本帖最后由 maomao968 于 2016-11-2 21:29 编辑
Crosslease 邻居完成加建,现在需要我来签字 我跟邻居是crosslease的关系,现在他已经完成加建,把原来的carport改为garage(area3; 15m2)然后又加建了一个carport(area4;15m2). 然后再在房子的前后加了一些deck(20m2,没有超过1m高)现在他要卖房子,需要合法的文件。要求我签字同意。 在他给我的材料里面,他给我了下面这个report: notification and substantive reportfor subdivision consent under the resource management act 1991 (RMA) 如下图
因为我知道在我们这个区,800M2 以上的land只能做到最大的site coverage 35%。所以我对他说如果按照他的土地面积超过了35%(140m2), 我就不会同意。 在他的report中,如下图,标示 他的 building coverage 是33.5%。然后就是impenetrable 的面积 是 58.5%。 , 我想问问 1. 1.他这样加建是不是合法? 2. 2.在report里面我看到 “No physical works are proposedand all structures on site have been lawfully estabilished” 这个表示他的carport改garage 是合法的吗?这个是代表CCC吗?
3. 3.这样子改后我们的总area building coverage变成 32%,impenetrable coverage是 60%, 我以后要想加个carport (15 m2),还能做到吗?如果不能,我提出补偿是合理的吗?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------更新 2/11 关于这个事情,我已经向concil complain了,然后concil的 building compliance inspector physically on site and checked. 在他给我的reference的回信中,已经肯定后面的crosslease owner没有给改造的garage 申请resource concent。违反建筑条约 (1.从carport 改造的garage是 封闭的,2. 超过10平米)
以下是concil 给邻居的回信原文:
we take this oppotunity to remind you that it is an offence under section 40 of the building act 2004, carry out building work with out a building consent and a person who commits this offence is liable to a fine of up to $200,000 and in the case of a contuning offence to a further fine of up to $10,000 every day during which the offence continues.
Please kindly provide a written explannation as to how and why this building work was carried out within 2 weeks. |