My family of four live in China and we were some of the first Kiwis whose lives were affected by Covid-19.
Things were getting desperate as my company-provided accommodation and visa were running out. We were looking at two months with no income, no visa, no home and extortionate prices to fly home with an alternate airline.
Thankfully, my work offered an opportunity for me to extend my contract until December, and Air NZ stepped up and refunded our tickets.
Don't try and tell us that we are costing the tax payer money, not if you have ever used the services entitled to you as a New Zealand citizen. If you have ever accepted a wage subsidy, if you have ever been on a benefit, accepted a pension, driven on New Zealand roads, taken advantage of our subsidised health care system, enjoyed free education. We are citizens too, we have paid tax and we are entitled to return home without having to bankrupt ourselves in the process.
我们也是公民? 这句算是他们自己的概括吗? 是指形式的纳税公民还是什么?