本帖最后由 拉拉酷子 于 2011-3-24 21:58 编辑
$ g8 j' t7 n3 h: Q$ I- l, e. }
今天帶Martin去Te Atatu半島那邊做絕育手術,早上Drop Off 以後剛離開沒多久,接待處的阿姨打電話來,問我要不要給Martin打芯片。我才想起來忘了把芯片的號碼挑找出來貼在他本本上。所以我就告訴她Martin已經有芯片了,現在做絕育就好了。她說OK,說完她就掛電話了。
& P( G. D( W O8 v% y2 A( \1 n因為我想去給Martin在Council註冊個牌牌,就又開車到Waitakere City Council給他辦證。結果也需要Martin現在的芯片號碼。我就打電話問Vet的阿姨能不能給我Scan,她說試試看。結果我就一邊聽著手機一邊等,大概3分鐘后她告訴我掃描不出來,我就鬱悶了,沒有芯片號這就不能註冊了啊。有點著急了。結果Council的老太太人不錯,說你先交錢吧,回頭找到芯片號就給 Animal Welfare的打電話通知一下就可以了。我連忙說謝謝。5 B) t! _1 @9 }8 r1 L
& @; V* e0 s% c3 O( c
+ @: Z; Q2 R9 y8 x9 D, z
回家以後我找來找去找不到芯片號的存根,打電話給Animal Welfare(當時芯片在他那裡弄的,便宜),有個美女幫我找到了Martin的號碼。我告訴她原來的芯片可能出錯了,怎麼都掃不出來。美女人不錯,說改天再過來,我們檢查一下,如果出錯了我們再免費給你弄一個。我說等Martin恢復好一點就過來。9 w* j! K5 _: h) @ w
$ l4 g7 w/ z* y8 B5 E
( R: J. i @! E3 C1 c
# e/ Z. t3 q, T$ X5 _& p$ `" m
( [: a( H( R' I, v* @$ a" Z
) h- T2 S' P4 B2 m
* \; [ r' i; w# q7 o1 D
9 K1 X. \& d) l' J2 m* V9 p+ D& J Y
( a6 G$ H4 b0 q) z9 \5 `6 ~& B0 G
; ~- t/ V7 a; D1 _6 P y7 B我手機了一直都存著Vet的電話,所以每次Vet給我打電話我從來電顯示就能知道。 大概12點的時候(這是應該是Martin做手術的時間),電話響了,Vet打來問我要不要給Martin再弄個芯片,我說不用了,並且告訴她Animal Welfare會幫Martin再弄一個新的。她說好的,就又挂了。: t; W6 j: q9 `% b1 y9 b$ W# _
# S, u+ h1 ^8 h q( W又過了15分鐘,電話又響了,不過不是Vet的號碼,一接起來是個男的,劈裡啪啦說了一串,我大概知道是Vet,確認一次他說他是Vet,問我要不要給Martin弄個芯片。我就納悶了,又問他,你是TE ATATU VETCARES的嗎?他說是。我告訴他Animal Welfare的事情,他說OK,我說謝謝。他又問,那你需要芯片才能註冊,沒有芯片不能註冊。我告訴他我已經註冊完了,到時候再去Animal Welfare檢查就可以了。他說OK。電話就挂了。
6 I/ q# }/ ?( L- |: J' ~: ~$ K9 X- O" c/ a7 m0 l9 [
7 K; r k! `- G, X2 d9 a! U1 m) N/ H2 j' ?( w
9 W9 b/ E$ M% S6 T! j等啊等,
) L. w; }6 s7 x1 R0 |6 F等啊等,6 Z9 [2 z- z' C. o6 u3 \, k# L% I
等啊等,4 R0 Z# V6 @; S
等啊等,6 Z: r4 `$ C6 ^+ h! S% f: U
等啊等,% m# k0 F% `- s* |( F
等啊等,, _. v z& h7 u3 x7 T
等啊等,, I8 d1 `" a4 r) i9 C& U
等啊等,終於到4點半了,從South出門去接Martin。剛一進門說了句Hello,Martin在另一個房間就開始哼哧哼哧嗚嗚嗚的叫了。我和Vet的那位男醫生就去把它接了出來。小伙子很精神,已經在籠子里轉著圈,我看了終於放心了。同時也很好奇別的狗是不是也恢復的這麼快。還有印象中應該要戴個伊莉莎白圈,防止它舔或者揪傷口上的線,可是Martin什麽都沒有。無所謂,它很健康很精神就可以了。) S) A' r. G) [+ Q6 k
. s: a8 F& y! z9 p/ B2 o8 P( h
$ M5 O" \# f" J7 c" D9 Z5 g
4 e4 @7 @% d: M9 ?
