本帖最后由 zitashadow 于 2014-1-9 11:05 编辑
However due to the global demand for Parent Category Residence and the number of applications received from previous EOI draws, Immigration New Zealand will not be selecting all Tier 1 EOIs from each draw in 2014.
Current forecasts suggest we will be able to select approximately 800 Tier 1 EOIs each draw. This is subject to Ministerial approval in setting the NZ residence programme. There are still a number of Residence applications lodged under the Parent and Sibling and Adult Child categories before 16 May 2012 to be allocated for processing should there be insufficient Tier One EOIs submitted. However, due to the high level of demand for Tier One it is unlikely that the Parent/Sibling and Adult Child applications lodged before 16 May 2012, or any Tier Two EOI’s will be selected in 2014.
原因: - 以往积压申请太多,需求量大
- 从新政策开始到2013年11月结束,选取的全部是1类父母团聚
- 旧政策下的父母团聚和最后一成员团聚(已经关闭)申请还未审理完
总结,什么事情都赶早不赶晚啊 (纯属个人意见),大家多多研究研究 |