
标题: 麦氏移民--帮你办事!老牌正规,在线答疑! [打印本页]

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-4 12:18:56     标题: 麦氏移民--帮你办事!老牌正规,在线答疑!


技术移民 工作签证 学生签证




[ 本帖最后由 麦氏移民 于 2008-8-5 17:29 编辑 ]
作者: henry_si    时间: 2008-8-4 12:48:14

麥氏你好,好耐之前send過電郵比你哋,一直冇回復我。係咁樣:我一個friend係奧大全職PhD,三年後畢業,而家持student visa,佢交咗PR申請啦(under SMC),不過前一排聼個鬼佬話學生簽證持有人申請PR會有問題,唔知係咪咁嘞?唔該嗮。
作者: huwe    时间: 2008-8-4 14:32:28

作者: huwe    时间: 2008-8-4 14:35:10

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-4 14:42:33

原帖由 henry_si 于 2008-8-4 11:48 发表
麥氏你好,好耐之前send過電郵比你哋,一直冇回復我。係咁樣:我一個friend係奧大全職PhD,三年後畢業,而家持student visa,佢交咗PR申請啦(under SMC),不過前一排聼個鬼佬話學生簽證持有人申請PR會有問題,唔知 ...

作者: henry_si    时间: 2008-8-4 15:04:00     标题: 回复 5# 麦氏移民 的帖子

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-4 16:18:08

原帖由 huwe 于 2008-8-4 13:35 发表

每个人的情况都不一样,一般要是有工作的话可能时间会比较长,半年都有可能,如果没有job offer的话,一两个月都是正常的!
作者: henry_si    时间: 2008-8-4 16:42:19

Further question:
我friend上個月AR,係有partner加分的,但而家佢partner仲喺香港,大概10月中過嚟。咁樣會唔會對佢申請不利?係咪佢partner一嚟到就應該通知case officer?唔該。
作者: 皮扯扯    时间: 2008-8-5 13:51:58

请问啊,我工作半年了,TITLE和JOB OFFER,学历都没什么问题,就是工资有点低。我想申请移民,老板也答应给我涨工资了,涨了之后的工资可以符合标准,这样可以吗?
作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-5 16:31:52

[quote]原帖由 皮扯扯 于 2008-8-5 12:51 发表
请问啊,我工作半年了,TITLE和JOB OFFER,学历都没什么问题,就是工资有点低。我想申请移民,老板也答应给我涨工资了,涨了之后的工资可以符合标准,这样可以吗? [/quote

作者: 左眼爱上右眼@@    时间: 2008-8-6 14:42:30

您好,我是08年7月14号让学校在网上申请的OPEN工签(可以回国的),CO发信给我说需要等我的New Zealand Police Certificate,但是是他们内部操作不用我做任何事情,我已经等了4个星期了,这周就是第四周.我给CO发过邮件也给移民局打过不少电话,最后一次打电话是CO接的说New Zealand Police Certificate要等3到4周,但是第一次她给我发邮件时候说只要3周.到现在都没有消息,我想知道到底正常吗.正常的时间应该是多久.我现在能做什么让他们快点吗?
作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-6 17:25:18

原帖由 左眼爱上右眼@@ 于 2008-8-6 13:42 发表
您好,我是08年7月14号让学校在网上申请的OPEN工签(可以回国的),CO发信给我说需要等我的New Zealand Police Certificate,但是是他们内部操作不用我做任何事情,我已经等了4个星期了,这周就是第四周 ...

这是正常的,there is nothing you can do at this stage
作者: 大象    时间: 2008-8-6 18:16:36

作者: light170    时间: 2008-8-6 21:20:25     标题: Mark

Good! Good! 友情顶一下!
作者: 左眼爱上右眼@@    时间: 2008-8-6 22:07:46

原帖由 麦氏移民 于 2008-8-6 16:25 发表

这是正常的,there is nothing you can do at this stage


[ 本帖最后由 左眼爱上右眼@@ 于 2008-8-7 13:46 编辑 ]
作者: 隐君子    时间: 2008-8-7 17:35:19


我想问一下,我朋友26岁, 她以前在这里读过幼教, 回国一年了


作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-8 19:29:41

原帖由 henry_si 于 2008-8-4 15:42 发表
Further question:
我friend上個月AR,係有partner加分的,但而家佢partner仲喺香港,大概10月中過嚟。咁樣會唔會對佢申請不利?係咪佢partner一嚟到就應該通知case officer?唔該。

Hi, make sure that you two have been together for more than 12 months when application is decided.

