“the most important thing is to talk a lot about what you are capable of. Don't be brief, be detail, and use phrase like "I" instead of "We", also, do a lot of research on the company, and try to ask them as many questions as you can.”
“(不会回答问题怎么办?)well, as long as you have the correct concept it is ok I think. Nobody knows everything, but it is the attitude which is important, show your positive attitude. ”
花天堂 : “you need to tell yourself.
they need me.
but in order to make them pay me。
I need them to believe in me.
if you are nervous about it, you will be seem as not confident about yourself. then its hard to get a job....”
附加 2 :怎么去准备呢?
There is nothing that screams "hire me" more than taking an interest in your prospective organisation. Research the company and culture; know exactly why you want to be a part of this group.
Try to find out the form the interview will take - will it be focussed on your experience and history? An informative style? Be targeted towards hypothetical situations or involve directly testing your skills? Or is it a panel or group situation?
Know yourself - think about how exactly you match the role and why exactly they have to hire you. Be specific and honest.
Avoid the curve balls- think through those "worst case scenario" questions as well as being geared for the stock in trade, easy ones.
Literally practicing possible scenarios can make it easier when you are put on the spot on the day.
The more prepared you are, the more comfortable and confident you are likely to come across.