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Turner Hopkins Services – Immigration Advice You Can Trust 您可以信赖的移民建议 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2023-6-2 11:42:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 微信分享
本帖最后由 Turner Hopkins Immigration 于 2023-8-31 15:22 编辑

Turner Hopkins Services是一家位于奥克兰北岸塔卡普纳(Takapuna)的精品移民咨询公司,为新西兰以及国际客户和企业提供服务。

保罗·詹森(Paul Janssen)负责团队,团队有华人助手Jackie可以用英语和普通话沟通,讨论您的移民问题。



·       访问签证和学生签证

·       工作签证,包括认证雇主签证、特定目的签证、毕业后签证和伴侣签证
·       技术移民类别永久居留
·       直接永久居留(绿色名单)
·       投资者和企业家类别
·       伴侣居留
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·       我们为新西兰企业提供雇主认证和职位审核服务,并可以帮助满足各种认证合规需求。





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使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2023-6-30 12:53:17 |只看该作者 微信分享
本帖最后由 Turner Hopkins Immigration 于 2023-6-30 13:07 编辑



30 Jun 2023,Written By Paul Janssen

There are a lot of very good quotes about the value of persistence, but one sticks out to me as being the perfect description of how some Visa application processes can feel , not only for the applicant but also for their adviser - “It always seems impossible until it is done”.

有很多至理名言讨论坚持的价值,但是,我认为其中一句用于描述签证申请的过程显得尤为贴切,不仅适用于申请人,也适用于他们的移民顾问。这就是“It always seems impossible until it is done. 在做成之前,一切总是显得不可能。”

Nelson Mandela spoke those words in 2001, although for a client we recently assisted, he might as well have said them yesterday. Sometimes a task, journey or goal can seem so far away and so difficult to achieve and yet when you do manage to be successful in the endeavour, that sense of impossibility becomes the distant memory instead.


I imagine that this is how many migrants feel as they work their way through the labyrinth of rules, logistics and emotions that come with moving to a new country. Some migrants however, experience more of these obstacles than others and this is true of an applicant we have been working with over the last few months. It is a great story of persistence, patience and proof that sometimes staying the course is very much worth it.


Our client, originally from China, found herself smack in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle of immigration issues. She was given poor advice from another adviser that ultimately lead to an application having to be withdrawn, she had changed her mind part-way through the process in terms of her plans, leading INZ to think she was trying to be a bit too clever and then finally INZ had her marked as having potentially provided false and misleading information during the course of her previous applications - something they take very seriously.


There is a fairly lengthy and complicated back-story to how these issues came about, however the key issue, which is something I have written on extensively, is that her plans and intentions in New Zealand weren’t properly disclosed to INZ (through no fault of her own) and that then lead INZ to question these plans (and her intent), not once but in three separate and very lengthy letters. It is really important for all applicants that whatever their intentions are, they make those as clear as possible when they apply for a Visa. Of course intentions and plans can change and that is really where this client fell down a pretty deep hole with INZ. It also didn’t help that she was poorly advised along the way, but when she arrived with us, the issues were stacked up fairly high against her.


She had withdrawn a previous Student Visa application, simply because INZ had raised so many issues as to her declarations, her intentions, her previous documents and the fact that she was already studying without the Visa in hand (a mistake that plenty of people have made in the past). She had no idea what to do, or how to move forward. As we always do in these situations, we clarified that this wouldn’t be easy but having trawled through the details, it would be worth another attempt . We needed to clear the air, set the record straight and hope that INZ could see that there was nothing untoward in what this applicant was trying to do.


We did just that and submitted a new, fresh and more thoroughly documented application for this client. Her story made sense and she wasn’t the first client to have been ill-advised along the way.


INZ picked up the application and relatively quickly sent back a potentially prejudicial information (PPI) letter, outlining their concerns. The strange thing being that most of these concerns, we had already addressed, within the application itself. We set about responding and once again clarifying all of the various issues. INZ ackowledged the response, confirmed they were mulling it over and then we waited.


A few weeks later, we get another PPI letter, repeating much of the same, but adding in a few more concerns along the way. Nothing frustrates me more than lazy processing and it was starting to feel very much like that. This time INZ also began to focus in on why this client had applied for a Visitor Visa to travel here, declared on her arrival card she was interested in studying instead, and then shortly after arriving, pursued those studies in an English course. It seemed that INZ’s biggest issue was with the fact that she had changed her mind. Something most migrants do at some stage along the way. The problem is, how do you prove that someone changed their mind instead of trying to deceive the system intentionally.


Just to give this some context, receiving a PPI is for most applicants, the thing they dread the most - when you have prepared what you think is the perfect application and INZ sends you a 10 page letter explaining why it isn’t, is more than disheartening. For a good Adviser, a PPI should be more of an annoyance than anything else, because if you have prepared a good case, it should be a case that is successful. To get two of these, repeating themselves and with INZ arguing something as difficult to prove as “intent”, would test anyone’s patience.


With that patience running significantly more thin, we responded yet again and once more we explained that people (all of them, including migrants) are entitled to change their minds and migrants very often pursue other Visa pathways when they are here. In fact a large portion of the people working here already, have done just that - they arrived, decided to stay and applied for different types of Visas - yet INZ doesn’t haul everyone up who does jus that.


Another couple of weeks passed, and then we are advised that the first case officer had left and the file has been picked up by someone new - that someone new, obviously having to bring themselves up to speed on the file and all of the various arguments we had previously presented. We gave them some time to do this and then gently reminded them that this client had been waiting for quite some time for a result. We then received an update from this new officer.


At this stage, you would be expecting a decision (and an approval no less), however what came through was a third PPI. Once again, INZ were going around in circles and it was starting to make every one dizzy -including, it seemed, this new case officer. The client could very rightly have thrown in the towel and we might have been tempted to throw something else (at someone else) - however we weren’t backing down and instead we were climbing the ropes, in to the ring, ready for round three. This time however the gloves were coming off.


In our final response we made it clear that assumptions, hunches and guesses were not going to fly and that this client had done nothing even remotely justifying this third, fourth and fifth degree treatment. Sure, mistakes had been made, but very genuine ones and none of that undermined the fact she was clear in her plans, genuine in her intent and met the criteria.


This morning, the Visa was approved.


What seemed impossible to the client, had now been done - despite it taking three very lengthy and complicated arguments as well as knocking a little common sense in to not one but two different immigration officers. Sticking at it, staying the course and being confident in your position (and ability to argue that position) were the key. The client contributed enormously to the outcome by not giving up or simply walking away (where many a migrant would have).


For us, it is all about that persistence, and knowing when to deploy it. Measuring the potential success of an application at the very start, helps us work out whether staying the course is something we should do and is in the clients best interests. If this case had not had solid grounds to begin with, we would not have persisted, however it did and so we were happy to take on the challenge and take the fight back to INZ.


Of course, a lot of what we do is far more predictable and easy to manage, but for me, these are the applications that we most enjoy because they mean so much more to the people involved.


Until next week!


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2023-7-7 16:30:28 |只看该作者 微信分享
What Do You Mean I Don’t Qualify?

7 Jul 2023, Written By Paul Janssen

In my line of work, you have to be comfortable telling some people that the best option, is no option at all. Unfortunately for every person we assist through this process, there are an awful lot more who simply don’t qualify and explaining that to them can be really a difficult thing to do.


The migration process takes no prisoners and can be complicated, expensive and incredibly stressful, so to embark on something like this, you need to make sure you have a clear path ahead, meet the requirements and can fulfil all of the various criteria along the way. There are always things that might change or circumstances that can come along to disrupt even the best laid plans, but if you dont meet that very basic level of eligibility, this is not a process you want to take on.


However, telling someone who has set their mind to making the move, that they dont actually qualify, can be a really difficult thing to navigate, no matter how necessary it might be. I have experienced my fair share of abuse over the years for telling people who think they qualify, that in fact they dont - or that the pathway they have started walking down is ultimately not going to lead them to being able to live here permanently. Its a tough part of the job but also an absolutely necessary one.


Let me explain why saying “no” can be just as powerful in the Visa process as saying “yes”.


Very recently I had an interesting (and fairly confronting) email exchange with a migrant hopeful - someone based in South Africa, keen to make the move and furiously investigating his chances. He approached me and asked for an assessment of his situation, which I was more than happy to do. As is our standard practice, I asked for his details, CV and other background information and then compared all of that against the rules we have now and the rules due to come in to effect in October. I also looked at all other possible Residence scenarios (there are quite a few) to ensure we left no stone unturned.


The results of that assessment were unfortunately negative and apart from a temporary Visa scenario, there was no way for this individual and his family (partner and two young children) to make the permanent move. I could have presented a whole raft of temporary options to work or study here, but if none of those have a realistic chance of securing the long-term goal of Residence, there really isn’t much point. I explained all of that to him as best I could, appreciating the disappointment that might create.


Apparently I was wrong, and according to this individual, he did qualify and someone else had told him so. That of course lead me to wonder why he needed my opinion on the matter at all, but unfortunately in this process, not everyone’s advice is created equally.


I went on to explain the specific details as to why he would fail to meet the soon to be released Skilled Migrant Category requirements, largely based on a lack of a suitable qualification and the ability to earn the salary required under other work to residence pathways. This was not to say he was not skilled, just that he did not meet the criteria required to make this process work.


Apparently I was still wrong and he spared no expletives in letting me know. However whilst his disappointment was significant, the anger was short lived and eventually he realised that I might actually know what I am talking about. In the end and after several further exchanges, he thanked me for being honest and for doing what the other individual had not, which was to tell him what he needed to know. That, right there, is why saying “no” can often be far more beneficial than saying “yes”. Despite taking a few emails to get there, this individual did appreciate the advice, despite it being the opposite of what he wanted, because he could now look at other options or focus on other things - potentially many thousands of dollars, better off.


The road a migrant travels, to get from anywhere in the world to New Zealand, is a complicated one and its also expensive (financially and emotionally). To invest in the process, you need to know that it is going to work or at the very least you have a very good chance of success and can manage any potential issues or risks. I believe that a big part of an advisers job is to clarify that chance, explain those risks and where there is no chance or the risks are just too great, to make it very clear to the person, why.


It is very tempting when you are pursuing a dream as big as a permanent move to another country, to search for the answers that fit that dream - to hunt around until someone tells you what you want to hear, but that may not necessarily be what you need to know. I don’t take any joy in telling people they don’t qualify but I sleep very well at night knowing that I have hopefully (if they listen to me), saved that person from the enormous expense in time and money to start a process that will ultimately fail.


