本帖最后由 tina223 于 2014-9-26 18:18 编辑
我cousin有个charitable trust, 看了一下那个trustee的权利
(a) To employ all such persons on such reasonable terms and conditions as to remuneration or otherwise and subject to such functions, powers and conditions as the Trustees may consider necessary or desirable.
(b) To open and maintain any account or accounts in a registered Bank.
(c) To make such regulations for the administration of the Trust as the Trustees may from time to time consider desirable.
(d) To purchase, exchange, take on lease or otherwise acquire any real or personal property on such terms and conditions as the Trustees shall think fit.
(e) To reimburse the Trustees for their reasonable out of pocket costs and expenses. (免费??-no)
(f) To borrow moneys on mortgage bank overdraft or otherwise howsoever for such reasons upon such security by way of mortgage or otherwise on such terms and conditions as the Trustees think fit.
(g) To sell, exchange or lease on such terms and conditions as the Trustees think fit all or any part of the real or personal property comprising the Trust Fund.
(h) To rceive any real or personal property of any kind which may at any time hereafter, be donated to the Trustees and subject to the terms upon which such real or personal property shall be so donated, delivered or transferred.
(i) To support and subscribe to or become a member or contributor to the funds of any approved charitableassociation or body formed for charitable purposes and objects substantially similar to those herein or to any of the same.
(j) To delegate insofar as the Trustees may think fit and the law permits, any of the powers, authorities and discretions conferred upon them by these presents to any person or persons.
(k) To do all things as may from time to time be necessary or desirable to enable the Board to give effect to and attain the charitable objects of the Trust.
: The Trustees may invest or re-invest the Trust Fund (whether in New Zealand or elsewhere) as the Trustees from time to time think fit. The Trustees shall not be liable for, and shall be indemnified by and out of the Trust Fund in respect of, any loss or liability that may be sustained or incurred by reason of the exercise of their power of investment. |