糕粉????或者熟黄豆粉 `) u" H2
where to buy these?????????????作者: whywhywhywhy 时间: 2008-8-11 15:30:24
不过糯米糍食凉的吃的,但是绝对不可以放冰箱的,你可以试试看,放了冰箱就会很硬: S& E/ l. R+ }0 F% Z. e didn't see this before i put it in the fridge~~~it really gets hard. 作者: colshop 时间: 2008-8-11 20:04:10
厉害厉害作者: 非洲菊 时间: 2008-8-12 14:15:02
原帖由 whywhywhywhy 于 2008-8-11 14:27 发表
糕粉????或者熟黄豆粉 `) u" H2
where to buy these?????????????
upstairs~~~~Lou Shang De~~~~~ i'v got a little surprise too~~~~~~ maybe because i put tthe pictures of the steps in there~~~作者: 蓝皮鼠 时间: 2008-8-18 14:40:17