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本帖最后由 静海以南 于 2015-2-21 12:27 编辑
CA过了有一年半,以前3年主要是做financial accountant, 然后转到management accountant做了一年半至现在
公司比较大所以分得很细,我在的reporting team主要是accounting & reporting为主,transactional 比较多,然后偏commercial 方面的分析都由business Analyst & commercial manager负责
最近在想next career move 对我来说该是什么
1. . stick to the traditioonal accounting area, 往 senior role发展,再锻炼个3、4年,可以跳到中小企业做个finance manager/financial controller之类的,这对我而言其实是一条比较按部就班算是相对容易的路,反正这个领域我已经很熟悉
2. take on something new,比较理想的是既可以用到我目前的technical skill,又多些commercial & analytical focus,这其实也是我比较prefer的,因为个人还是喜欢多尝试新的role多拓宽些知识面,一辈子当accountant多无聊,当然问题就是你要不停地学,自己觉得比较适合第2点的应该是reporting analyst/finance analyst/commercial analys...若选择这条今后的发展应该是commercial manager?
有些PD (position description)看上去不怎样,但面试下来言谈甚谈,公司也感觉很不错,所以不到面试阶段,真是很难判断
还有就职业而言,能做mgmtaccountant,就不要做financial accountant,除非你喜欢compliance, IFRS/GAAP,而能做mgmt accountant中manufacturing account/costaccountant的话,需求量虽然看似不如financialaccountant多,但这是个niche skill,对未来发展很好,pay也好。
废话不多说了,谈些经验吧 - Seek上的Agent手中有些role并不是exclusive的,各家竞争意味颇浓,如果你已经见了一家agent并且他已经推荐了一个role, 最好不要再跟第二家agent撞到同样的role,这是颇忌讳的事情
- 有时你会发现Seek上senior role不多,我指的是 senior accountant, 而仅有的几个senior role又真的很senior,基本到了manager or assisting finance manager级别,那是因为几家agent (e.g. HAYS, Michael page, OCG, Consult, Robert Half etc) 会根据PD来列title, 所以很可能出现公司本身要招的是finance manager, 但因为公司不大或是PD看上去只是accountant level 或是薪水只到accountant 级别, 那么Agent只会放Accountant role
- 一般大公司会有自己的HR或是HR partner,我觉得比agent靠谱,我现在的role就是直接投的,但直接投也有问题,拖太久效率太慢,这点agent快多了,有时一个电话马上就能安排面试
- 面试是非常煎熬的一个过程,虽然有心理准备但2个月连轴转(同时工作又特别累因为在annual budgeting)真有点吃不消,到后来都没啥动力鸟,所以做好长期抗战的准备吧,要淡定,心理素质强,耐得住……
谈下找工作的经验。如果你已是CA并且在multinational company 有过不错的经验(至少3、4年以上),那么基本上只要投,就应该有回音,若没有,那是你的CV太烂,好好改改吧
如果你telephone interview答得不错的话,应该马上会安排面试,如果没有面试,那就是口语太烂了,好好练练吧
Covering letter重要吗?如果投agent,不重要,因为都不知道是什么role在那家公司,把CV弄得详细一点发过去,agent 自然会联系你,然后再发PD给你看你是否有兴趣,但如果直接投公司,我一般会attachcovering letter,以示郑重
前一个月从头到尾我也不过面试了4家, 可感觉过程特别漫长,大概是因为4家中3个家都进了final interview(每个role都是2次面试),所以感觉一直在面试面试……
这4个role的总公司都是Fortune 500, 二家FMCGgiant,一家IT巨头,一家全球五大制药公司之一,面试形式也是各种各样,传统的face-face就不提了,IT那家是video conference,到site和在Sydney的finance manager 视频面试,对方那一口沉重的澳村音听得我面部抽搐,
面试完当天下午HR就打电话让我再2nd interview,可惜最终没进,说是”not sure yourability to influence strong minded business owners”
我当时心中一百头草泥马呼啸而过,心想在面试中你也没有问过类似的问题啊,比如“giveme an example to influence customers/changes your customers’ mind….”,
唯一一家没有进2ndinterview的给我的feedback是”your experience is too senior for this role, he is afraid this role will not challenge you enough…”
4家中的那家制药公司颇令人失望,PD看上去跟我的skill简直是perfect match,这也是唯一一家我申请了manufacturingmanagement accountant的,其余的都是businessanalyst/finance analyst
但它毕竟在NZ是small scale operation,虽然整个remuneration pack很不错应该有六位数,但2nd interview之后我就强烈感到和 hiring manager格格不入,
而且毕竟习惯了corporate environment,小公司固然有更大responsibility更灵活但能明显感到资源不足发展前途晦暗,所以二面之后就跟agent婉拒鸟
同时Agent 也推荐了一些其它role,有些role在不错的公司,但PD看上去并不是很感兴趣或是我想要发展的领域便推掉了,感觉是有点可惜,但人总要有所取舍,不能一揽子什么都上……
还有一个比较特别的经历是onlineone-way interview,我也是第一次碰上这种形式的面试,估计是为在offshore的hiring manager服务的,