A short periof of separation shall not be problem. I do not know how long you have been separated for...hope not too long.

It is always beneficial if you notify INZ when your circumstance changes.

Good luck.

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-8 19:34:23

原帖由 隐君子 于 2008-8-7 16:35 发表

我想问一下,我朋友26岁, 她以前在这里读过幼教, 回国一年了



Hi Onion,

The basic requirement for LTBV is:

1. Business management experience
2. Acceptable Business Plan
3. Knowledge about NZ market
4. Financiall sound

I do not know how Early childhood education plays role in management of a business in NZ. Can you please bother to log on our main web page and complete a questionnaire form at www.marknz.co.nz


作者: henry_si    时间: 2008-8-9 05:51:54     标题: 回复 17# 麦氏移民 的帖子

Thanks Mark.
作者: rc2895    时间: 2008-8-9 18:11:15     标题: 一些疑问..朋友推荐你们公司..

我是2007年学木工专业的...现在有个工作...可是跟木工没关系...是TELECOMMUNICATION RIGGING,主要工作是安装还有维修手机信号塔,我也没有这方面的文凭,现在也只是学徒,公司是洋人公司,大概有7.8个人,现在用的是OPEN的工签,过段时间签合同,我想知道我这样的情况要办签证的话,需要注意哪些情况?
作者: 蓝天之下    时间: 2008-8-9 22:28:03

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-11 10:27:49

原帖由 大象 于 2008-8-6 17:16 发表
Hi Elephan, the applicant must be sponsored by the principal applicant's child or grandchild aged 17 years or older who is a New Zealand citizen; or holds a New Zealand residence permit that is not subject to requirements imposed under section 18A of the Immigration Act 1987; or is exempt under section 12(1) of the Immigration Act 1987 from having to hold a permit. In cases where a child or grandchild is less than 17 years old and therefore cannot sponsor the applicant(s), a parent of the child or grandchild of the principal applicant* may nevertheless sponsor the applicant(s) if they meet the sponsorship requirements.

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-11 10:31:47

原帖由 蓝天之下 于 2008-8-9 21:28 发表

Than straight answer is YES if you can score 100 in total.

If your university can confirm that Master degree is built on two years studies, then extra 5 points can be claim.


Master D:55+5+10+5(if for two years)

Thanks. Mark
作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-11 10:36:01

原帖由 rc2895 于 2008-8-9 17:11 发表
我是2007年学木工专业的...现在有个工作...可是跟木工没关系...是TELECOMMUNICATION RIGGING,主要工作是安装还有维修手机信号塔,我也没有这方面的文凭,现在也只是学徒,公 ...

you may like to log on our website: www.marknz.co.nz for a free asseessment. cheers.
作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-11 10:38:57     标题: 回复 9# 皮扯扯 的帖子

Hi, Salary level, as long as it is more than the minimum standard, fulfils the requirment of the minimum income requirement. However, the salary is supposed to match the job position you undertake otherwise it would cast questions whether the offer or employment is genuine.

作者: 隐君子    时间: 2008-8-11 13:38:54     标题: 回复 18# 麦氏移民 的帖子

Mark, I suggest that you reply to them in Chinese, rather than English, because your words can be copied and used by other agents, who do not use English as well as you do.

My friend is now working in China. She finished a level 5 certificate in early childhood teaching in nz two years ago, but she did not work as a teacher in China now.

She is keen to immigrate to New Zealand. that's why i recommend this approach for her. I think she should get a visa to come to New Zealand to assess business opportunities.

I want to know what requirements she should meet for getting a visa as a potential business investor?
作者: pinkdouding    时间: 2008-8-11 19:12:54

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-11 19:51:13     标题: 回复 26# 隐君子 的帖子

Hi my friend, I am used to write in English and it is much faster. My Chinese input is a mess - sorry.

You may have come to know that two-year early childhood education diploma no longer qualify for skilled employment job offer requirement - a degree or five years work experience with registration will suffice.

For a temporary visa to entry with purpose to apply for residence under global investor category, I guess a business visa will do. Tell INZ his/her intention; show them the evidence of funds and his/her ties with China, with excellent records while she/he is in NZ, I bet a visa a must.