This can be tricky for the would-be migrant, particularly knowing who to trust in terms of the advice you seek. My advice is to go by personal recommendation, do plenty of homework on the person you plan to engage, ensure they are correctly licensed and if they are telling you it won’t work, when someone else might have told you it would - there is probably a very good reason why.


Also, be wary of things that sound too good or too easy to be true - the migration process is never simple, even for the those who believe their case is “straight-forward”. Migrating is a challenge, even for people that genuinely fit squarely in to the criteria. The commitment this process requires, should also never be underestimated.


Of course, I am going to add here that migration is never black and white either and for all applicants there is risk, and it is the level of risk that you need to manage. In cases where the situation is more complex or perhaps you have fallen of the Visa wagon and need some serious help, getting realistic advice is even more crucial. We see this a lot and it is unfortunately where the quality of advice can vary greatly.


When you are in a tricky spot, perhaps here unlawfully or your application has hit an immigration officer brick wall, you need to know what your chances of success will be and whether there is a way out. In these situations, it becomes even more tempting to try and find the answer that makes you feel better - but really you just need the right answer, even if it does lead to disappointment.


For me, having done this for so long, I take as much pride in steering people away from this process as I do, guiding them through it. I appreciate that might sound a bit strange, but I would like to think that all of those people who have avoided unnecessary cost and failure by pursuing an application that was doomed to fail, will thank me just as much as the thousands that I have and will see safely through the process.


Migrating is not for the faint of heart, but for those that can meet the requirements and can navigate the challenges, it can be an incredibly rewarding and life-changing experience. Unfortunately not all people who want to pursue this pathway can be successful and in fact, having reasonably strict criteria is in part what makes New Zealand so desirable in the first place.


If you are contemplating the move and looking at the options, get some good advice, advice that you can trust and then stick with it. If that advice tells you, that this isn’t for you then remember even if that disappoints you, the person telling you might have just done you a really big favour.


Until next week.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2023-7-13 14:23:51 |只看该作者 微信分享
The Road to Residence

12 Jul Written By Paul Janssen

There is no doubt that the introduction of the new Skilled Migrant Category policy has changed the landscape (and plans) for a large number of prospective migrants. The biggest change to those that qualify, being the potential need to work in New Zealand for between one and three years, depending on the skills they bring to the table. You can read more on these changes in our recent blog (SMC Analysis), however in short form, the changes mean that depending on your level of qualification, training (in a registered occupation) or potential NZ salary, applicants can either apply directly for Residence or may have to accumulate New Zealand work experience (one to three years) first.

毫无疑问,对大量潜在移民来说,新技术移民政策的引入改变了移民规划的形势(以及计划)。对于那些符合资格的人来说,最大的变化是——可能需要在新西兰工作一到三年,具体时长取决于他们所具备的技能。您可以在我们最近关于技术移民分析的博客(The Sun Still Rises | Turner Hopkins (turnerhopkinsimmigration.co.nz)中了解更多关于最新政策变化的信息,简而言之,最新的技术移民变化意味着根据您的学历水平、受过的培训(注册职业相关)或潜在的新西兰薪资,申请人可以直接申请永久居留权,或者可能需要先积累新西兰工作经验(一到三年)。

Argued by some in the industry as a dramatic shift, the reality is New Zealand has operated this sort of “work to residence” option for many years - now it just applies to a wider pool of potential applicants. It also isn’t the “end of days” scenario that many were predicting and speaking to one potential client last week, they were not at all fussed by the thought of having to work here for two years, before then being able to apply for Residence. I imagine as the dust settles, people will become comfortable with this plan and of course there is always the potential for things to change again, post our elections in October.


However it did give me pause, to think about some of the logistical issues that this option presents, particularly when it comes to those older applicants (nearing the age cut-off), those with teenage children, who they wish to include in the process and those who might consider studying in New Zealand, to become “more eligible”, e.g. having to work for a shorter period by having a higher level of qualification.


There are some opportunities and some obstacles in all of this, which I am hoping to clarify or breakdown for you in this post.


Age - Time Marches On

No matter how hard you might try, ageing is something none of us can avoid and of course age is a key consideration for all of our skilled migrant pathways. The cut-off age to apply under the SMC category, the Straight to Residence path or the Work to Residence pathways is 56 years, which means your application (for Residence) has to be submitted before this crucial birthday. However if you are 55 years, 11 months, 3 weeks and 6 days old and you lodge your Residence application you are “safe”. You will of course continue to get older, but as far as INZ is concerned, your date of birth is frozen in time.


Under the previous (exists until October) Skilled Migrant system, that wasn’t generally an issue, because the moment you secured the right job offer and had the points required, you could apply and thus you had all the way up until your 56th birthday to make it work. That still applies for some people, but if you fall in to the category where you need to accumulate work experience first, you effectively have to move that timeline backwards. For example, if you have a Bachelor’s Degree, and dont qualify under the Green List, you would need to work here in NZ for three years before being eligible to apply for Residence. If you factor in the time it takes to secure the job and then also secure the Work Visa, your effective cut-off age becomes 52 and a half - leaving you three and a half years to achieve the above before being able to apply for Residence.


You also have to consider that working here for three years may result in a job change or two along the way and so any time spent not working during that period of time, pushes your deadline out even further.


For those who fall in to this category, some really careful planning needs to be deployed, to make sure that you have the time available to complete all the steps necessary to make this work. Not impossible by any stretch but being aware of the restraints and making sure you stay on the right pathway to get to that end goal of a Residence application are crucial.


The Teenage Problem

Similar to the age issue, having older dependent children included, for those who have to accumulate work experience here, creates logistical challenges as well. Let’s take the same example of a bachelor degree qualified potential applicant, needing to work here for three years, who has a teenage child they wish to include, aged 16 years. There would be no issues in securing the Work Visa and a dependent Student Visa to come over and take up the job offer. However factoring in the three years, that child is now going to be 19 years old at the time Residence can be filed. That child would have finished secondary school and without Residence, the only way to study here at tertiary level would be to apply as a full-fee paying international student.


There are visitor visa options for the child that could be explored as well, but obviously it does create a delay in them being able to pursue further studies or even go out in to the workforce. This is a situation we have had to face before as previous Skilled Migrant Residence applications were taking more than 24 months to process, leaving a lot of dependent children in limbo. There are creative (and sometimes more drastic) ways to manage this but the key point is it needs managing - the earlier the better. Anyone in this situation, needs to be mindful of the timing and how that impacts on not just them, but also any children included.


Study Pathways

This one has always been tricky and potentially made more complicated with recent changes. Historically, there have been a lot of offshore “student agents” who have very heavily promoted the idea of coming here to study, leading to an “open” work visa, eventually leading to Residence. It was always a risky and very costly process and unfortunately a lot of these agents were only promoting this pathway based on the commissions they secured for each student who enrolled. There are heavy and often complicated tie-ups between training institutions, agents and even some LIA’s that in my view generate too many conflicts of interest.


With the new SMC program, there has been a very quick call to now promote higher level qualifications such as a Masters or PhD program, which if completed here would then reduce the work experience needed from two or three years to either one or none. Not a bad idea, assuming that this policy remains in place. However the other side of that equation, where courses are being pushed in subjects that lead to a potential application under the Green List could hit a bit of a wall. In a weird policy glitch, work experience on a post-study Work Visa does not qualify for work experience under the work to residence (Green List) category - something I am sure many people are going to miss.


For me, I have always encouraged applicants, particularly those that are already skilled and qualified, to work with what they have, rather than undertaking an expensive, length course of study to try and meet the criteria. Policy’s change, rules are updated and what might have worked when you started, could end up being an expensive piece of paper on the wall.


If you want to study here to upskill or to integrate or even to increase your English ability, then by all means, the Student Visa option is a very valid one, but as a “shortcut” to Residence, which many agents promote this as, it is usually very far from it.


Other Considerations

There are many other things to consider when you are trying to map out your road to Residence and some of them have nothing to do with the actual Visa process itself. The key one, which is constantly changing and often overlooked is the labour market. The availability of jobs, the security of jobs and of course your ability to move from one to another (if the first disappears) are all things you need to bear in mind.


Of course you can’t predict what will happen, even with the best economic indicators and despite New Zealand entering a technical recession our job numbers remain comparatively very high - although things can and do change. You do still need to factor in the potential for this to happen, with the chances increasing, the longer you have to work here. Managing this risk over a year is a lot easier than three years. Being aware of what your options are, should you need to move jobs is important because the process to switch roles is not always as clear or as obvious as you might think.


However, for those will skills, a good command of English and the commitment to make this work finding a job has never been a show-stopper, even if the first job they find ends abruptly. I once has a client move between four jobs during their Residence process (more by choice) and it worked out in the end for them.


The simple fact is that this new Skilled Migrant Process, makes planning your move even more important (it was pretty crucial before) and understanding the time you need, the things to plan for and how to make sure you dont miss the opportunity, are all tools on a good advisers belt.


Lastly, if you are wondering why this blog is coming to you a little earlier than usual, it is because New Zealanders will all be taking a day off on Friday to celebrate Matariki which, is the Pleiades star cluster and a celebration of its first rising in late June or early July. This also marks the beginning of the new year in the Māori lunar calendar and is commemorated through a national public holiday. A good chance for a mid-winter short break and to spend time with friends and family.


Until next week.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2023-7-21 15:43:01 |只看该作者 微信分享
But My Friend Told Me…?

但我从朋友那儿听说 … ?

21 Jul Written By Paul Janssen

The Visa process can be a breeding ground for myth, rumour and speculation and most of it comes from the fact that when people publish their good news, Visa approval stories online, they leave out a lot of the mistakes, issues and challenges they faced along the way. Other applicants, who are in the same or similar process or just starting out, pick up on these posts and use them as the benchmark.


All too often, as advisers, we are told by prospective migrants that their application should be processed quicker and with less paperwork because…their friends told them so. You can easily replace the word “friends” with Google, ChatGPT or Facebook. There are plenty of reasons why this isn’t actually the case and some of them might surprise you.


Whilst it might seem like a minor inconvenience, it can actually have significant consequences - particularly when you build your relocation strategy around the online chatter from those who have moved before. Their process, situation and circumstances will be different to yours and as such, you might find your plans unravelling. It can also cause unecessary anxiety and stress, when you think you are the only Visa applicant who hasn’t yet been approved when everyone else online is popping champagne corks.


