- 10044010
- 热情
- 15360
- 人气
- 15954
- 主题
- 284
- 帖子
- 14920
- 精华
- 6
- 积分
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- 分享
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- 在线时间
- 6713 小时
- 注册时间
- 2016-11-2
- 阅读权限
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- 最后登录
- 2021-5-5
升级   16.69% - UID
- 10044010
- 热情
- 15360
- 人气
- 15954
- 主题
- 284
- 帖子
- 14920
- 精华
- 6
- 积分
- 23338
- 阅读权限
- 30
- 注册时间
- 2016-11-2
华人媒体的记者真的应该提高英文能力了,这傻逼油嘴滑舌的,要听清楚了再报导他说过的话,别被他忽悠了。上次他说他有对Chinese Sounding Names的事儿道歉你们也信???还给报导了。。。哈哈!!!
For the second day in a row, Phil Twyford looks like he's given Parliament the wrong information
For the second day in a row, beleaguered Transport Minister Phil Twyford appears to have given Parliament incorrect information, crucial documents leaked to Stuff reveal.
But instead of correcting the record as he did on Tuesday, Twyford is now sticking to his guns, denying he gave Parliament incorrect information.
The latest leak revolves around a NZTA assessment of a New Zealand Super Fund proposal to build Auckland's light rail. Last week Twyford told Parliament that NZTA "didn't complete an assessment" of the NZ Super Fund's proposal to build the multi-billion dollar light rail project.
The existence of an assessment, denied by Twyford, is significant because NZTA's former board said it used the document to justify its dismissal of the Super Fund's plan.
Leaked documents obtained by Stuff show that the NZTA assessment was in fact complete enough to send to the NZ Super Fund for a response.