
标题: 关于梅西华人讲师恶语攻击事件, Dr. Li Dong的答复 (5月8日已更新) [打印本页]

作者: 纳米龙    时间: 2008-5-1 20:54:37     标题: 关于梅西华人讲师恶语攻击事件, Dr. Li Dong的答复 (5月8日已更新)

这件事情闹得沸沸扬扬, 最近本人已经先后联系了大使馆和此次去澳洲堪培拉的同学, 同时也和梅西大学负责学生的几位高层会谈过.
对于此不断升级的事件, 学校也希望本人能出面以一个中间人的身份介入. 希望在一个相对平和的气氛中让双方交谈, 提出一个比较可行的解决方案和措施.
本人联络了Dr. Li Dong并表明了来意. 以下是他的EMAIL内容.

Dear Mr Li,

Thank you for your email.  It’s good that I can talk to you, President of Massey University Chinese Students’ Association (MUCSA)..

In the past few days I’ve receiving email messages and a phone call re my interview with DomPost.  Some expressed appreciation and support and some expressed dissatisfaction, but did so in an acceptable manner.  To these I’ve replied in a friendly and patient manner, and it seems they have accepted my explanation.  But a couple of emails are very abusive and even threaten my and my family’s lives.  As I really don’t want to make a big story of it, I haven’t so far contacted the police.  However, if such hate mail and threats continue, I’ll have no choice but report to the police to protect my and my family’s safety.  Your allegation that a few students “got some rude reply” is not true.  

All the email messages I refer to were sent anonymously.  Would you please tell your members that they should show their real names and preferably their Massey ID numbers in their communication to a staff member?   and perhaps also let them know the legal consequences of hate mail or threats?  Anonymous email messages may not be replied, and hate mail and/or threats will be dealt with legally.

You kindly told me of your investigation and its conclusion that “none of them have provided anything for those students who went to the rally in Canberra.”  In my interview I said categorically “… had no proof their travel had been paid for.”  And I further indicated in the interview that the students believe what they were supporting.  There is really and truly no issue here.  I was told by one of the email messages that some students are going to sue me.  I wonder what they will sue me for.  

We staff and students at Massey are all very busy with teaching, learning and research.  I hope we will not waste any precious time on meaningless pursuit.  From now on I will not spend any time replying groundless accusations.  If some people believe they have grievances against me, they can bring their case to whatever committee or even a legal court.

I appreciate your offer to promote better communication.  Hopefully you will tell your members know what I say in this message.

Li Dong

如果事态继续发展, 本人也会代表学生会与其进一步的联系并采取必要的措施.

克制自己的情绪, 一个法制的社会是用道理和证据.
注意表达的语言和方法, 学会保护自己.
不用当心害怕使用匿名, 只要自己正也不怕影斜, 趟若你的坦白被别人利用也无形中暴露了他们的阴暗面.

我把同学们的意见都反馈给了Dr. Li

那既然我一开始就说以中间人的身份介入, 所以我也尽量不发表个人对这事的看法, 大部分就是把同学的意见反馈过去. 下面是一些其他的答复和我的EMAIL


Dear Mr Li,

I share your wish that this little incident will die down and go away.  

I talked to the AUS representative today and told him about my appreciation of your role in this matter.  He will perhaps write to you.

I don’t have much involvement with the Chinese community either at Massey or at large.  The main contact is with my internal class on campus.  I believe I generally enjoyable good relations with my students.  This semester I teach 169.344 Chinese Grammar.  The class chairman is Guo Weishan (ID04115104, arthur33cn@msn.com).  You can learn more about me from him.

Your advice about being careful in dealing with the media is a good one.  Thanks a lot!

LI Dong

From: Li, Jack
Sent: Monday, 5 May 2008 7:06 p.m.
To: Li, Dong
Subject: RE: Regarding the Dominion Post article

Dear Dr. Li

I am glad to hear that, and hope this issue will fully stop very soon.

I had been interviewed by the media before and understand that how they speak or act on hearsay evidence and misinterpret the community with glossology.
I hope you would be more careful to deal with the media in future to avoid this kind of misunderstanding between you and Chinese community.

All the best and thanks for your cooperation.