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-11 19:54:44     标题: 回复 27# pinkdouding 的帖子

Hei, it shall be one of the followings:

1. An approval letter.
2. letter giving you opportunity to secure a skilled employment.

Why don't you ring up and ask the officer what is happending.  You lose nohting by asking.

作者: pinkdouding    时间: 2008-8-11 20:13:59

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作者: 隐君子    时间: 2008-8-11 20:43:04     标题: 回复 30# pinkdouding 的帖子

作者: 隐君子    时间: 2008-8-11 20:45:22     标题: 回复 28# 麦氏移民 的帖子

what do you mean by "ties with China"?

i am still confused about the requirements for applying for a visa to come here for evaluating business environment.

What is the whole procedure?
作者: 银色泡泡鱼    时间: 2008-8-12 00:33:39

麦氏你好, 听说最近EOI SELECT  的分数降到115了, 我和我老公在这边同居4年, 我曾经有一个正式的full time 工作, 有1年半的工作时间, 而且和我的学历相关。 我和我老公都是NZDB 毕业, 我用这份工作申请过一次, 但是被拒了。 想在我和我老公想试一下, 同居移民, 可是我现在在上bachelar of BUSINESS 。 拿的是一年的学签,我老公续的我的旅游签,这种情况下, 我们可以试吗???
作者: beede    时间: 2008-8-12 15:35:48


作者: powergod1    时间: 2008-8-12 16:49:08

你好,我在hamilton, 我刚刚ar不久,在下邀请前vo直接到我公司跟老板谈话,谈了有半个小时,后来又跟我谈话,也有20分钟。
然后很高兴得走了。 不知道ar后面还会查么,现在hamilton总共就只有2个vo 你觉得再次查的希望大么?
作者: tommichelle    时间: 2008-8-13 23:29:30

请问如果夫妻两个人都是pr, 如果我们的孩子在中国出生的话,孩子
能拿NZ的 PASSPORT 吗? 谢谢。
作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-14 19:16:23     标题: 回复 30# pinkdouding 的帖子



作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-14 19:18:57     标题: 回复 32# 隐君子 的帖子


"Ties with China" basically conveys the intention whether the applicants have any social, economic, family, career connections with China so that it prodcues the "incentives" for the applcants to return to the country where they came from.

Hope it helps

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-14 19:21:22     标题: 回复 36# tommichelle 的帖子




作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-14 19:24:11     标题: 回复 35# powergod1 的帖子


The officer may require to see financial statements, forecasts, PAYE, GST returns etc, following the site visit.

If everything goes fine, the case will be transferred back to your CO and your CO may carry on with other checks, ie, SIS checks, police checks, etc.


作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-14 19:26:50

原帖由 beede 于 2008-8-12 14:35 发表
你好麦氏!我是在EOI选完就开始查了,又是电话查又是来公司查听说还打电话给我客户查我。。。最后在10/07让我补了好多资料上去。。。。之后就是真空期,完全没有消息。。。汗!!终于等到今年7月拿到了邀请信,不知道 ...

If the VO is OK with the verification outcome, then the application may not be subject to further assessment.

It generally takes about 6 to 12 months for a residence application to be finalised if it goes with a JOB OFFER.


作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-14 19:28:41     标题: 回复 33# 银色泡泡鱼 的帖子

Yah..worth trying.
作者: 移民W    时间: 2008-8-15 22:36:45

你好:::(急)请问:  我想帮我父母申请来NZ团聚, 在国内他们身边没有小孩了,我亲大哥也移民加拿大许多年了. 可是我母亲70岁了患有高血压,甲亢和帕金森综合症,她现在还自动自如,病情稳定没发展都用吃药控制; 像这种情况她能通过体检吗? 我能帮她申请吗?????

在体检时,只说有高血压,可以吗? 其它两个病查得出来吗???