; r( F$ ^0 l" L) |" c
1 M- S1 f3 F% l+ J要結帳了,Aaron(男醫師)說:嗯一共205,已經包含了注射芯片的折扣了……我立刻問,可是Martin他已經有芯片了,你是不是記錯了。
+ @" d' z; i% M' Y" V, s! |Aaron說:我打電話問過你,你說要的(狗血啊!!!!!!!!!!)( n5 X$ t; C) F% N: Z. k* S
我說:怎麼會呢,你的同事問了我兩次,我都說不要,怎麼可能跟你說要呢?你肯定搞錯了。1 Q/ h5 L& x% @8 R: V. I: M
$ A! d4 x, O3 ?6 f+ `/ A7 R: b* d
7 p, T- }" i" Z4 u4 T: y' y" d' f1 G! |( |# w0 s; }5 q, I
# E! [* ]" R S5 R' N# D' Q4 q5 z. U
( ]4 r/ B2 i2 I; Y1 t' Y' a$ F
3 K$ U+ Q; {+ M7 w4 a5 d9 J
d( J7 e, E) r
( n) Y& h" m* y/ H0 p% u6 k- V l' F/ O1 O5 k, n, q, r% ]
我說:你給經理打電話吧,現在馬上解決,不要浪費時間。(不然我還要寫信給Manager,再去Animal Welfare請求賠償,搞不好還要做XRay看看芯片到底在不在裏面,NND這不是錢也是時間啊!)
. Z2 S: [: o/ W$ G6 L2 R. X. F$ Z) S1 {8 j1 }. o0 S! W
他說好,然後就進了診室。這時候來了個客人,GG跳窗把腿劃傷了,直接進了診室。我就和室友抱著Martin耐心的在等。半個小時過去了,GG包扎好了出來了。Aaron出來見到有客人,又開始接待。也行,我等,不要搞到影響別人生意。一折騰,又半個小時。期間給老公打了電話報告這件事,老公態度是支持我的做法。& e7 p9 G8 d, H8 q
; _3 V5 I/ H+ @% m* K3 f+ n又過了十幾分鐘,我也急了,這沒有回音算是怎麼回事。我就和另外一個接待員MM說,我可以給Neuter的錢,但是芯片的錢我是不會給的。我再等5分鐘,沒有解決的辦法我就走了,等了一個半小時了佛祖都有火了。MD!
% e+ k3 F$ R4 v6 Z, q \/ o, O, U8 ?3 {+ |- x2 |% ]/ q! O
這時走進來了一個中年KIWI女的,帶了一隻撿到的動物來檢查。我又忍了,等Aaron幫她看完。等她一走,我就和Arron理論了:我就只給Neuter的錢,如果經理要求你解釋,可以聯繫我。Aaron又來那個投降動作,MD,NN我強忍怒火,說我爲什麽要為你的錯誤付款?我根本沒有要求給Martin注射芯片!Aaron居然用指頭戳著帳單對我說,這就是你同意的,這裡有你的簽字。我說是啊,我簽的是要給Martin做絕育,不是芯片。$ R k+ o/ s( h2 s& j. F, z r2 \
/ V1 H4 a" C) l( x6 l1 r* [2 O這個時候前面那個KIWI女的把動物放回車子以後又回來了,走過來對我說你這樣做是不對的。MD!!!!閒雜人等你飛鴿什麽話!我仔細給她解釋,說如果你是我,你也不會給這個錢的,原則問題啊!她居然走過去粘在Aaron身邊說,要是我我就給這個錢。氣得我夠嗆啊!好好的路人甲你不做,來這裡做攪屎棍!這時候老公又來電話了。我說了Excuse Me就接了電話,告訴老公居然路人甲都欺負我,老公說他現在就從CT來,讓我別哭(當時聽到老公的聲音真的覺得很委屈)。
o( j5 q- U/ n |0 ?" k! _* W. `5 l+ Z4 C
8 r0 m5 S% N# N) ~7 r" e
- m1 ?' q; G6 M$ L6 W [0 n" n j
* i' K$ W% o+ w$ h5 C3 O. C @& z) i' P
6 s5 f1 U, \+ O6 |/ {挂了電話以後看見Aaron在和那個KIWI女說話,我坐在椅子上就掉眼淚了。那個KIWI女買了個什麽寵物食品,去櫃檯結帳回頭看我,說你現在是什麽意思,別在這裡搗亂。( ]$ V# o/ i' ?" G# o
9 j" ]: e8 l. H5 t+ l氣得我站起來就問她,你這麼說是因為我是Asian嗎?難道我不是爲了讓GG好才來這裡嗎?