For those starting out or even part of the way through the migration process, it is really important to understand why, listening to the right sources of information, will save you time, money, frustration and the possible heartbreak of a failed application.


The Visa Grapevine


The birthplace of most of the confusion that surrounds the Visa process is social media, with various groups, pages and “chats” being the cause of an amazing amount of disinformation, rumour and myth - propelled largely by good intentions (migrants wanting to help migrants) but falling very short of the mark. Unfortunately there are also a number of newly anointed (but very inexperienced) advisers who chime in, well out of their depth. I have seen a lot of this first-hand, with people whose only qualifications to understanding thousands of pages of immigration policy, being the one time they successfully applied for a Visitor Visa; going ahead and disseminating specific and very complex advice to other potential migrants.


In the same way that you wouldn’t consult Facebook for a guide to your own open-heart surgery, nor would you, as a prospective Resident Visa applicant, want to rely on the advice of strangers, whose only experience in this process is that one time they travelled to NZ to take a tour of Hobbiton.


Every migrant brings their own unique issues and challenges to the process and even though there is only one set of immigration rules, how each applicant goes through the process and how those rules apply to them, will vary (often greatly). You might have a medical or character issue that means your application requires far more attention and preparation and could potentially take longer to process - however unless you are sharing all of that information online (and why on earth would you want to), no one is going to be able to warn you of that.


I also find that when people share their self-made visa successes online, they leave out large chunks of information that they potentially dont want anyone to know. I can testify to that, having helped someone out of a very messy visa situation in the past, which was lengthy, drawn out and very complicated - only to see them provide the heavily edited, and largely embellished version to their FB followers. No one wants to admit that perhaps they got it wrong and messed it up…certainly not in public.


The problem is, those stories, paint a picture that other hopeful migrants take to be gospel and proceed to plan their move around, only to discover much later that their journey is going to be very different.


It even goes to the extent of everyday folks telling hopeful migrants that they qualify when they don’t or that they don’t when they do. I often have to explain to people that just because their friend, FB group, Siri or their next-door neighbours, aunties, second cousin-once removed, said something, doesn’t make it so.


Despite the fact there is only one set of Visa rules and one department tasked with administering those rules, the Visa process is an incredibly unique experience. Your plan, your needs and your success will be determined by how INZ assesses you, not everyone else on social media.


My advice is don’t drink the wine off the migrant grapevine , or at least if you do, sip it slowly. Get advice from a source that is qualified, trustworthy and credible and will tell you what you need to know - objectively. Bob from Facebook might have managed to sort that Visa so he could see the life-size statue of Gandalf but I would stake my almost twenty years in this industry that he doesn’t have the foggiest clue as to how you can successfully secure Residence in New Zealand and keep your family here permanently.


INZ Inconsistency


Not all of the blame for this myth and rumour falls at the feet of other migrants however, and INZ has a role to play in at least part of the problem, particularly when it comes to consistency in their decision making.


I mentioned earlier that there is one set of rules for each type of Visa and one department that administers those rules - which you would think leads to consistent decision making with everyone being treated fairly. Well it unfortunately doesn’t always work out that way.


You see, whilst there is just one set of rules and one INZ, within that there are lots and lots of different case officers, all with different degrees of experience, understanding, common sense and of course personalities. Just as every migrant is unique, so too are the officers who make the decisions as to who comes here and who doesn’t.


I have plenty of stories and examples of applications that look the same, feel the same and should be given the same result, ending up with wildly different outcomes. What one officer believes is enough to grant a Visa, is only half-way there (or not at all) for another. That of course adds to the “but my friend told me” conundrum because that friend might have in fact had a very good (or possibly very experienced) officer who moved the application through a good dose of common sense, compared to another officer who might just feel like giving someone the third degree treatment.


In 2009 the Auditor General released a review of the Immigration system, wherein decision making consistency and quality was a key focus. That review revealed that two-thirds of all decisions were good, with the rest (33%) being adequate to poor. That is a scarily big number when you consider that INZ process hundreds of thousands of Visas every year. The review also suggested that KPI’s, targets, poor training and a segregated Visa processing system were big factors to what was significant inconsistency.


Sadly, not much has changed. Even though the 2009 report pushed INZ to do better, more recent backlogs, border re-openings, policy changes, pressure from the Minister and staff turnover have meant that inconsistency is still rife.


Sometimes, whether you are processed quickly or not, with lots of questions or none, or receive an approval or a decline are all determined by who picks up your application. Sort of a Dirty Harry, are you feeling lucky, type scenario.

有时候,你的申请处理速度快不快、是否被移民官问了很多问题、是否被批准或拒绝都取决于是谁处理你的申请。有点像《紧急追捕令》电影中的“Are you feeling lucky (你想碰碰运气吗?)”情节。

A big part of what we do is ensuring that no matter which officer you end up with, your application is treated fairly, consistently and in line with the rules and regulations that apply. It’s no small job but I can assure you, we have saved a lot of migrants from inexperienced case officers (and sometimes themselves) over the years.


Don’t Believe Everything You Read Online


Pretty simple advice, but very appropriate for the would-be migrant. I am not suggesting that you need to go back to pen and paper, but just tread carefully through the myriad of resources that are available to you online. Some are really good and even with the FB chat groups, there is some good, pragmatic and genuine advice - however when someone, with no real experience is telling you how to apply for a Visa that will determine the future for you and your family - ask yourself if this is really the best way to go.


I am of course biased and would always suggest you seek out the advice of a professional (and a good one) because this process is not one you want to take chances with, but if you are doing your initial homework, just be wary of what sounds like the easy solution. Your migration journey will be as unique as you are and considering how important it is, it is definitely worth investing some time, energy and possibly some money in to making sure you have the right facts in front of you.


Until next week - and hopefully some more wins for the New Zealand women’s football team!


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2023-7-31 15:52:55 |只看该作者 微信分享
Should We Shelve The AEWV?


28 Jul, Written By Paul Janssen

There has been a lot of discussion recently regarding the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) system and whether it is fit for purpose as the replacement for a large number of previous Work Visa categories. These calls have come off the back of an increasing number of migrant exploitation reports, where employers and other related parties are using the system as a means to make money by duping vulnerable and desperate people, looking for a new life here.

最近,关于认证雇主工作签证(Accredited Employer Work Visa,简称AEWV)制度到底是不是应该被用来替代众多以往的工作签证类别的话题引起了许多讨论。这些讨论的起因是,移民劳工被剥削的报告不减反增而且越来越多,雇主和其他利益方利用AEWV制度欺骗那些想在新西兰寻求新生活的脆弱和绝望的移民劳工。

The AEWV was introduced as a means to reduce migrant exploitation and yet ironically it seems to be providing a convenient pathway for rogue employers and other actors to create even more chaos. However, if you dig a bit deeper, the reasons as to why all of this is happening become a little clearer and in our view, it isn’t the policy that is broken, but rather the way it is being delivered.


What is the AEWV?


If you aren’t familiar with the AEWV process, here is a bit of a run through for you. The AEWV or Accredited Employer Work Visa scheme was introduced in 2022, and replaced six previous, employer-supported Work Visa categories. It is now the main Work Visa option for those who secure employment and are supported by a New Zealand employer to come here to work. The key changes to those previous categories, that the AEWV introduced, related to a greater involvement by employers, a system where those employer became “accredited” by INZ and then a more streamlined process for the applicant.


The AEWV has three separate stages, instead of the previous single stage, which was largely undertaken by the applicant. In this new system, the process works as follows:


•        An employer, seeking to recruit a migrant worker submits an application for “Accreditation” to INZ. Within this they declare they are financially stable, a genuine employer and no one within the business has had any issues with the employment regulators. It is designed to be a thorough ‘background check’ on the employer to ensure that they are the real deal.


•        Once Accreditation is secured, the employer then submits a “Job Check” with INZ, where they show that the role they are trying to fill cannot be filled from within the local labour market. This would usually involve providing evidence of advertising, a draft agreement (to ensure the terms of employment are all in order) and evidence of the remuneration on offer and skills required. Again this is intended to be a thorough check of the job being offered and that there is a genuine need for the migrant applicant to fill that position.


•        If the Job Check is approved, then the employer is given a token (or multiple tokens) which they can use to invite the potential migrant applicant to apply for a Work Visa. In theory the employer and job offer have been screened and approved, so this last step is to confirm that the applicant has the right skills for the job, and is of good health and character.


These three steps were designed to provide a more robust temporary Work Visa process, which also gave INZ the ability to monitor employers and ensure that there were doing right by the system and right by the migrants as well. Becoming “Accredited” meant you had been vetted by the Government, found to pass muster and have secured a sought after permission to employment migrant workers.


For the most part and certainly for all of the clients we see coming through the system, this process works well. Employers are legitimate, with real roles to fill and they are offering genuine jobs to willing migrants, supporting them through the whole process. Generally the higher the level of skill involved, the less risk there is. However on the fringes of the lower skilled market, particularly in the construction sector, there are those, looking to use this system to make a quick dollar (or several thousand).


Why Is It Not Working?


Well actually it is working, although not exactly as it was intended, at least not entirely. Of the tens of thousands of Work Visas approved under this scheme the overwhelming majority are for genuine roles, where the migrant is now happily employed and adding to our growing talent pool. Accreditations are being approved, Visas are being processed and migrants are filling shortages. However there are some exceptions to this and those exceptions, whilst still a very small percentage of the overall total, appear to be increasing from pre-AEWV levels. Some might argue that this increase, is reason enough to go back to the drawing board or back to previous policy settings, but obviously things are never that simple.


There is essentially one weak-spot in this three step-process which is seemingly creating a secondary market for Visas. That secondary market is a place where rogue employers and “employment agencies” are treating the job check process like a sort of Visa currency. They are then colluding to effectively sell these job check tokens to migrants in exchange for the opportunity to secure a Work Visa - the problem is there is no job at this end and the migrant ends up stuck here, out of pocket, out of income and out of options.


The weak-spot isn’t necessarily the policy itself but in how it is being delivered and to understand that, there is a whole backstory that revolves around, the chaotic border re-opening, processing backlogs and INZ being advised to treat all of these applications with a ‘light-touch’. That approach has meant that it is often all too easy for a less than genuine employer or agency to create the above situation and the opportunity to game the system.


So how does these scams work?