公司会给你一个网页链接,问一些比较常见的问题,e.g.what’s your motivation for this role? Where do you see yourself in 3-5 years? 一般设定2分钟内答完,你需要用camera把自己的回答录下来,可以录多次直到满意为止,然后上传,因为不是互动的所以是one-way。
这个上周六我刚刚做完,目前还没收到任何回音。 这个role是Finance manager,很理想的role,是我未来3-5年内计划要发展的。
坦白说我目前的CV有点light,本来没指望能shortlisted,然而就在我等回音的时候,之前面试4家中的FMCG giant给了我offer,这家的recruitmentprocess持续了二个月之久,招聘广告在X’mas之前就登了,也是senior role, 手下带2 direct reports, 本来也没指望能被shortlist,现在看来可能是自己太谦虚鸟嘿嘿……
其实在1stinterview之后我对这家就感觉特别好,不是每家公司都能给你这样的感觉,wellconnected, very similar business model & background with my current company,direct manager,也就是hiring manager看上去也很不错。
我当时内心又是一百头草泥马呼啸而过,心想又来了,面试表现得差不行,表现得好也有危险,什么世道!连忙说 “I am a royal employee and prefer a stable work environment,I believe this role can offer a lot outside BAU, blabla…” 这样糊弄过去,
不过我知道它家有internal candidate及经历了一个并不怎么样的2nd telephone interview之后(我telephone interview稍一紧张就会嗑嗑巴巴,简单惨不忍听)就没抱什么希望,所以收到HR 电话真有点小惊。
可人嘛,就是比较贪婪,或是犯贱?端着碗里的,看着锅里的,手上若已有一个offer便开始纠结是否有更好的,但其实那个Financemanager role所在的公司跟已给我OFFER这家规模完全不能比,而且一家目前还没有进展,一家已经给了合同,答案不言而喻。
Where do you seeyourself in next 3-5 years?
我觉得所有上班族都应该扪心自问一下,不必马上有答案,也不一定要多早,人生不是非黑即白,更不是一条直线到底。我也是足足混了八年后,才想到问自己这个问题,可谓在事业上没啥野心,事实上即使到现在我也不太确定答案,也不想太拘泥于title,我比较确信的是 Iam driven to be the best at what I do and I want to work for a organisationwhere I can keep on developing myself, learn from the best, take on interestingprojects…. I don’t have a big career ambition but I do want to take more mgmtresponsibilities, such as involves with people mgmt or involves with strategiclevel of the business (e.g. development of company strategicinitiatives/objects)
- Give me a brief outline of your career to date, with emphasis on your most recent role – what are your overall responsibilities, key achievements et ?
- In your career to date, what role have you enjoyed the most? Why? What aspects have you enjoyed least?
- What motivated you to apply for this role? how does it fit with your career goals?
- What skills and strengths can you bring to this role? What makes you our “stand out” candidates?
- What is your understanding of this role?
- Why are you looking to leave your current position?
- Please tell me a time when you juggle with completing priorities, what are the situation and how did you manage this?
- What do you do in your spare time?
- If you’ve been offered this role and come to work, what are 3 things you will do first? (这个是IT家问的,我还真没啥准备,就说首先要introduce myself,get to know the team, to catch up with direct manager discuss priorities…. Behavioralquestions
- Tell me about a time when you did something extra for a customer.
(the interviewer is seeking prove of yourability to step beyond your duties, provide value-add service to yourcustomers)
- Tell me a time to deal with difficult customers and achieved satisfying results
- Tell me a time to provide financial data to assist/changes business decisions
- Tell me a situation you influence changes amongst your customer and achieve positive result