Heights的平均價格上漲了百分之24.4,達到619,000元。
Ray White房產公司所有人TedIngram說,奧克蘭南部的房產發展快速。
hometopia.co.nz網站站主Stephen Hart說,今天的人們仍然希望住得離城鎮近一些,他們會考慮選擇公寓住房,但環繞市區的郊區也是考慮的選項。
“通向這些郊區的運輸係統有可能得到改善,他們可以買到我們曾經只能夢想的房子和地皮。即使今天,這種事情在Mt Wellington或Panmure我們也做不到。”
但他認為,像P a p a k u r a和Whangaparaoa這樣的地方對於大多數在市中心上班的人來說,還是太遠,他們不會考慮。“雖然有些人在這些地方購房,但在我看來,還不是一種趨勢。”
該報告的作者,Tony Verdon說,新開發區的住房不會對所有年輕買家產生吸引力,很多人還是願意住得離奧克蘭市中心近一點。
Glen Eden區:平均房價為471,560元。
New Lynn區:市府計劃在該區建造780戶新住房,平均售價為491,800元。
Tamaki區:市府計劃在今後10內在GlenInns、Point England和Panmure各區建造2500戶新住房。Point England區的平均售價為573,950元。
該報告指出,西奧克蘭Titirangi最新平均房價為656,850元,較2007年上升26%,置業首期達到132,000元;此外,Manurewa的Hill Park和Goodwood Heights這兩個住宅區的房價均上升,後者的平均房價升24.4%至619,000元。
Ray White Papakura房地產代理公司東主Ted Ingram表示,南奧克蘭的房地產發展迅速。
房地產網站hometopia.co.nz網主Stephen Hart表示,大家仍然希望能在較接近市中心的地區居住,或考慮住進公寓大樓,但衛星城市也是另一選擇。
該報告的作者Tony Verdon表示,一些新發展的住宅區對年輕人的吸引力不大,很多年輕人仍然希望能住在較接近奧克蘭市中心的地區;不過,奧克蘭房價持續增加造成的壓力,將會令奧克蘭都市區不斷向外擴展。
1991,2001,2008 奥克兰房价跌过
受OCR上升影响,北岸拍卖非常惨淡,3月13号一共66个拍卖, 只有23个卖出(已经包含提前卖出的). 其余43个当中, 21个no bid,21个pass in 还有1个撤掉.
现在的问题不是利率还会不会继续上调,而是今年年底前会上调 0.75% 还是 1%?
Reserve Bank governor Graeme Wheeler has signalled an aggressive, front-loaded start to the interest rate cycle now under way.
He delivered the rise he had all but promised in the official cash rate from 2.5 to 2.75 per cent yesterday and indicated that the only question in the bank's mind at this stage - if the facts change it will change its mind - is whether there will be another three or four similar increases by the end of the year.
The interest rate projections the monetary policy statement has pencilled in suggest further OCR hikes April, June and July.
That is what the economists at the BNZ and Westpac expect him to do. ANZ is picking April and June, with a risk of another in July, as does Deutsche Bank with the caveat around a July move being whether it has started to look by then that 100 basis points this year will be enough. ASB is picking OCR hikes in April and July, but a pause in June.
Looking further out - where there is more uncertainty around such projections - the bank is foreshadowing a cumulative 200 basis points of tightening by the end of next year and another 50 points in 2016, by which point monetary policy will have veered from tailwind to headwind.
BNZ head of research Stephen Toplis supports the central bank's approach to signalling its intentions.
"If a central bank is going to commence a tightening cycle it has to give a clear message that it means business and will do whatever it takes to ensure the economy is managed into a non-inflationary state," Toplis said. "Wheeler has given the clear message that interest rates will simply keep on rising until such time that the economy and its participants behave."
Toplis contrasted this with the approach of previous governor Alan Bollard who had been "almost apologetic" when raising rates and created the perception rate hikes would stop after each move higher.
"We believe this was one of the reason why ultimately rates had to go as high as they did."
The more dovish reaction from ASB's chief economist Nick Tuffley put more weight on the caveats the Reserve Bank has attached to its guidance.
In particular the bank said it would carefully watch how households responded to higher rates - something they have not seen since 2007, apart from two increases in 2010 which were promptly reversed after the February 2011 earthquake.
A key difference between then and now is that this time nearly three-quarters of the mortgage debt is at floating rates or fixed for less than a year.
"We are all essentially lab rats in an economic experiment," Tuffley said. "Collectively our borrowing appetites and consumer behaviour are likely to be more sensitive than they used to be to higher interest rates - but just how much remains to be seen."
Other key assumptions the bank is making, and will need to keep reassessing, are that the spillover of inflationary pressure of the Canterbury rebuild to other sectors and regions will be limited, that most of the rapid increase in net immigration is behind us and so is the peak in house price inflation.
The bank's projections hold out no prospect of relief from the high dollar this year. It points to the strong correlation since 2000 between the trade-weighted exchange rate and the terms of trade, now at a 40-year high.
"Rising interest rates, a projected easing in migration flows and the increase in housing supply should reduce the imbalances in the housing market and moderate price pressures."
Reserve Bank governor Graeme Wheeler
New Zealand is the first advanced economy to raise its policy interest rate since the global financial crisis, while countries which account for two-thirds of world output have policy rates between 0 and 1 per cent and are not expected to raise them any time soon.
But when asked about the risk that he would push the currency higher still, Wheeler said, "The exchange rate pressures are a concern for us but we also feel we have telegraphed these moves quite carefully. So I don't think it is any surprise to the market, and institutional investors are anticipating this sort of tightening. Therefore we are not expecting to see any significant exchange rate increases as a result."
Westpac chief economist Dominick Stephens said that before yesterday's statement financial markets were not completely sold on the case for five OCR hikes this year.
"So wholesale interest rates and the NZ dollar rose slightly in response. The muted market response will give the Reserve Bank some comfort that it can indeed 'go it alone' on interest rate hikes without the risk of driving the currency ever higher."
Loan curbs paying off
The Reserve Bank says its curbs on low-deposit mortgage lending are working as intended and that house price inflation would be 2.5 percentage points higher without them.
"On a monthly seasonally adjusted basis house sales are down 13 per cent since September, and down 15 per cent in Auckland," governor Graeme Wheeler said.
"We are all essentially lab rats in an economic experiment. Collectively our borrowing appetites and consumer behaviour are likely to be more sensitive than they used to be to higher interest rates - but just how much remains to be seen."
ASB Bank chief economist Nick Tuffley
"And if you look at the seasonally adjusted Real Estate Institute stratified house price index, house prices for the last four months are up 1 per cent. The four months before that they were up 4 per cent. So we are seeing a reduction in house sales and some moderation in house price inflation."
The bank did some modelling to estimate the counterfactual - what would have been the effect on house price inflation if it had not introduced last October restrictions on lending at loan-to-value ratios (LVRs) above 80 per cent.
"If the banks were [still] lending 25 to 30 per cent of their mortgages to high LVR borrowers instead of the current 6 or 7 per cent, what would house price inflation be doing nationally?
"House price inflation is currently running around 8.4 per cent. We think it would have been 2.5 per cent on top of that, in other words around 11 per cent," Wheeler said. |