It is really simple in practice. Those who want to run this type of Visa “scam” know that INZ are not really looking at any of the three steps of the AEWV in great detail - so they create a business, submit an Accreditation application and see it being approved relatively quickly. There is not a lot of checking going on, where the “employer” has answered the questions on the form correctly - very little, if any supporting evidence is required and the focus is on speedy turnarounds, rather than quality assessments. The same then goes for the job check process. We have heard of instances where relatively new companies, secure Accreditation under the ‘high-volume’ option as “triangular employers” (where the employer hires and then outsources the applicant) and they then go on to secure job check tokens in the hundreds - that’s right hundreds.


With the tokens secured, they are then able to sell those off to the highest bidder (migrant) and charge a premium to that applicant for the token - albeit that premium is never paid to the employer but through a complicated series of related business entities, to avoid breaking the rules entirely (migrants are not allowed to be charged a fee for the job or recruitment process).


The migrant is sometimes complicit in this, but usually has no idea and genuninely believes there is a job waiting for them to get stuck into. They arrive here, and are then advised that the work has dried up, there is no money and they will have to figure it out for themselves. The reality is, there never was any work or any job - they have just been conned out of thousands of dollars.


The flaw in this process, that allows all this to happen more frequently, is not the policy, or the criteria but the fact the rules aren’t being implemented correctly, nor is much being checked by INZ. If I was an immigration officer, looking at a two year old “construction” business asking for hundreds of job check tokens at all once, I would be asking for a lot more than just an online form. Yet they aren’t and these tokens are being issued in huge volumes to these rogue outfits.


Of course, INZ are now doing checks on employers who are already Accredited as part of their ongoing compliance requirements, but the number is so small its insignificant and hardly much of a deterrent - it is also usually too late, because by the time those checks are done, the rogue employer has made their money and vanished.


One of the saddest parts is that these schemes tend to target lower skilled occupations and migrants who are absolutely desperate, from countries where incomes are already low, meaning these applicants are often borrowing money to pay the ludicrous fees, to end up here with no job at all. In a lot of cases the villains behind these scams are former migrants themselves, who know how to target people from their home countries.


Again, this still occupies a very small portion of all the AEWV’s being issued but ultimately any exploitation at all is intolerable.


Should We Shelve The AEWV?


My response is no, we shouldn’t. The simple fact is that no policy, rules or law will completely stamp out these problems, because people with a mind to make money in this way, are incredibly good at finding loopholes. I also believe that the AEWV system as it was designed, provided a good framework for simplifying the system and offering checks and balances - at least far more than we have had before.


The problem is not the policy but the method in which it is being delivered. When INZ were under fire in the media for being too slow, too clunky and too litigious in processing these applications, some bright spark decided that the way to fix that problem was to basically just let everything pass through. If an employers declare they are of good standing, then give them the green light. Check nothing, question nothing and do nothing, unless there is a giant red-flag. It appears it would have to be a flag the size of the South Island before INZ takes notice.


If INZ were to apply the criteria as they were written, to entities that were relatively newly established or had links to other related organisations with some history or form, we might see a much cleaner process and less media articles of unemployed and unpaid migrants. I don’t specifically blame INZ for this, because ultimately the buck stops with the Minister and the previous Minister was quick to try and fix a media firestorm by basically side-stepping what should be robust and thorough verification process.


It would not be hard for INZ to triage the good from the questionable employers and a few tweaks to the application form would quickly allow anyone to work out when more questions need to be raised. In fact for most of these rogue entities, creating these schemes the mere thought of being asked to provide paperwork, would seem them running for the hills.


As an example if INZ were to request at least some form of official evidence as part of the Accreditation process, to support the “claims” being made by some of these companies, those who were trying to pull a fast one, probably wouldn’t bother to apply.


This would then also allow the vast majority of genuine and willing employers who are doing the right thing to pass through the system, without extra administration or work to do. The AEWV could then deliver on the positive aspects, in terms of a faster processing time, less longer-term admin for employers and applicants and a more robust and workable Visa system.


I dont think we need to reinvent the reinvented wheel…we just need to make sure every spoke is finely tuned and the tires are fully inflated for this system to work as it was intended and as it does for the vast majority of employers using it. We cannot let a few very rotten apples, spoil it for the rest and there is a real reputational damage issue at stake here. The Government needs to move quickly to reign these small, but very dangerous numbers of rogue employers and related “agencies” in.


What Can You Do?


If you are planning the move, my advice is pretty simple - if you are suddenly offered a job out of the blue, or apply for one through a “scheme” and there is a very relaxed or non-existent recruitment process - that’s a red flag. Similarly if you are told that the job is conditional on you using this specific adviser or doing something unrelated that involves a fee, then ask why. Basically if it doesn’t feel right or it sounds too easy and simple, there is probably a good reason as to why that is the case.


Employers (or their recruiters) cannot force you to use a certain adviser, nor they can request a fee for the offer of employment. They cannot pass on costs for the recruitment process or their role in the Visa process either.


For most of you, this will never be an issue, because for most of you, you will secure a job that is genuine, legitimate and exists - but it never hurts to know what to look out for.


In the meantime, I hope that the Government realises that sometimes a process is designed for a reason and just because you need to score some points with the media or voters, doesn’t mean you can sidestep the process.


Until next week.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2023-8-7 15:58:41 |只看该作者 微信分享
Fact From Fiction


4 Aug – Written By Paul Janssen

I recently posted an article discussing the pitfalls of listening to unqualified advice from friends, family and our good friend, the internet in terms of how the Visa process works. The inspiration for that post came from a client of mine who sent me a text message asking if there was any truth to the rumour that once you turn 55 you don’t qualify for Residence under the skilled pathway.


That post and his message, along with a few other discussions I have had this week, lead me to think about some of the more common myths we hear and how it might be useful to knock a few of them off the list, clear the fog and set a few records straight - after all, there is no shortage of half-truths and misconceptions when it comes to how the New Zealand immigration process works. I also figured that this could become a bit of an ongoing, ‘regular feature’ that might just help a few people along the way. If you have a myth or rumour you want cleared up, get in touch and we will add it to the list.


So let’s start with a really big one and one that I hear more often that I would like - which is the idea that it is illegal to search for a job offer when you are in New Zealand on a Visitor Visa. This one has been doing the rounds for a long-time and unfortunately there are even a few licensed advisors who believe this to be the case.


The answer here is in two-parts though, because whilst it is absolutely fine to come here as a visitor and look for work, attend interview and even be given a job offer, you do have to think about what you tell INZ when you apply for that Visitor Visa in the first place. There is no law that says a person in this country on a Visitor Visa or a Student Visa etc., is unable to seek out a job - in fact that is how most people do it. However if you apply for a Visitor Visa and tell INZ you are coming on a holiday, then turn up at the airport, with your CV, work references and the kitchen sink - you might have an issue.


We advise our clients to tell the truth, explain that you are coming here to have a look around, but also investigate employment opportunities and so forth (which is all very legal) and let INZ issue the Visa on that basis. Then when you turn up and you secure that job and apply for the Work Visa, everything is consistent and it doesn’t look like you were trying to pull a fast one.


Myth number one busted.


A second, popular query, which was presented to me several times this week, was whether a partner to a NZ Resident Visa holder, had to be in New Zealand to apply for Residence, based on that partnership - again the answer here is no. There is no requirement for a partner to be in New Zealand when they apply for Residence based on that partnership, however they do need to be living with their NZ Resident Visa partner of course. The intent of this policy is to allow applicants to reside here with their partner, and so it would be a bit odd to make people live here first before they could apply for the Visa that allows them to do just that.


There are of course lots of ways an applicant (under partnership) could be here whilst they await their Resident Visa, but it isn’t a requirement. I have helped plenty of people in that boat to apply for Residence, from offshore and then once approved they move across.


Myth number two busted.


The third one is a dangerous one and is all over social media unfortunately, particularly in the various Facebook groups, where the DIY applicants seem to source all their immigration related advice from. There are plenty of people out there, suggesting that once you get an Accredited Employer Work Visa (often mistakenly referred to as a “Skilled Migrant Work Visa” you have a pathway to Residence. For some that is true, for a large portion that is not.


For most applicants, the Residence pathway is both a separate process but also has separate requirements and criteria. Securing the Work Visa is often a part of the overall plan but it isn’t necessarily an automatic pathway to securing your permanent stay here. This creates significant issues because there are plenty of people who, at the advice of others, jump on planes, secure jobs, get Work Visas and then have no way to make that stay permanent.


Myth number three busted.       


Following the above and another pretty common mistake, fuelled by bad advice is the fact that if you have lodged a Residence application, under normal circumstances that doesn’t allow you to remain here whilst it is being processed. For example if you have a Work Visa expiring in a month and you file your Residence application today, that Residence application doesn’t solve the problem of your Work Visa expiring. You would still need to apply for a further Work Visa and in most cases that involves meeting the rules and criteria for that Visa all over again. If you are on a Work Visa, that means a new job check or set of advertising for the employer - there is no such thing as an “extension”.


And there goes myth number four.


The last one for this week, goes back to the original motivation for this post and the question on age, which my client was pretty sure was rubbish, but just wanted me to check. I explained to him that actually its a pretty common misunderstanding and so he was right to ask.


For all Skilled Migrant Resident Visa pathways, the cut-off age is 56 years. However INZ tends to write the rules in a way that makes it as confusing as possible and so they would say the applicant “must be no more than 55 years of age” or “be aged 55 or younger at the time the residence application is made” - that can get confusing when all you read is the number 55. Just remember however that if you are 55 years, 11 months, 3 weeks and 6 days old…you are still 55 and therefore still qualify.


The second part of that myth is that provided you file your Resident Visa application before you turn 56 years then you are safe - time stops (for the Visa but you still get older of course). There are also other age caps for different Visa pathways or some with no age cap at all.

这个传闻的第二部分是,只要您在56岁之前提交了居民签证申请,那么您就是安全的 - 时间停止(对于签证来说是这样,但您当然还会变老)。不同的签证途径还有其他的年龄限制,或者一些签证类别根本没有年龄限制。

There are so many more examples I could share (and will over time) but these ones have been the subject of debate with clients over the last week or two. The reality is that immigration rules are complicated and very easily misunderstood - and it doesn’t take long for one person’s versions of those rules to morph in to something completely different via all the various social media groups in operation.

我还可以分享更多坊间传闻的例子(随着时间的推移我会分享更多),但这些在过去一两周内已经成为了与客户争论的常见话题。现实情况是,移民规定很复杂,很容易被误解 - 而且,很快一个人对这些规定的理解就会在各种社交媒体聊天群中变成完全不同的东西。

For advice you can trust and for fact and not fiction, speak to one of the team here - we know how to dispel the myths and provide you with only the advice you need to make this process work.