[ 本帖最后由 移民W 于 2008-8-17 12:25 编辑 ]
作者: lovemoon    时间: 2008-8-17 03:44:55

你好,我现在在一家大型的连锁酒店里做Duty Manager, 公司跟我签的job description和移民局网站上的要求有点差距。由于公司是连锁酒店 (4星级酒店),HR不可能为我一个人改job description,但可以给我出一封support letter (里面的工作介绍有80%以上都能满足移民局要求得)并愿意担保我。 请问这样可以吗??
作者: 追云者    时间: 2008-8-19 11:39:05

请问,我的移民官说I have completed the first assessement of your application,这是进行到那一步啦????后面还有那几步呀????
什么是first assessement ????
作者: ZF_MAN    时间: 2008-8-19 14:13:43

我申请我的女朋友到这里结婚,我是PR,IT工作,在她的VISITOR VISA(1017)那表里J,K两项,因为我们没有长时间同居过,分居2地4年了,就2次回国在一起,J项里问的是PARTNER,这个PARTNER是不是不属于我们现在的情况啊,我们属于INTENDED PARTNER,是不是不填啊,而且如果填,他问LIVING IN TOGETHER的时候是不是我只有回答在一起的时间(大概就2个月),而不是认识的时间啊(4年多)。K项问是不是ARRANGED MARRIAGE,是不是包办婚姻的说法啊?实在不懂,麻烦指点下J,K两项的填法吧~~~万分感谢了~~~~~~~
作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-19 18:33:34

原帖由 移民W 于 2008-8-15 21:36 发表
你好:::(急)请问:  我想帮我父母申请来NZ团聚, 在国内他们身边没有小孩了,我亲大哥也移民加拿大许多年了. 可是我母亲70岁了患有高血压,甲亢和帕金森综合症,她现在还自动自如,病情稳定没发展都用吃药控制; 像这种情况 ...

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-19 18:36:39

原帖由 lovemoon 于 2008-8-17 02:44 发表
你好,我现在在一家大型的连锁酒店里做Duty Manager, 公司跟我签的job description和移民局网站上的要求有点差距。由于公司是连锁酒店 (4星级酒店),HR不可能为我一个人改job description,但可以给我出一封suppo ...

我需要看到你的具体的job description。 你可以打电话3032933约时间来咨询,也把job description可以发邮件或者传真给我们做评估。
作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-19 18:39:51

原帖由 ZF_MAN 于 2008-8-19 13:13 发表
我申请我的女朋友到这里结婚,我是PR,IT工作,在她的VISITOR VISA(1017)那表里J,K两项,因为我们没有长时间同居过,分居2地4年了,就2次回国在一起,J项里问的是PARTNER,这个PARTNER是不是不属于我们现在的情况啊, ...

如果递交申请的时候,你们没有live together ,不填写partner会比较好.
作者: 追云者    时间: 2008-8-20 00:58:30

麦氏你好,我办的是技术移民,在2月就是AR,最近收到CO的信说I have completed the first assessement of your application.不知道这样的说法是到了哪个步骤,离最后完成full assessement还有几步呀???
作者: 追云者    时间: 2008-8-20 16:00:42

作者: 朔明    时间: 2008-8-20 20:30:40

作者: xiaoshu1110    时间: 2008-8-20 22:52:59

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: jennifer_wen    时间: 2008-8-21 21:50:37

你好,请问,我是PR, 我先生拿OPEN工签,是PARTNERSHIP的工签。我们想买一个生意,director可以把他的名字也加进去吗?有什么要注意的呢,比如说他能否参与经营?谢谢!
作者: clloo    时间: 2008-8-24 00:49:24

mark 你好!
作者: nzskb    时间: 2008-8-24 19:22:26

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: hnyw01    时间: 2008-8-25 19:46:01

请问: 我在国内的一个朋友2005年底Massey的master毕业,专业是finance. 毕业后直接回国工作到现在(现在30岁).他现在够分申请PR吗,还要具备什么条件? 在线等.谢谢.
作者: 新中国    时间: 2008-8-26 10:21:09

作者: pepsi    时间: 2008-8-27 13:33:46     标题: 旅游签证

我在新西兰驻上海,北京和香港的中文网站上,看到有中文表格可以下载。地址是http://www.nzvisa.org/form/bilin ... 20New%20Zealand.pdf
4.请注意,各申请表格将于2007年11月5日更新,本网站将暂停下载表格服务,如欲下载各申请表格,请到www.immigration.govt.nz 下载,不便之处,敬请原谅

[ 本帖最后由 pepsi 于 2008-8-27 12:48 编辑 ]
作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-27 20:46:41

原帖由 银色泡泡鱼 于 2008-8-11 23:33 发表
麦氏你好, 听说最近EOI SELECT  的分数降到115了, 我和我老公在这边同居4年, 我曾经有一个正式的full time 工作, 有1年半的工作时间, 而且和我的学历相关。 我和我老公都是NZDB 毕业, 我用这份工作申请过一次, ...

