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- 注册时间
- 2006-5-11
肉肉妈 发表于 2014-6-4 19:20 
如果按资产和交税的比率来看,我知道的富人交的税是很少的,真正税交得多的是所谓的中产阶级,他们的空间 ...
"The Treasury estimates that this year households earning over $150,000 a year – the top 15 per cent of households by income – will pay 49 per cent of income tax.
But when benefit payments, Working for Families, paid parental leave and accommodation support are taken into account, these 15 per cent of households are expected to pay 74 per cent of the net income tax. And that is before New Zealand Superannuation payments are counted."
Source: http://www.billenglish.co.nz/arc ... r-tax-reforms.html.
所以,在新西兰,还是富人交了大多数的税。 |