如果您需要可信赖的建议,寻求真相而非传说,请与我们团队成员交流 - 我们知道如何揭示谣言,为您提供您需要的建议,以使整个移民过程顺利进行。

Until next week.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2023-9-1 16:02:16 |只看该作者 微信分享
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发表于 2023-9-1 16:12:33 |只看该作者 微信分享

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使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2024-2-1 08:46:38 |只看该作者 微信分享
Measuring Skills by Salary

For anyone that has investigated their options to make the move to New Zealand, as a skilled migrant, they will have most likely discovered that the amount you earn here, when you do secure a job offer, plays a very crucial role in whether or not you will secure a Visa or not.


Since 2017, the Government has used salary or more specifically an hourly wage to determine whether or not you qualify for a Visa and in many cases the degree of skill involved with your job and overall application. Salary levels have been used in previous Visa pathways and throughout time, but not to the same degree as the introduction of “minimums” and other thresholds in 2017.


For the most part, the threshold that applicants need to meet is benchmarked to our median wage, which of course increases on a yearly basis and is measured separately by Statistics New Zealand. This then means that the criteria for a Visa are never fixed as the salary (wage) level increases annually. Of course it could decrease as well, if the median wage reduced, but that is an unlikely outcome.


INZ were not shy about suggesting that a big part of this move was to make it easier for immigration officers to establish skill levels.


In the previous and current Skilled Migrant Category systems, salaries are used as both a minimum but also as an exemption. For example the minimum required for an applicant is the median wage or higher (currently $29.66 but set to increase in February 2024). Along with that your job needs to be at a particular skill level in ANZSCO and so the skill match still exists. However if you earn 1.5 times the median wage (or as a salary equivalent) then it doesn’t really matter what you do - skilled or not - which helped to solve some issues for INZ in assessing particular roles. In other cases and other categories if you earn twice the median wage (or equivalent salary) then you have a pathway to Residence over two years, regardless of the job and if it is three times the median, you can apply for Residence directly.


The main point is, that over time, the median wage or salary equivalent has become a proxy for determining applications, skill levels and providing faster pathways to Residence for higher income earners. There is logic in this of course, because ultimately the more you earn, the more likely your job is at a higher level of skill. But it doesn’t always work that way and it also creates plenty of headaches for applicants (and INZ alike).

Median Wage & Visas

The main point for applicants to understand (and they often miss) is that everything INZ does in relation to salary assessments is actually based on an hourly rate, and not the annual salary. This can get very confusing, very quickly, because even though the annual salary might be high, if the hours are equally high then hourly rate falls. This creates problems in terms of employment agreements, agreed hours and applicants falling short of the criteria, because they might worked a few extra hours here and there.


Median Wages

These change (increase) yearly - currently $29.66, but set to rise to $31.61 in February 2024.


The starting point for most applicants (to avoid any pitfalls) is to remember that INZ considers everything in relation to salary, by the hourly rate you earn. So let’s take the example of someone earning NZD$62,000.00 per annum to work as a Diesel Mechanic. In this case if the applicant was working for 40 hours per week, then their hourly rate would be $29.80 or just over the current median wage. However if that same applicant was to work for 42 hours in a given pay cycle, then their hourly rate would fall to $28.38 or just under the median income. When the rule require you to be earning the median wage over a two-year period, that one drop in the rate creates a problem.


Similarly for someone wanting to pursue the direct to Residence pathway based on earning three times the median wage, they would need a salary of just over $185,000.00 per annum. All good, until INZ discovers that they are working 45 hours per week. Many applicants miss this point, focusing on the salary level, rather than calculating the hourly rate.


It also gets more confusing because there are other Visa categories that have salary bands that don’t directly correlate to the median wage (ICT under the Green List for example). There are also other thresholds that dictate whether or not you can bring your children to NZ, because INZ wants to be satisfied that you can support them when they are here.


In short, you have to be very mindful of the salary requirements that apply to you, the hourly rate as the main criteria and ensure that you don’t inadvertently fall below that rate by working a few extra hours here and there. For someone on an hourly rate contract this isn’t normally an issue - however if you are on a salary with a 40 hour a week contract but provision for extra hours unpaid - things can get very complicated, very easily.


Salary - A Proxy for Skills?

The United Kingdom has just recently increased the salary required for a range of Visas and by some margin. This has caused quite a stir within that migration market, but no more than it creates here when we lift the median wage by a dollar or two. Their are some logical benefits to doing it this way - the chief one being that it makes it a lot easier for INZ to consider roles as being skilled, ensure migrants are not being exploited and ensure that their family members will be supported in NZ as well. However there are plenty of drawbacks as well.


There are plenty of jobs that are skilled, but sit at the margins of this salary level. That means that in order for employers to secure those skills from offshore (in the absence of local talent), they have to meet the median wage requirement. This has the flow on effect of raising salaries across the board, leading to artificial wage inflation. The more migrants you bring in, the more people having to meet this threshold and the more employers will have to supplement the incomes of other staff to ensure everyone is on a level-playing field.


It also undermines the more relevant assessment of skills and their value to the economy in ways that aren’t counted in dollars and cents. There are occupations we need to fill that pay less than the median, and we could potentially be missing out on many applicants as a result of having this bright-line salary test. Or, worse, the Government creates separate pathways for those applicants on an ad-hoc basis, which essentially undermines the point of having a salary level requirement in the first place. Raising and lowering the salary bar as a means to control volumes (which is what is happening in the UK and other locations) is also missing a point - the fact that the salary gauge may not accurately represent the skill needs we have.


It also becomes unwieldy to manage for an applicant. For example, someone aiming to secure Residence based on earning 1.5 times the median wage over three years, has to meet the median wage level at the start of the three years and then at the end of the three years (and it will have gone up) - so there will be a potentially sudden lift in salary at the end of three years just to meet the bar (assuming the applicant remembers or even knows this is the rule). If they changes jobs in between their new role has to meet the median at the time they change. If you are confused by that - then my point is proven.


Will it Last?

The new coalition Government (or partners to it) have discussed removing the median wage requirement for certain categories (the Skilled Migrant Category being one) and also looking at a freeze on the current median income requirement, potentially avoiding the next increase in February of 2024. Potentially good news for those looking to make the move here in the near future.


However, I doubt we will lose salary requirements entirely and that is because if used correctly they are in fact useful.


Whilst I am not a supporter of using the ever-increasing median wage for all Visas, I do think that having minimum salaries is a way to manage the quality of applications we process. We could simply have a minimum required for Work Visas, and a minimum for Residence which must be met in order to apply. However in addition to that, the usual assessment of whether the position is paid a market rate should still be applied (and is relatively easy to assess). Those minimums can be reviewed periodically but not automatically adjusted as the median rate increases.


We can keep the high-salary thresholds in place to reward those that earn good incomes, because ultimately they represent increased value to the economy and are more likely to be more highly skilled. However I would standardize that, rather than having one level for one policy and another level for a different Visa category. Simplify it.


I would also reconsider whether relying on the hourly rate in the above criteria is crucial or at least a blind adherence to it. For the most part, those earning higher incomes tend to be salaried, rather than paid by the hour. Are we that worried if someone earning $185,000 a year works 40 or 45 hours and whether those extra hours make any substantial difference to their value as a migrant? We obviously dont want people working 80 hours a week for the bare minimum, but we can also be sensible about how we apply that assessment.


We will see changes to how this is all calculated as the new Government settles in, but those wont be easy to implement, given how entangled salary and the median wage calculations have become within our Visa system. However any move away from relying on this, and instead using it to supplement other assessment criteria would be welcome news.


For those in the process already or heading towards it, my advice is to make sure you know what requirements apply to you, the hourly rate you need to earn and how your contract or future contract stacks up against them - particularly if you are required to work here for a period of time before you apply for Residence. Of course we can help you work that all out, to ensure you are on the right track.


Until next week.


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Rank: 4

发表于 2024-2-13 13:46:06 |只看该作者 微信分享
PR, SSRV, VOTC…Confused?

The term “Permanent Residence” or “PR” is probably the most commonly misunderstood Visa reference in the INZ vocabulary and that is largely because the term itself doesn’t actually refer to whether you can live here permanently or not, but instead it refers to your ability to travel in and out of New Zealand, once you have your Resident Visa approved.

“Permanent Residence” 或者 “PR” 这个术语在新西兰移民局的常用词汇中可能是最常被误解的签证术语,这主要是因为这个术语本身实际上并不是指你是否可以永久居住在新西兰境内,而是指一旦你的居民签证(Resident Visa, 简称“RV”)获得批准后,你是否有权出入新西兰边境旅行不受限制。

RV as we will call it in this article, is actually the right to leave NZ and then return as a Resident (referred to as “Travel Conditions”) and comes with various timeframes attached. We also take a look at the options to extend these travel conditions, as well as what happens if you miss the boat on being able to turn your Resident Visa in to a Permanent one.


To start with, let’s take a look at what happens when your initial Residence is approved - note that this applies to most people, but as always with this process, there are some unique situations where the following may not apply. So it pays to check your visa conditions very carefully.

首先,让我们看看当你的初始居留权(RV)获批准时会发生什么情况 - 请注意,这适用于大多数人,但是在这个过程中,总会有一些独特的情况造成以下内容可能对您的具体个人情况不适用。因此,仔细检查你的签证条件是非常重要的。

Let’s imagine the day has arrived and as a skilled migrant applicant you have finally been granted your Resident Visa. Apart from drinking the largest bottle of champagne you can find, you will potentially also be a bit confused by some of the terminology that appears on the visa label.


For most people, who are approved for Residence, their first visa comes with the following “conditions” attached.


•        If they are onshore (in NZ), the visa starts on the day it was granted. If you are offshore, then it will come with a first entry date, which is usually within 12 months of the date it was granted - in this case, you (any family that were also included and approved) must arrive in NZ within 12 months to activate your Residence. If you dont make this first entry your Visa will lapse and disappear.

如果他们在新西兰境内,签证将从批准日期开始生效。如果在境外,那么签证将附带一个首次入境新西兰的日期,通常是在签发日期的12个月内 - 在这种情况下,你(任何被纳入居民签证RV并获得批准的家庭成员)必须在12个月内到达新西兰以激活你的居留权。如果你没有进行这第一次入境,你的签证将失效并消失。

•        The visa itself, allows you to reside in New Zealand indefinitely, meaning if you never left NZ, you could live, work and study here until your last breath.