Yes, if you could prove the relevance of your work experience to your qualification then it is likely you could get 115 points which is the passmark for the last selection. You would be assessed as follows:
1. approval
2. work to residence
3. decline if you could not prove you could settele in NZ or have the ability to settle in NZ.

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-27 20:50:25

原帖由 beede 于 2008-8-12 14:35 发表
你好麦氏!我是在EOI选完就开始查了,又是电话查又是来公司查听说还打电话给我客户查我。。。最后在10/07让我补了好多资料上去。。。。之后就是真空期,完全没有消息。。。汗!!终于等到今年7月拿到了邀请信,不知道 ...

Hi my friend,

If EOI has taken the majority of your time and that the Employment has been subject to verification then it is likely the residence procession would not be taking too long.
you shall not be subject to the double sufferings.  

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-27 20:52:40     标题: 回复 35# powergod1 的帖子

Usually the verificaiton - the venue visit would be once only, but it does not prevent the officer from seeking further informaition from your employer, ie, requesting financial report, paye, etc.

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-27 20:55:43

原帖由 tommichelle 于 2008-8-13 22:29 发表
请问如果夫妻两个人都是pr, 如果我们的孩子在中国出生的话,孩子
能拿NZ的 PASSPORT 吗? 谢谢。

No my friend, either parent must have NZ citizenship. However, the child can apply for residence from the INZ offshore branch, ie, INZ Shanghai or Beijing.

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-27 20:59:42     标题: to #44

原帖由 lovemoon 于 2008-8-17 02:44 发表
你好,我现在在一家大型的连锁酒店里做Duty Manager, 公司跟我签的job description和移民局网站上的要求有点差距。由于公司是连锁酒店 (4星级酒店),HR不可能为我一个人改job description,但可以给我出一封suppo ...

80% matches with ANZSCO description would be a mandatory match, I guess it worth trying, If you would fax the job description to me and i wold be happy to go through it.

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-27 21:06:40     标题: to #46

原帖由 ZF_MAN 于 2008-8-19 13:13 发表
我申请我的女朋友到这里结婚,我是PR,IT工作,在她的VISITOR VISA(1017)那表里J,K两项,因为我们没有长时间同居过,分居2地4年了,就2次回国在一起,J项里问的是PARTNER,这个PARTNER是不是不属于我们现在的情况啊, ...

Hi, good questions.
First , you can not identify youself as a partner to her, if you get trapped, the INZ will require you to live together with her at the time she lodges the application for a visitor application.

She may however apply for a visitor visa under general category.

You are not under "arranged marriage" category.

Hope it helps.

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-27 21:17:24     标题: to #52

原帖由 朔明 于 2008-8-20 19:30 发表

Yes Ming,

You can always resign as long as you give proper notice according to your employment agreement, Generally the employment provides that one months notice is necessary, or that two weeks notice, pleaes check the related clause in the agreement.
作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-27 21:21:13

原帖由 xiaoshu1110 于 2008-8-20 21:52 发表
我2005年NZDB&NZ DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT毕业,然后转入大学继续读,还有2科毕业.

今年上半年,我在一个BAKERY 找到份工作,因为我干的很好,他们又在找MANAGER,我就做了这个店的MANAGER. 我已经拿到了1年的工签. 我想暂 ...

You asked many technical questions which take me one hour to cover all of them, In the outset, yes, a baker shop manager with a NZDB would open the door for residence application, However, the size of the shop, the number of the employees, the involvment of the owner in the shop, the nature of your duties, the power of the managerial role would become a relevant consideration in terms of the residence application. Pleaes arrange to come to see me and hopefully we could work it out together.

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-27 21:23:54     标题: to #54

原帖由 jennifer_wen 于 2008-8-21 20:50 发表
你好,请问,我是PR, 我先生拿OPEN工签,是PARTNERSHIP的工签。我们想买一个生意,director可以把他的名字也加进去吗?有什么要注意的呢,比如说他能否参与经营?谢谢!

DO NOT do this Jeniffer,

If you proceed with this, then you would be invited to apply for long term business visa/permit.

The policy says as long as you have 25% shares or more then you can not apply for residence under SKILLED MIGRATION CATEGORY, and the Long Terms Business Cagegory will kick in, Be mindful.