; }) r( C9 o1 S! i0 O0 a! w, e' b她居然說:你根本不配養狗。我會聯繫Animal Welfare把你的狗接走,你不是個負責的主人。
2 O0 X2 s6 }/ P( D* q" `# l5 ]4 g1 G3 b, e! q8 ^) S
MLGB!我不是,你是?你帶Martin散步?你為他抓癢癢洗澡揀便便? r4 t5 d' T) R ~, z& E$ Q; J' n
' `1 I& b; M+ p" q f我當時還維持風度,態度很堅硬的說:你不應該involve進來,走你的路別參合到我和Aaron這裡來。這不關你的事情。; @# y. Y, E# T, T; S9 _; Y+ u
$ }3 J0 r8 x- s; t- q2 N我當時估計哭得更凶的,眼淚一摸手一劃拉指著門就對她說: Out you go, you are messing up things. 6 L+ Y0 H8 e5 n3 T4 [) Y/ d0 S
+ q) }$ L- @: u- ^5 J9 }6 c5 `
. x; [% p3 N6 Y/ a" Z/ q" H! f8 w4 y- j) k
結果噔噔噔這KIWI女走進來了,啪的往桌子上放了$49.50,說這算是我捐獻的,又瞪了我一眼,走了。. x+ d" f' l3 L, T+ T# V: y7 O
! y7 e* D" p( J/ h7 D' T; LCK+AO!
6 n* b4 J1 Y" M, ~$ B7 X: s n/ U( c% Y, @
- Q# r2 q! L( [7 N- N# X" d
$ a2 S$ x9 x; f8 |7 k2 {刷完卡,我向伸出手說,我明白你的立場,但是你沒有尊重客戶的權利,也沒有嘗試正確的溝通。我感謝你為Martin做的,希望你能明白我的感受。
) o' U' P( l2 k1 k7 ], ?# h2 V' j" S( u6 \( O" ?$ J
Aaron握著我的手一個勁的點頭,Yes yes yes,說自己沒有admin的權力修改帳單,沒有別的辦法。他有點結巴,把Martin的絕育證件遞給我,告訴我手術后的注意事項,又說10天以後可以來拆線。然後他又說“或許你再也不願意來這了。/ F( ~- o8 k+ ]2 I$ B
' w$ V6 n# A7 L& U) z
2 E: Z+ z! c( r+ D. y我再次伸出手又握了一次,說:我尊重你,因為你是公司的好員工。Aaron說 See You。
: ~. Y* m7 S+ y* n( A8 r& x3 L. c# Q# M n9 v% d
: _( v2 Q$ y- y" {5 y
6 h8 {* Q# x; F+ q8 g2 W$ n( r. z+ b$ x B2 r2 I2 M r: z
% l' W+ N- N* N! T
回家的路上,我已經平靜多了,除了鼻子有點酸酸,氣已經消了大半。) }) p' Q8 D' c3 J6 G. c1 U
4 W9 l' U$ @# U9 k) O6 i4 L# d
大家注意啊,和Vet溝通不好夠這麼狗血的烏龍,真的很不給力啊!$ W8 |* u- X9 ] U, l5 T
# G7 P9 W: H }5 ~' O8 [給Vet 的經理去了一封電子郵件(詳細內容在回帖中)。詳細解釋了事情的經過,期待回信中……
$ u8 P; Z }& m8 E: _4 K# u———————————3月19日更新—————————————8 f1 a" }% a0 E7 E: W
* `6 l. U& U3 x9 q' J) ?/ d8 A: J/ n$ v$ ]+ z+ W5 S3 V
———————————3月21日更新—————————————6 t1 I0 z& ]6 J( r9 p
3 _ \1 u) Y$ u
% q& l. e% ^9 e1 j8 G1 x1 D' c# ~' T3 d' J+ V
5 J4 }- b/ \. Z9 a8 `) e& U6 W
6 z/ ]9 B* ~: U# ^& E$ nMy staff did tell me about the incident on Wednesday night and I would like to offer my apologies. It seems plain to me now reading your letter than you didn't want Martin microchipped, but I will try to explain why I think the staff did what they did.