•        However to cover travel, your visa will also come with travel conditions, usually valid for 24 months from the date of issue (if you are in NZ) or 24 months from your first arrival (if you are approved whilst offshore). It is really important to remember this future date, because if you leave NZ after this date and haven’t secured PR or a VOTC (details below) you wont have a visa to return to NZ with.


•        Other conditions - there may be other conditions attached to the visa, such as Section 49 conditions, relating to investment or employment) and these will be specified at the bottom of the visa itself.

其他条件 – 你的居民签证(RV)还可能附带其他条件,如第49条附属条件(涉及投资类移民或技术移民中涉及就业限制的情况),这些将在您的RV签证底部被具体说明。

So the key thing to remember in all of the above is your first entry date (if you are offshore when the visa is issued) and then the expiry date for your travel conditions, which are 24 months from the date of issue if you are onshore, or 24 months from the date of arrival if you are offshore.

因此,综上所述,你需要记住有关您居民签证(RV)的关键事项是——1. 你的首次入境日期(如果你在在境外时获批居民签证),以及,2. 你的居民签证旅行条件的到期日期,如果居民签证获批时您在新西兰境内,则是RV签发日期后的24个月,如果你获批RV时在境外,则是您入境新西兰激活RV日期后的24个月。

Obviously you will want to travel beyond the first 24 months and so that is where PR comes in to the equation. Once you secure PR, you have the indefinite right to travel back and forth. Remember though that your first visa allows you to live here forever, PR just gives you the right to leave and come back again - forever.

显然,你会想在首次24个月之后继续旅行,这就是永久居民签证(PR)的作用所在。一旦你获得PR,你就有了无限期的往返旅行权利。但请记住,你的第一个签证允许你永远在这里居住,PR只是给了你离开并再次回来的权利 - 永远。

The “Permanent” in PR

The “Permanent” in PR can be confusing as it actually refers to your ability to travel.

可能会有人对永久居民签证中(PR)的"Permanent(永久)" 到底意味着什么感到困惑,这里的永久实际上指的是你进出新西兰的旅行权利。

Permanent Residence (PR)

Permanent Residence (or “PR”) is acquired (usually) after you have held a Resident Visa continuously for 24 months and have met one of five possible eligibility criteria - these are all designed to measure your commitment to New Zealand in some way, shape or form. The easiest and most commonly used criteria is the time spent option, where you have to have spent 184 days in each of the two 12-month portions of the 24 months immediately before your PR application is made. The really important part here is that the 24 month period is not calculated from the date your Resident Visa is initially granted, but the 24 months going back from the date you submit your PR application. For some, this means some careful planning on the timing.

获得永久居留权(“PR”)通常是在你持续拥有居民签证(RV)24个月后,并且满足五种可能的资格标准中的任何一种标准后获得的 - 这五种标准的设定都是以某种方式衡量你对新西兰的承诺。最简单和最常用的标准是根据你在新西兰居住时间作为你对新西兰的承诺(俗称“移民监”),你必须在PR申请提交之前的24个月内的每个12个月部分中各花费184天。这里至关重要的部分是,这24个月的计算不是从你的居民签证最初批准的日期开始,而是从你提交PR申请的日期开始往前算24个月。对于一些人来说,这意味着需要一些关于时机的谨慎规划。

For PR, only the main applicant in the original Resident Visa application needs to qualify - everyone else who was originally included (partner and children) will be granted PR, on the basis that the main applicant qualifies. That of course is assuming the partner is still in fact the partner. For dependent children, they no longer have to be dependent or under the age of 25.


However if your relationship ends and the partner in the original application wants to remain in NZ, they can be assessed for PR in their own right (using one of the five eligibility criteria).


People often ask if they can apply for PR before their 24 months of travel conditions is up, if they meet one of the five criteria, and the short answer is no. The rules are very clear in that you must have held your Residence for 24 months, continuously, prior to applying for PR.


Also when you apply for PR, you must either hold your Residence, which means be in NZ on your Resident Visa or be offshore with valid travel conditions. If you are offshore and your Visa has expired, you have a three month “grace period” to apply for PR, even with expired travel conditions.


Securing PR should be relatively simple and for most people it is, but sometimes, there are situations where people haven’t given themselves enough time or have misread the rules on when to apply. These are the most common reasons PR applications fail or have to be filed again.


Need More Time?

A Variation of Travel Conditions is one way to extend your ability to travel in and out of NZ.


Variation of Conditions (VOTC)

Sometimes (actually fairly common) people are heading for PR and something happens that means they can’t quite meet one of the elements of the five eligibility criteria. For example, missing out on one set of 184 days or being just short. In this case, all is not lost, because you can apply for and be granted a Variation of Travel Conditions (VOTC). This effectively gives you a second chance to try and accumulate more time or any other factor that you might need to finally get PR. For example if you are relying on the “time spent” criteria and achieve year one (184 days) but then miss out in year two, you can secure a VOTC for 12 months, giving you the chance to try again and to accumulate more time. VOTC’s can be issued for 12 months or 24 months depending on the situation and there is even a 14 day VOTC that INZ must approve, not matter what the circumstances are.


The key thing to remember with a VOTC is that you have to hold a Resident Visa, which means be in NZ with that Visa or be offshore but have valid travel conditions. If you are offshore and your travel conditions have expired and you don’t qualify for PR within three months of the expiry of those travel conditions, then you are looking at an entirely different process.


For many, who have lost their Residence (travel conditions expired and offshore) and don’t qualify for a VOTC, they assume that all is lost and there is no way to get their Residence back - which is actually not the case. There are options to secure Residence again, under the Second or Subsequent Resident Visa option.

对于许多人来说,如果他们失去了居留权(旅行条件已过期并且在境外),并且不符合VOTC的条件,他们会认为一切都已经失去了,没有办法重新获得他们的居留权 - 实际上并非如此。还有一些选项可以重新获得居留权,比如第二次或再次居民签证选项(SSRV)。

Missed The PR Boat?

An SSRV lets you claim back your Residence for a second chance at PR.


Second or Subsequent Resident Visa (SSRV)

This is the more confusing part (unless you have been baffled by PR and VOTC’s already). A second or subsequent Resident Visa (SSRV) is an application made by someone who doesn’t hold their Resident Visa any longer (offshore with expired travel conditions) and is not eligible to apply for PR within the three month grace period. In this scenario, INZ gives applicants the opportunity to reinstate their Residence, but with some limitations.


If you are in this situation, and apply for an SSRV, INZ will look to see whether you were a) eligible for a VOTC when your visa or travel conditions expired or b) eligible for PR when your visa or travel conditions expired. If the answer is yes to either of these, then for someone who was eligible for a VOTC of 12 or 24 months, they will determine if that VOTC would still be valid on the day you apply for your SSRV. If the answer is yes, then you get the balance of that 12 or 24 months.

如果您处于这种情况,并申请了SSRV,INZ将审查您在签证或旅行条件到期时是否符合以下条件:a) 是否有资格申请VOTC;b) 是否有资格申请PR。如果对其中任何一个问题的答案是肯定的,那么对于那些有资格获得12或24个月VOTC的人来说,他们将确定该VOTC在您申请SSRV的当天是否仍然有效。如果答案是肯定的,那么您将得到剩余的12或24个月的VOTC。

For example, if you were on the track for PR (184 days) but missed the second year, then you left NZ and didnt apply for a VOTC and you apply for an SSRV six months later - INZ would say you could have secured a 12 month VOTC when you left NZ, it would still be valid, because only six months has passed and so they will give you the balance (of six months).

例如,如果您本来有资格获得PR(假设您坐满184天移民监),但错过了第二年,然后离开新西兰,并没有申请VOTC,六个月后申请了SSRV - INZ会说您离开新西兰时本可以获得一个12个月的VOTC,它仍然有效,因为只过了六个月,所以他们会给您剩余的六个月。

If you were in the above situation but eligible for PR when your Visa expired, they will give you the balance of 24 months, from the date your visa expired.


It gets very confusing, but the simple message here is that even if you have left NZ, and your visa and travel conditions have expired, if you aren’t too late, you might be able to get your Residence back.


The process that follows the grant of Residence, including PR, VOTC’s and SSRV’s is actually one of the hardest concepts to explain to clients and dare I say it a mine field for even some of the more experienced in the industry - but it is a very important one, because securing that magical PR is often at the top of everyone’s list.

在获得居留权后,包括PR、VOTC和SSRV在内的后续流程实际上是最难向客户解释的概念之一,我敢说即使是移民咨询行业内一些经验丰富的顾问也会觉得这是一个雷区 - 但这是非常重要的一个环节,因为获得神奇的永久居民签证(PR)通常是每个人的首要目标。

We know this stuff inside out, and so if you are in the situation where your Residence might have lapsed and you are not sure if you can get it back, drop us a line. We might just be able to work out a solution for you.


Until next week.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2024-2-21 14:23:47 |只看该作者 微信分享
The Case Officer Lottery

There is an unfortunate truth in the world of visas, which is not specific to New Zealand, but applicable to any immigration system, where human beings are involved in making decisions that impact on other peoples lives - that truth is that the outcome and the process involved to reach that outcome are very heavily influenced by the person who ends up processing the application.


You can have one set of rules, one set of standard operating procedures and one organisation in charge of all of it and yet, applicants of a similar background with similar situations can end up experiencing the process and coming out the other side, in very, very different ways.


The reality is, that despite attempts by most countries, New Zealand included, to automate visa processing, and to remove the inconsistency that the human element brings, people are still required to decide complex and unusual applications. People are different and immigration case officers (IO’s) are some of the most different you will ever encounter.


This then creates the potential for some very strange things to happen and we experienced that this week, on behalf of an existing client. With a case officer, demanding information that wasn’t necessary to my clients application, and being deliberately obstructive in the process - not to mention being wrong on most counts. It takes a lot to get me wound up, having dealt with hundreds of immigration officers over the years, but this one did have me a little more than frustrated.


If you are tackling this process on your own and you encounter one of these, less than helpful individuals, it can turn an already stressful and complicated process, into a complete nightmare. However if there is only one rule book and one organisation, why can you have such different experiences? Surely all officers are singing from the same song sheet?


One Rule Book

There is only one rule book for Visas, however it isn’t always applied in the same way.