Kind regards,

Jack Li

President of
Massey University Chinese Students’ Association (MUCSA)
PhD Candidate of
Institute of Technology and Engineering

From: Li, Dong
Sent: Saturday, 3 May 2008 7:39 p.m.
To: Li, Jack
Subject: RE: Regarding the Dominion Post article
Importance: High

Dear Mr Li,

Thank you for telling your members "to stop threats and treat this issue in a more peaceful and mature manner."  This is absolutely correct and shows good leadership.  

I'm glad to tell you that since we exchanged email, there has been no harassment on me by email and telephone.

However,  yesterday I was told by my friends in Auckland that on the website skykiwi there are abusive messages that are nasty, obscene and totally irresponsible personal attacks on me.  I'm not going to waste my time looking at the rubbish, but please tell your members that there is a limit to my patience and remind them of the legal consequences of their action.

As you said, "peaceful and mature manner" is the only correct manner to deal with any differences.  


Li Dong

[ 本帖最后由 纳米龙 于 2008-5-8 11:50 编辑 ]
作者: rain198491    时间: 2008-5-1 21:09:18


从报纸The Dominion Post的文章上看,他的确显得很客观 “in my interview I said categorically “… had no proof their travel had been paid for.”




具体见 http://www.skykiwi.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=840583




[ 本帖最后由 rain198491 于 2008-5-1 20:27 编辑 ]
作者: fanncy    时间: 2008-5-1 22:05:28

作者: Grace726    时间: 2008-5-1 22:56:25

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: poacher    时间: 2008-5-2 00:36:38

No proof就可以胡说八道??那我no proof可以随便说了??? I have no a proof that his wife and
daugher are P......, his son is gay who was **** by a man.


作者: 潇宇    时间: 2008-5-2 01:22:03

公允自在大众,客观的报道我已经发了,和我在skykiwi的文章有所不同,语气中立了很多,让大众去评判他的对与错吧,如果说我误导,对不起,Dominion Post也是这样愚弄惠灵顿人民的,比起他们,我的影响力小了很多,他已经很万幸了,我没有把新闻发到中新社,不然全国很多网站都会刊登了。



作者: Lucien    时间: 2008-5-2 01:30:29

潇宇 ,請問你的新聞發到哪裏去了啊?新華社的大參考還是内參啊?怎麽找不到的說。謝謝
作者: 潇宇    时间: 2008-5-2 01:38:06

作者: 猪呀飞    时间: 2008-5-2 10:25:24

作者: michaelbbs    时间: 2008-5-2 10:28:38


"Your allegation that a few students “got some rude reply” is not true. "我贴的他的回信是200% 的真实。

“ Anonymous email messages ” 梅西大学并没有给每一个学生分配massey的电子邮件,而是每个学生向学校提供prefer的 email 地址。我给他发信的地址就是我在massey 注册时填写的我的联系email. 他只要查一查就可以找到我的全部 details, 包括ID, 名字和地址。

作者: a224596    时间: 2008-5-2 17:03:40



真的爱国的话 就好好读书学完知识 回国建设家园
作者: hamiltonman    时间: 2008-5-2 23:54:08

作者: 土包子    时间: 2008-5-4 22:35:04

作者: BMW318I    时间: 2008-5-5 15:23:51

作者: michaelbbs    时间: 2008-5-5 22:32:00

对,President of Massey University Chinese Students’ Association (MUCSA) 也姓李。
但绝不是dong Li.
作者: 纳米龙    时间: 2008-5-8 12:51:27

恩, 呵, 我也刚好姓李.
作者: 纳米龙    时间: 2008-5-8 12:56:10

另外点一下, 媒体的观点在一定程度上会有很大的影响力.

之前做过一个NZ 先驱报的采访.

当时我强调现在的NZ对比三年前留学热潮的NZ在学生和各个方面的性价对比上已经下降, 相反澳大利亚更有优势.


结果文章出来说我叫大家都别来留学, 里面用的语句也都是拼接起来.

文章大部分属实, 可是意义表达有点偏激, 题目更是让人误解.

所以对媒体我只能说一定要小心处理, 并有一定的法律概念.
作者: 无限流邪枫    时间: 2008-5-8 13:51:26


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