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-27 21:27:25     标题: To Clloo #55

原帖由 clloo 于 2008-8-23 23:49 发表
mark 你好!

It depends on what you had earned when you undertake level 5 and level 6 course. If it is preceded on the computing related courses then it is likely your qualification at level 7 would be comparable to one on the Long Term Skills Shortage list.

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-27 21:30:23     标题: to nzskb #56

原帖由 nzskb 于 2008-8-24 18:22 发表
请问一下,我parner有两年的工签,我想跟他那open 工签,需要怎么申请?  谢谢~~~

As long as you are living together with evidence to prove the relationship, then the application can be lodged. The essence is that you are required to show that you two are living together in a family relationship and the onus of proving the relationship is at you and your partner.
It would also subject to medical and character requirement.

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-27 21:33:25     标题: to hnyw01 #57

原帖由 hnyw01 于 2008-8-25 18:46 发表
请问: 我在国内的一个朋友2005年底Massey的master毕业,专业是finance. 毕业后直接回国工作到现在(现在30岁).他现在够分申请PR吗,还要具备什么条件? 在线等.谢谢.

age: 25 points
qual: 55
NZ postgraduate qua: 10
Qua on LTSSL: 10

total: 100

Yes, go ahead, you are likely to get your residency in NZ.

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-27 21:36:18     标题: to #58新中国

原帖由 新中国 于 2008-8-26 09:21 发表

It is ok, if the permit issued, then she woud be deemed to have a new permit effective from the date of the last expired permit.

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-27 21:39:13     标题: To Pepsi #59

原帖由 pepsi 于 2008-8-27 12:33 发表
我在新西兰驻上海,北京和香港的中文网站上,看到有中文表格可以下载。地址是http://www.nzvisa.org/form/bili ...

Hi Pepsi,
Please use the form at: www.immigration.govt.nz
It is the latest one and you will never go wrong with this.

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-8-27 21:40:10     标题: To Pepsi #59

原帖由 pepsi 于 2008-8-27 12:33 发表
我在新西兰驻上海,北京和香港的中文网站上,看到有中文表格可以下载。地址是http://www.nzvisa.org/form/bili ...

Yes, use the one at: www.immigration.govt.nz. it is the latest one and you will not go wrong.
作者: 玉米浓汤    时间: 2008-8-30 14:36:57     标题: Mark 请教合同问题


作者: 玉米浓汤    时间: 2008-8-30 14:42:17     标题: One more question

您那里现在办理工作经验移民吗?我老公NZDB 毕业,毕业后第一个工作FULL TIME 大概半年然后现在洋人超市快一年半了,马上要升值到TEAM LEADER,我是LEVEL 5 TRAVEL 毕业,在洋人公司工作差点两年,现在补做了,我国内有POST GRADUATE (MBA)。但是年龄过了,请问这种情况可以申请吗?都补算SKILL 的工作。如果可以您那里可以办理吗?
作者: frankking    时间: 2008-8-31 21:33:04

Mark你好,今年初我去过你那边,我的情况和楼上差不多,nzdb major in accounting毕业,工作是accounts payable,不够skilled,但是现在工作满一年了。有partner, 国内结婚的。messey 一年的graduate diploma 毕业。在洋人公司工作也满半年了。 年底要生宝宝了,去年年底递交过一次eoi,现在过期了。现在想再申请,您有什么建议么?谢谢

[ 本帖最后由 frankking 于 2008-8-31 20:34 编辑 ]
作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-9-1 20:28:01

原帖由 玉米浓汤 于 2008-8-30 13:36 发表
Mark你好,很高兴你开通网上咨询,我想请问如果和中介或个人签订合同,关于找工作,办理工签和移民,说倒哪个阶段交多少钱,否则退多少钱,像这样的合同如果那个中介说的履行不了,也就是没按合同退钱,那可以告他吗 ...

Hi, 玉米浓汤, Ni Hao!

A contract is binding if it is entered with genuine intention, with considerations towards what you asked agent to do...and in the the end if the caes failed and contract says $ to be returned,  then it is deemed to be binding.

If you wnat to save some money and want to get the justice.
I would suggest you to approach Dispute Review Tribunal at Albert St, AKL CBD. Forms would needed to be filled in and accompany with application fee (about $100 filing fee). The ct will set the hearing date for you and the agent, and you will have your say.