The Problem With Consistency

In an ideal world all applications would be processed in the same way, using the same set of rules and the outcomes would be fair and balanced. Not everyone would be approved of course, because people make mistakes or apply for the wrong visa etc., but the most important thing is that everyone would be treated in the same way. The problem with consistency however is that it is almost impossible to achieve, when you have people involved in that process. Immigration officers come in a variety of shapes, sizes and backgrounds, but I have broadly summarised them in to three groups:


•        The Positive Doer - rare, like unicorns. These officers are friendly, helpful, proactive and generally knowledgeable (or are smart enough to know what they dont know). If you get one of these, you have literally one the visa lottery.

积极行动者 – 这类移民官少之又少,就像独角兽一样。这些官员友好、乐于助人、主动积极,并且通常对政策了如指掌(或者有自知之明,知道自己对哪些政策不够了解)。如果你遇到了这样的官员,你简直就是赢得了签证中的头奖。

•        The “I Just Work Here” Officer - their enthusiasm for the job extends about as far as the office coffee machine. They will do no more than they must and at 5pm, they are already on the ground floor heading for the carpark. You will wait days/weeks for a response and it will generally consist of a one word answer.

"我只是在这里工作" 官员 - 他们对工作的热情仅限于办公室的咖啡机。 他们不会做比必须做的更多事情,在下午5点,他们已经走到了一楼,准备去停车场了。 你会等待几天/几周才会得到回复,而且回复通常只包括一个词。

•        The Gate Keepers - These folks have enthusiasm by the bucket load, only its misplaced by them thinking they are saving New Zealand from the incoming masses. These folks take their jobs very seriously but go out of their way to demonstrate that they hold the keys.

守门者 - 这些人热情满满,只是他们错误地坚信自己在保护新西兰免受大量移民的侵袭。 这些人非常认真地对待自己的工作,但会竭尽全力表明他们掌握着权力的钥匙。

Which camp, officers end up in, depends on a huge number of factors, including their cultural backgrounds, English ability, level of training, motivations to become an officer and even down to whether the coffee machine was working that morning or not. I would add however that the biggest influence on how these people operate comes down to how they are trained and then how they are managed (the topic of another post).


So while consistency is the ideal, what we end up with is a wide variety of different approaches to customers, different interpretations of the one set of rules and ultimately different outcomes. This is something INZ has been trying to solve, through a variety of means, and to their credit there is a will to change this, however until you work out why you have this inconsistency, its hard to get all the bodies facing in the same direction.


In the meantime, applicants (INZ would refer to them ironically as customers) end up with a mixed bag of experiences, and a bit of a lottery in terms of their process.


With Great Power…


For some, the fate of their Visa and future often rests in the hands of just one person…


How Much Power Do Officers Have?


Immigration officers actually do have a fairly wide range of powers, and those powers extend to asking for any information that might be relevant to whether you should be granted the visa that you have applied for. The key however is in the word “relevant” which for some officers is stretchy…like bubble gum. You might find (as we did this week) an officer asking you for information that you feel is unnecessary or irrelevant and in many cases, particularly if the officer is new, they might simply be doing things by the book and being a bit over-zealous. A more seasoned, experienced officer will often be more realistic with their requests. Sometimes however requests can be absolutely unreasonable and even though an officer might tell you, it is their right to ask for it…those rights have limitations.


We routinely challenge these requests, because we dont want our clients doing anything more than they need to do, to qualify for the Visa they have applied for. How well that challenge is received depends on which of the three camps the officer falls in to.


The key thing to remember is that while immigration officers do have powers to request information, they also have to be reasonable requests, they have to be able to justify why they are making those request and they should enter into a constructive discussion with you, when you challenge them. Unfortunately if you get the “Gate Keeper”, that can be a bit of a tricky process and for us, this often involves approaching someone further up the food chain.


The other factor to remember (and its a fault of INZ’s operational process) is that officers are given the responsibility of making a decision, where the managers are not allowed to intervene or influence. In fact most managers are quite proud of the fact that they have no idea as to how the visa process works, they are just there to “manage”. That always make me laugh, because how do you manage anyone where you have no clue as to what they do all day. It does however make the process of seeking a resolution more complicated.


Boxing Clever

If you get lumped with a difficult case officer, you need to be smart in terms of how you deal with them.


Keep Calm & Carry On

When you are confronted with an officer who is being difficult, or making unreasonable requests or just not being very cooperative, it is easy for things to get out of hand. A civilized conversation can spiral out of control very quickly and of course none of that is useful for your application (or your mental health). Having tackled these situations for years, myself and the team here, are able to see past it and manage the process, we also have the ability to pick up the phone to INZ staff that might have a cooler head, than the officer we are dealing with. As an applicant, doing it on your own, without those tools, there are still a few simple things you can do:


•        Insist that everything is in writing. Officers can sometimes call you, which is great, but make sure they follow up with their request in writing.


•        Keep a track of all correspondence, because if things do need to be escalated you want to have a clear paper-trail.


•        Keep calm…it is easy to let you frustrations boil over on to the page, but that is not going to get you very far. Make sure your correspondence is polite, professional but also to the point.


•        Consider having someone else look at the situation. It is easy to talk yourself in to believing you are right, however sometimes you might find that you are arguing a point that you simply can’t win. Think about whether you need to enlist the services of someone who can consider the situation objectively.


Above all else, remember that before you respond (in a fit of blind range), make sure you have all the facts you need, the evidence where required and present those in a calm and clear manager. Officers (particularly the Gate Keepers) very rarely respond to angry emails full of capital letters and bold type.


Need Help?

If your application is stuck or you are having issues dealing with any part of INZ, then sometimes bringing in a clear, objective and calm approach can be very useful. That is obviously what we can offer, along with the ability to connect with the right people to secure the right outcome.


In many cases, we just need to unravel the situation and get down to the key issue and in other cases, things are more complex and require more input, but either way, you can save yourself a lot of time, money and frayed nerves by handing your sticky situation over to people who deal with it on a daily basis.


Until next week.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

升级  67%

发表于 2024-3-7 01:16:53 来自手机 |只看该作者 微信分享
请问QS毕业如何注册造价师 这边有相关业务吗

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2024-5-10 14:42:33 |只看该作者 微信分享
Skills Still In Demand

Much has been said over the last few months in relation to our very high “migration” numbers and there have been no shortage of media reports discussing the fact that we have imported tens of thousands of workers in to the country under the Accredited Employer Work Visa scheme. Yet within those reports, the narrative is always about our exploding population, pressure on infrastructure and the almost ironic fact that we are still short on so many skills.


You would think that if we have been busy importing all these “migrants” then we shouldn’t have ongoing skills issues, or the need to be adding more occupations to our Green List (a list of occupations that immigration considers to be in demand), yet we are and we do.


So what is going on?

Well the answer to that is a bit more complicated, but equally not that surprising and for commentators such as myself, has been pretty obvious from day one. In short, the previous Government talked tough on increasing the skill level of our migration pool, but delivered the exact opposite. We also need to be more transparent and arguably more educated when discussing what these “migration” numbers really mean.

答案有点复杂,但同样并不令人惊讶,对于像我们这样在移民行业第一线的工作者来说,这一点从一开始就很明显了。简而言之,以前的政府在增加移民群体的技能水平上表现得强硬,但实际上却做了完全相反的事情。在讨论这些“移民” 统计数字时,我们还需要更多的透明度,和更多读懂这些数字的普及教育。

The net result of recent migration programs has been to bring in more people, with the majority at a much lower skill level and most of them here only for a temporary stay. So numbers are up (for now) but the skill level overall of our migration population has in fact fallen quite substantially - all based on short-term reactionary thinking by the last Government, which seems to have found its way in to the thinking of the new administration.


Problems with Definitions

The way Governments and the media classify “migrants” can be very confusing and ultimately often very misleading.


Not All Migrants are Migrants

When New Zealand media and in fact the New Zealand Government report on migrant numbers, they are generally referring to anyone who has an intention to remain in New Zealand for a period of 12 months or more. This means that we are including a whole variety of Visa types in the definition of “migrants”, and for reasons known only to politicians and statisticians, this seems to be the right thing to do. However, migrants are really people who have demonstrated an intention (and have the Visa to match) to live here permanently. Someone coming here for 12 months or study or to work for three years is, at least historically, not been considered to be a migrant. They will never purchase property, are unlikely to impose a long-term impact on our healthcare system and will generally make a much lower investment in to the country than someone moving here to live forever.


We continue to talk about record migration numbers, yet what we are really talking about is a record number of short to medium term temporary Workers, Students or Visitors, with a smaller portion of people coming here for a permanent stay. It is those that are coming here permanently that will obviously lead to our longer term skill base.


Of course temporary Visa applicants also require infrastructure (housing, education, healthcare and so on) but to a varying degree and of course they are not here permanently so that need is transient. The fact that a lot of these temporary Visa applicants will also have no pathway to Residence, and with recent AEWV changes, may find themselves unable to extend their time or they may have been caught up in the wave of migrant exploitation, means that a lot of them may leave sooner than their Visa suggests.


Our first priority, if we are going to spend time every month pouring of migration numbers, is to actually get the right numbers to pour over. Migration statistics should be openly reported with a breakdown of Visa types and length of stay, separating those coming for a good time, from those coming for a long-time. That would obviously paint a very different picture to the one that the media and politicians would prefer you to see.


Skills Still In Demand

A prompt for this article was a recent Radio New Zealand interview with a well-known and generally very well informed journalist who has spent many years reporting on New Zealand immigration issues. You can listen to the interview here, however the standout for me, was the acknowledgement (finally) that whilst our migration numbers (if you consider these temporary Visa holders as migrants) has increased dramatically, the actual skill level of those applicants overall has gone down.

我们起笔这篇文章的灵感之一是最近新西兰广播电台对一位新西兰知名且通常消息灵通的记者进行的采访,这位记者多年来一直报道新西兰的移民问题。你可以在这里 (点击链接:interview here)听到采访内容。对我来说最值得注意的是,这一采访(终于)承认了,尽管我们的移民数字(如果将这些临时签证持有者视为移民)已经大幅增加,但这些申请者的整体技能水平实际上下降了。

In short, we have been bringing in more lower-skilled workers and less of the highly skilled people we need, which is a complete contradiction to the goals set out by the Labour party when it designed the AEWV system and dropped its “Immigration Rebalance” in 2022. Back then the emphasis was on raising the bar and the skill level across the board - the end result, less skilled people and far more lower-skilled people flooding across our borders.


The question is did we need them? Arguably with the country locked down for two and a half years, there was a pent up demand for labour across all skill levels, however the administration of the AEWV system and the application of a “high-trust” model has meant that we have probably imported far more lower skilled applicants than were actually required.