& w" K0 l x. f) M5 gWe microchip most of the animals that we desex at the same time as the operation because the microchipping is done with a big needle, and sometimes the animals find it very painful, so we think it's best to do them when they are under anaesthetic. So when the microchip didn't read Aaron and Gail thought it would be better to do it again then.
* d2 `- R7 k) m8 S9 J6 a2 BI believe that Aaron really did think that you had agreed that he microchip Martin, but I can see reading your letter that you didn't. In the circumstances I think that you should not have been charged. I am one of the owners of the clinic and I take care of most day-to-day management. Unfortunately Emily and Aaron couldn't contact me on Wednesday night because I had turned my phone off while I was with my daughter-in-law at the White Cross medical clinic, and I didn't get the missed call until next day.' \! {/ Q& x# R) Y2 y9 b0 H+ ]
I also agree that the other customer shouldn't have been involved, and the discussion should have continued in the consulting room not reception. I think that when a discussion becomes difficult we are thinking about what we are saying and forget to move to another room, then later we understand it could have been handled better.( d' L; @# C0 y) }1 H
I of course offered to refund the money to the other customer but she has asked me to pass it on to the SPCA as a donation so that's what I have done.& N2 h: h6 m; b4 G! i
I think that in many veterinary clinics the managers don't allow employees to alter accounts, and Aaron has spent time in other clinics when he was training so maybe that's why he felt he couldn't change it without asking me first. I have told him now that when he found there had been a misunderstanding he should have taken the charge off, and I'm sure that if they ever have this problem again with another customer they will do it differently.
% B& D6 t0 P& g5 v5 B3 b: qIf you are agreeable I would like to register Martin on the Australasian Animal Registry database free of charge. This is a computer register which can be reached by vets and animal welfare agencies 24/7, so that if the animal is found wandering late at night or at a weekend and scanned at a vet clinic, your contact details can be found and you can be contacted quickly. The Animal Welfare database can only be checked by vets and welfare agencies during their office hours. We register all the animals that we chip on this database. We can send you a leaflet with some more information if you would like.
9 J5 k: c& B3 n% D3 Q) F+ N: o+ vAgain, my apologies. I hope this explanation is helpful to you. Please contact me again if there is anything else I can do.3 H P$ c; \: h9 ~5 H5 l
% g, R$ h2 @9 w( K9 t8 g3 `5 |+ hDr Sue Kirkby, Carevets Te Atatu vet clinic
" J1 \& a+ k) @' q( n" F+ Q7 A* a* B% @
反正就是告诉解释了一番,然后说免费注册个新的芯片记录。我想就这样算了,本来给她写信的目的就是希望以后不要有别的人再受到这种不公平待遇。( g8 ` O; l' E- Z0 p
3 b7 Z3 G, ?% O; _. i5 @% ^0 _
' H. Y( C# h, u" q5 \$ f5 ~6 g% Q- N, x8 R' x
- k( \# T+ t0 A& a5 e: N( ]: t( T O' Y
Hi Dr Kirkby
# e' |# P8 c) P) j0 ^
0 ?- k( ^) _( ~/ hThank you very much for your response. I totally understand and agree with your perspective about microchipping during the castration to avoid painful feeling for Martin. As I said I really appreciate what you clinic and your professionals did for Martin. The reason why I wrote the previous email to you was just to let you know my feeling was strongly hurt when my privacy was discussed by some other people in the clinic outside the domain of work. Maybe I have been over sensitive to the racial issue but all I was asking for was an equitable and respect. It is really not a pleasant experience to be judged without justice. Animals cannot talk to let you know what happened. Therefore it is the owner’s responsibility to look after them from harms. That is why I think the owner's voice should be heard for the sake of caring our beloved pet friends. I truly respect your job and ethics and I hope such incident would not happen on any other people in the future. 1 I1 y$ ?! b0 T ~+ Y
Thank you very much for donating the refund to SPCA. ; a. I8 g8 m7 r
I truly wish your clinic and colleagues to have the best future.
/ {& e' o5 W* t; X7 S5 yRegards,
! h! P5 K, P. K: W6 {5 Y
) r( Y1 U1 q z4 V: g' p6 V4 r$ c( ^Dora
6 }7 u! H7 r: h( s
* S2 g- n; ?3 B4 b+ O希望大家有個經驗,如果真的在VET有收到不平等的待遇,我們一定要據理力爭,維護我們合法的權益。有必要的時候採取行動,有需要的時候大家都會幫助,感謝大家! |