作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-9-1 20:33:18     标题: Reply to #76 玉米浓汤

原帖由 玉米浓汤 于 2008-8-30 13:42 发表
您那里现在办理工作经验移民吗?我老公NZDB 毕业,毕业后第一个工作FULL TIME 大概半年然后现在洋人超市快一年半了,马上要升值到TEAM LEADER,我是LEVEL 5 TRAVEL 毕业,在洋人公司工作差点两年,现在补做了,我国内 ...

Suggest the wife to be a principal applicant and as long as you could gain 100 points, you would succeed in getting your residence. Not to focus on your husband would be a good approach. He would provide bouns points to you...

your age: 25
Master Q: 55
Q master bonus points: 10
Husband q: 20
Total: 110

According to the current passmark, it is likely you will get residence.

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-9-1 20:38:03     标题: to #77

原帖由 frankking 于 2008-8-31 20:33 发表
Mark你好,今年初我去过你那边,我的情况和楼上差不多,nzdb major in accounting毕业,工作是accounts payable,不够skilled,但是现在工作满一年了。有partner, 国内结婚的。messey 一年的graduate diploma 毕业。在 ...

It looks like a 115 points applications.

With 115 points you are likely to be invited to apply for residence but you might be issued with "work to residence" work permit pending your ability to successfully settle in NZ.

作者: samsung2006    时间: 2008-9-1 21:11:01

作者: frankking    时间: 2008-9-1 23:35:59

原帖由 麦氏移民 于 2008-9-1 19:38 发表

It looks like a 115 points applications.

With 115 points you are likely to be invited to apply for residence but you might be issued with "work to residence" work permit pending your ability t ...


[ 本帖最后由 frankking 于 2008-9-2 19:36 编辑 ]
作者: 天行者    时间: 2008-9-2 12:21:36     标题: 請問mark

我是做bookkeeper的,申請了兩次,由於第一次檢查德時候表現的不好,他們認爲我的工作不夠skilled, 還說我的工資不夠標準, 那個移民官也很討厭, 沒接受我的解釋就給我拒了。後來我去年又遞了一次,到現在都等了1年多了,同樣的職位,但是工資漲了,老板也讓我一個人作會計的工作了,請問我這種情況還有希望批嗎?我已經被叫到移民侷面是過了,東西回到移民官手裏后一直沒消息,現在又給我換了個新co,都3周了到她手上,也沒有任何消息,請問要是等到ar9個月得時候我是不是可以找律師投訴阿?
作者: Achieve_2008    时间: 2008-9-2 18:00:59

作者: 爱情有几斤zhong    时间: 2008-9-5 21:46:31

Is your partner currently employed, or has he/she been offered employment in New Zealand?


不是level 7的幼教学历,工作两年,可以有areas of absolute skills shortage 的工作经验加分吗?


[ 本帖最后由 爱情有几斤zhong 于 2008-9-5 20:55 编辑 ]
作者: auckland2008    时间: 2008-9-8 00:57:26

你好,我想咨询一下, 我现在持有TITLE为SALES的WORK PERMIT,现在我想用MANAGER的职位申请技术移民的话,工签和EOI是可以一起提交吗?如果一起提交的话,EOI上的职位填写有是什么要注意的?是就填MANAGER吗(即使我MANEGER的工签还没有下来)?
还有就是EOI上的Skilled Employment in New Zealand的E4.
(Please indicate why your job is skilled. We recommend that you first check our definition of skilled employment.

You should explain what is in your job description and how this is consistent with the occupational tasks for your occupation in the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations. Also explain how your recognised qualification and/or work experience is relevant to your job. If you are claiming that your employment is skilled because it will enhance the quality of New Zealand's accomplishements and participation in that occupational area, explain

how your employment will achieve this; and
what evidence you can provide to show that you have an international reputation and record of excellence in your occupational field.)
作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-9-8 19:17:17     标题: to #81

I guess she obtained her work permit based on her previous parternship with her ex-parter. If they broke up and she had transferred her permit to a visitor permit wich would mean she complies with the conditions of the previous permit granted - it is good thing.

You could certainly support her application for a work permit as long as the partnerhsip is genuine and stable, plus there are sufficient evidence supporting your relationship.

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-9-8 19:18:58     标题: to #82

原帖由 frankking 于 2008-9-1 22:35 发表



Do yo mind log on www.marknz.co.nz and complete a self-assessment form under Skilled Migration Category and I will re-assess your points allocation.

