'Throttling' Broadband Provider Sued In Australia
"Optus has been severely throttling users who exceed a download quota, according to ZDNet — down from 100Mbps to 64Kbps — and it's drawn attention from federal regulators. Optus's ad campaign promises 'supersonic' speeds, and one technology blog notes that the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission 'isn't happy about Optus' sensationalist claims, which it's sure breaches the Trade Practices Act.' Australia's trade commission called the practice 'misleading or deceptive,' and the broadband provider now has a date in court next month, the second one since a June hearing over 'unlimited' voice and data plans that actually had usage caps."
来源 http://www.zdnet.com.au/pros-advise-on-optus-64kbps-supersonic-339306050.htm
我看咱们成立一个用户团用同样方法把 Worldnet 告了吧,先咨询一下 NZ 有这样的类似法律么?Trade Practices Act 如果有,同意的报名,开始收集证据