The current Government has sought to remedy that, but ironically on the same day it tightened up AEWV criteria, it also added more roles to the Green List including Corrections Officers (which sit in the lower skilled bracket).


We Still Need People

Despite very high numbers of temporary workers entering New Zealand, we are still short on a wide variety of skills.


There is always an inevitable tension between protecting jobs for locals, the locals being willing to do those jobs and then the needs of employers. As a Government you can campaign as hard as you like on lifting the skill level of our migrant intake, but when industries start to shut down because they can’t fill roles locally (even with locals available), you have to do something. The issue I see is that the something that was done, was not well managed and effectively ran away from the previous Government, leading to this increased number of lower-skilled temporary applicants making it in. That then becomes a political mudslinging match when everyone is simply talking about volumes and the need to fix it (read lower it).


The challenge then becomes, how do you tighten that all up again, without sending the wrong signals to the higher skilled applicants that you do want. The recent AEWV changes are a great example of how changes targeted at one group of people (the lower-skilled) are often seen by the entire migration market as a signal that its ‘getting harder’ for everyone. Suddenly employers decide that the process has become too hard, and would-be migrants believe the same - despite the fact that for good quality, skilled candidates the rules haven’t really changed at all.


The mistake that our Minister has made so far is to rush in and slap a bit of policy around to try and band-aid a problem, not realising that in doing so, the signals she is sending are having an impact on those who we still want and need - the teachers, the doctors, the nurses, the qualified trades and ICT (to name just a few).


Despite increasing unemployment (increasing slowly) we do still need a wide variety of skills and the Government (and the media to some degree) needs to be clear on the distinction between those coming here to fill temporary gaps and those who are making the move permanently, that will add much longer-term value to the economy and the country as a whole. We also need to move far more quickly on policy reviews and updates. I recently read a post where the Minister had acknowledged that the current Investor Visa needs an overhaul (and it does), and it would likely be reviewed in 2025. A year to revamp a policy is just not good enough and its another year of missed opportunity.


The Outflow Problem

Of course sitting on the periphery is our outflow issue, which is New Zealand citizens who decide to relocate, usually across the ditch to Australia, although some manage to go further afield. This isn’t a new issue, despite the fact that reading recent media might have you believe that we have suddenly decided to leave the country in some sort of mass exodus.


New Zealanders of all stripes have often ventured overseas in search of something different and not always because they are dissatisfied with their lot over here. Generally in times when New Zealand’s economy might not be doing so well as compared to others (particularly Australia where we have ease of access) some decide to purse the greener grass.


That does create a problem in terms of “brain-drain” and logically we seek to supplement that with our migration inflows. I can also attest to the fact that Australia does present a pretty good proposition, having spent a week there recently but equally if you are coming from somewhere like South Africa, then either country would be an improvement, given crime statistics, unemployment and a whole host of other factors.


The simple fact is people move because they want something better, and we will lose locals to other countries - however what we need to be focusing on, is replacing those and adding to our overall skill base with the right mix of skills that solve not just the future labour market needs but build capacity for the future.


I am all in on raising the skill level for our migration intake, but to do so we need clear messaging from our Government on what that means, we need to stop talking about temporary Visa arrivals as “migrants” and we need faster, clearer and far simpler policy measures to make that happen. Having a plan in terms of population would also help (as I have written about before) and a Government Policy Statement on immigration that clearly sets out our goals for securing highly skilled Resident applicants as well as well managed measures to deal with temporary needs as well.


Wishful thinking perhaps, but I will give the current Minister the benefit of the doubt for now, given she is probably still coming to grips with the difference between critiquing the immigration portfolio and actually running it.


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发表于 2024-5-28 11:22:08 |只看该作者 微信分享
Visa Scams


Scams…they are everywhere, and as we move to an increasingly digital world, they will only become more prolific and infinitely more sophisticated. Scammers (in all stripes) tend to need two things - an opportunity and a vulnerability to exploit. In terms of that last prerequisite, there are few people more vulnerable than those desperate to move to another country, and so there are plenty of scams that prey on unsuspecting, potential migrants, keen to do or pay whatever it takes to make that new life possible.


Just this month, Immigration New Zealand denied boarding to a group of 25 travelers from Bangladesh, all of whom held Electronic Travel Authorities (ETA’s) to transit through New Zealand. An ETA is not actually a Visa, although it is often sold as such in overseas markets. An ETA is simply electronic permission to travel here, but you still need to secure entry permission at the border. If you come from a visa-waiver country, the ETA will let you get on the plane, however you are still subject to being granted entry at the border. If you have a Visa already then you don't need an ETA, however you are still subject to entry permission, unless you are coming in as a Resident.


You can also secure an ETA to transit through New Zealand, if you are heading on to another destination or embarking on a cruise, however in this case you are not actually being given entry to New Zealand.


I have heard numerous stories where people have been told that all they need, to get to New Zealand is an ETA, including people who are not from visa-waiver countries. The ETA is often sold as a Visa, particularly in countries where English is not a first language and so applicants struggle to understand the terminology.


In the case of these 25 applicants from Bangladesh, INZ was able to intercept them and they were denied boarding in Dhaka. What the scammers often don’t appreciate is that arrivals are screened before they board and there are certain triggers that will alert INZ to something being amiss.


Scams, particularly in visa space, come in all varieties and can be quite sophisticated. From the fake Visas that have increasingly become hard to differentiate from the real versions, through to fraudulent employers with phony job offers, there is no end to the lengths that these people will go to, to lighten an unsuspecting applicants wallet. However unlike many scams, the potential consequences for these victims, who are often selling up their entire lives, can be devastating.

诈骗,特别是在签证领域,种类繁多且手段相当复杂。从越来越难与真实版本区分的假签证,到提供虚假工作邀请(Job Offer)的欺诈雇主,这些骗子为了骗取毫无戒备的申请者的钱财,无所不用其极。然而,与许多其他骗局不同的是,这些受害者往往为了成功移民会卖掉自己的一切,面临的潜在后果可能是对这些受害者来说可能是毁灭性的。

I have seen some very smart people, being fooled by some even smarter scammers, so this isn’t something that happens to “them” but could happen to any migrant, any time, anywhere.


Don’t Be Fooled


Migrating is a complex and challenging process, so if someone wants to sell you the “silver bullet”, think twice.


Too Good To Be True?


It is an old saying, but a very relevant one, because to make the move to New Zealand (or any other country for that matter) there are really no easy solutions. When someone offers you that “silver bullet” (usually accompanied by a hefty price tag) you need to ask yourself if this makes sense.


I can still recall a discussion I had with a former client (many years ago now) where he called me to say he wanted to change his plan and move to Australia - this was because he had been offered a great job there. I asked him about the job and then queried when he had undertaken the interview. He was quick to send me the offer letter, agreement and email correspondence from the employer. However when I pushed him on the interview, he confirmed he had never actually had one. This was a $140,000.00 a year job.


As I dug deeper, I realised what was going on, but was also very surprised by how sophisticated it all was. Basically the scammer had set up fake documents and a fake email account and had targeted my client with the job offer. On accepting the offer, he had been contacted by another “agency” to assist with the Australian visa application for a fee of $5,000.00. Thankfully he had not paid, but he was about to. I called the real company who confirmed that this wasn’t the first time someone had been in touch. It was a scam and a very good one.


To the client however, it was manna from heaven and all of his Christmases and birthdays had come at once. He was desperate to find a job and so this solved all his problems. My guess is that the scammers targeted him from a job search website or social media, seeing the vulnerability, they seized the opportunity. However the lack of an interview was the first sign that this was clearly a con.


I write about this all the time, in that migrating is a complex process and it challenges everyone, so obviously when you are offered something too simple, too easy and usually with a quick follow up request for your hard-earned cash, you have to be increasingly more vigilant (and skeptical).


Scams can also surface at almost every step along the way, whether it be the visa itself, the job offer, flights - there is no end and no limit to where people might try and put their hands in your pocket. Thankfully scammers are quite specific in who they target so it doesn’t happen to everyone, but the fact it can happen should give every potential migrant cause to be extra vigilant.


In the case of these 25 travelers from Bangladesh, there is little doubt that someone behind the scenes was exploiting their desperation to get to another country, and their lack of understanding as to how the visa process works and would have been compensated with a hefty chunk of change.


Put simply if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Do Your Homework


Scammers are becoming smarter, better and more prevalent, so it pays to check (and check again) before you commit.


What To Watch Out For


It might sound very obvious to some, but with most of our visa processes heading online and the human element being removed from the equation, it is quite easy to be duped. For example, the ETA process for New Zealand is completed online or via an App. However if you Google the term you will find an endless list of organisations offering to complete one for you (with a fee of course). Some of these are legitimate (although questionable given how easy it is) but others suggest that the ETA is for everyone and not just visa-waiver travelers. The New Zealand Government has tried to stamp these out, which is a bit like a game of digital whack-a-mole, squash one and four more appear.


For the less experienced (and desperate) traveler, it would be easy to be fooled in to thinking the ETA was your ticket to a new start.


However there are some easy ways to make sure you are both applying for the right visa and also through the right process.


•        Firstly, you need to understand that nothing in the NZ immigration process is easy and so if you are being offered a quick, one way ticket it, then the most likely outcome is a smaller bank account.


•        Check for the source. If you think you are dealing with the Government double check the email address, or the website URL. All Government sites in NZ end with .govt.nz


•        If someone offers you a job, without having interviewed you (or you having applied for it) then something is wrong. There are usually always processes involved with recruitment and if you find you have skipped them all but magically secured a job, then that job probably doesn’t exist.


•        If you are being asked to pay for parts of the recruitment or employment process, then something is wrong. In fact our visa instructions prohibit applicants from bearing any of the costs involved with the recruitment or accreditation process that employers need to go through.


•        If you engage someone to assist you, ensure they are licensed (you can check here: www.iaa.govt.nz) and even if they are, check out any reviews you can find to confirm they know what they are doing.


•        Lastly, do your homework. No matter how confident you feel, before you commit to anything or handing over any payments, make sure you have done your due diligence.


We are all becoming more used to watching for scams when it comes to banking and financial transactions and for my South African clients, looking out for a scam, is a bit like breathing. However for many people who embark on the migration journey, and will likely only do this once (if they do it right), they are suddenly exposed to a whole new world of systems, processes and terminology, making it very easy to become lost and also persuaded in to a con.


Stay alert, be smart and also consider bringing on board someone who can not only assist with the migration process, but also act as second pair of eyes and ears, checking that the job offer that just arrived in your inbox from a company you have never heard of is real.


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