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-9-8 19:23:31

原帖由 天行者 于 2008-9-2 11:21 发表
我是做bookkeeper的,申請了兩次,由於第一次檢查德時候表現的不好,他們認爲我的工作不夠skilled, 還說我的工資不夠標準, 那個移民官也很討厭, 沒接受我的解釋就給我拒了。後來我去年又遞了一次,到現在都等了1年 ...

Hi 天行者 ,

I guess you lodged the application prior to 4 Feb 2008 otherwise the new policy would not recongise the points allocatino for job offer as Bookkeeper.

The solution would be to instruct your agent to follow up. When a verification is completed, it generally takes about 2 months for a case officer to write to you, either convey you a good news, or invite your commnet on the identified prejudical information.

You may also write the case officer yourself, it would not do harm as long as your command in English is sufficient.

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-9-8 19:25:40

原帖由 Achieve_2008 于 2008-9-2 17:00 发表

Hi Acheive,

1. work reference letter contains hours, period of employment, job description, job position.
2. supporting evience can be employment agreement, job descrption, paye, salary payments into your account, etc.
3. evidence your tasks are in line with your qualification.

Hope it helps.

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-9-8 19:31:23

原帖由 爱情有几斤zhong 于 2008-9-5 20:46 发表
Is your partner currently employed, or has he/she been offered employment in New Zealand?

一年的level5幼教,有两年工签,现在工 ...

Hi 爱情有几斤zhong,

1. points allocation for work experience in NZ  could be offered as long as the qualification is an important elements in you securing the job offer.
2. Yes, leve 5 qualification for the partner can give you 20 points provided that you two have been living together for at least 12 months, and that if required by INZ, evidence of IELTS 6.5.
3. pre-school teacher is required to be registered with Teaching Council, if it is your case, the you can certainly ask for the points for the offer of employment.

作者: 麦氏移民    时间: 2008-9-8 19:36:59     标题: to #86

原帖由 auckland2008 于 2008-9-7 23:57 发表
你好,我想咨询一下, 我现在持有TITLE为SALES的WORK PERMIT,现在我想用MANAGER的职位申请技术移民的话,工签和EOI是可以一起提交吗?如果一起提交的话,EOI上的职位填写有是什么要注意的?是就填MANAGER吗(即使我MANEGER的 ...

Hi Auckland2008,
Work permit and residence application technically have no relevance as they are processed under different policy criteria.

Basically what you have quoted above has explained to you hos skilled employment is to be assessed.  Be mindful there are more than 7000 job titles in NZ but only 500 of them can be said to be "skilled employment".

If you are confident the job tasks essentially match with the recognised one on ANZSCO then feel free to submit your EOI. Quoting job task is often popular in describing how your job duties is skilled.


作者: applebee    时间: 2008-9-8 20:30:50     标题: 请教麦氏父母团聚移民


作者: man570068    时间: 2008-9-10 00:43:31

作者: samsung2006    时间: 2008-9-12 01:13:18

Re: #81 & #87
Thanks Mark.
So it will have to be 12 months after the date she cancelled her previous work permit and obtained the vistor permit?
作者: miyiyi    时间: 2008-9-13 01:32:25

请问一下, 想帮父母办理3年的那种旅游签证, 他们现在人在新西兰这边, 可以在这边的移民局办吗? 谢谢了!
作者: angelaw    时间: 2008-9-16 13:34:57

作者: 氤氲月光    时间: 2008-9-16 23:30:13

你好,我的情况是这样的,我是在NZ读的大学,但是专业是MARKETING和INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS。后来我来了澳洲读MASTER,专业是ACCOUNTING,读了两年。听说现在有高学历的加分,想问一下,我的澳洲学历可以给我加分吗?我够不够EOI的THRESHOLD?可不可以OFFSHORE的申请?谢谢
作者: 我家有个小砣砣    时间: 2008-9-20 01:58:13

听说有个印刷设计, 能移民吗
作者: woaiwojia83    时间: 2008-9-20 03:41:56

你好 Mark

我一个朋友让我帮问问,她已经是NZ CITIZEN 三年以上,而且按规定每年居住184天以上,现在她回中国结婚一年后回来(工作辞了),她想知道还需要什么条件可以办家庭团聚移民,一个给父母还有就是给老公办,我想这两个要求的条件应该不一样吧,麻烦你给说说具体的。


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