原帖由 luvwei 于 2008-3-8 12:18 发表
Study 3: A road safety researcher was interested in the effects of alcohol on the driving ability of young adults. A sample of 50 young adults was obtained and each was randomly allocated to eith ...
原帖由 当时的理想 于 2008-3-8 14:41 发表
我STAT108ASSIGMENT的第1题。。都看得头晕晕的。。。 要怎么算哦 ???
谢谢。。。 就是算COURSE WORK的那些东西。。。 很不理解。。
原帖由 当时的理想 于 2008-3-8 20:26 发表
还有。。想问 。。ASSIGMENT是怎么计算分数的 ?? 以前高中是你拿到几个A1什么的就可以拿到全部分数。。。 这个ASSIG有40分。。几分及格哦? 是不是像NCEA。。 你答对1半就可以拿到 ...
原帖由 当时的理想 于 2008-3-8 20:28 发表
SELF-SELECTION BIAS。AND THE SELECTION BIAS。。好像大同小异。。我看概念了。。。 可真正区分要犹豫好久。。才能判断出。。 请你讲解下哦 。。 谢谢。。。
原帖由 阴雨天 于 2008-3-9 13:15 发表
A group of biologists is interested in surveying the abundance of barrel cactus in a particular desert. They divide the desert area up into 1200 equal sized rectangular areas. Of ...
原帖由 mayigo 于 2008-3-9 22:26 发表
A group of biologists is interested in surveying the abundance of barrel cactus in a particular desert. They divide the desert area up into 1200 equal sized rectangular areas. Of these, 247 areas ...
原帖由 z-score 于 2008-3-9 22:41 发表
”而953 areas看作是整个1200areas看作是selection bias“
恩,这个你说得很对。Those that are too difficult to access may be totally different from the 953 that can be accessed.
"我可不可以 ...
原帖由 mayigo 于 2008-3-9 22:52 发表
谢谢,那lz,那如果953 areas是selection bias的话,,最后一个问题问这个是不是sampling errors,而selection bias是non-sampling errors,那这个survery 是否应该是non-sampling erro人?而且我也没有觉得他存在 ...
原帖由 z-score 于 2008-3-9 23:01 发表
一般不涉及到人类的survey不会有很多non-sampling error, 例如behavioural considerations, non-response bias, self selection bias, question and format effect都不会 ...
原帖由 mayigo 于 2008-3-9 23:07 发表
原帖由 z-score 于 2008-3-9 23:20 发表
是的,你找到了精髓。任何统计study都会有non-sampling error和sampling error。我们的任务是去减小non-sampling by designing and executing the study more carefully。我们减小sampling error的方法是ta ...
原帖由 mayigo 于 2008-3-11 01:55 发表
Study 1: A marketing manager for a chain of 64 small bakeries was interested in how different special offers affected sales. 20 of the bakeries were randomly chosen to have a special offer where ...
原帖由 当时的理想 于 2008-3-11 09:18 发表
WHat is your sta10X's work example for? Is not the answers for ASSIGN 1 ,isn't it ??
原帖由 mayigo 于 2008-3-12 17:28 发表
non-response can cause bias in surveys because non-respondents can behave differently from people who respond
请问楼主能解释以下这句话为什么是对的吗?特别是non-respondents can behave differentl ...
原帖由 雨中小刀 于 2008-3-13 00:30 发表
有个问题啊..现在在做208的assignment 1, 第一题,在输入了survey.df library(s20x)
> survey.df attach(survey.df)
The following object(s) are masked from package:datasets :
slee ...
原帖由 mayigo 于 2008-3-12 22:51 发表
[楼主太强了,回答的正是好,谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢,哦,因为从没在家的500 respondents和500 non-respondents得出的结果会不一样。这就是non-respondents can behave differently from people who do.是不 ...
原帖由 当时的理想 于 2008-3-13 21:18 发表
LZ。。那些概念是理解了。。可是语言不知道怎么组织哦。。 就是无处下手。。知识点是懂了 。。。 只怪英语不那么好。。怎么办哦?
还有。。 USE THE TABLE OF RANDOM NUMBERS。。 那个不知道要怎么表 ...
原帖由 spirithell 于 2008-3-13 19:36 发表
还是Q3, (d)已经看过上面的帖子了,
(e) It was later suggested that gender could be a significant factor in Study 3. How could the study design be modified to take into account the gender effect? ...
原帖由 303B25 于 2008-3-14 10:30 发表
Question: For questions asking whether certain events form a partition, what's the best way to explain it? I usually answer by stating whether all the probabilities add up to one and whether they ...
原帖由 303B25 于 2008-3-14 11:09 发表
I just looked at that, neat hand writing. Thanks a lot, I'll have a look tonight when I have more time. :'( Accounting assignment due in 50 mins.
原帖由 qian.qian 于 2008-3-14 20:48 发表
1. Jenny is planning to go tramping next weekend. The weather forecast indicates that there is a 40%
chance of rain, a 50% chance of wind and a 30% chance that there will be rain and wind. The s ...
原帖由 mayigo 于 2008-3-11 01:55 发表
Study 1: A marketing manager for a chain of 64 small bakeries was interested in how different special offers affected sales. 20 of the bakeries were randomly chosen to have a special offer where ...
原帖由 luvwei 于 2008-3-16 14:40 发表
因为他说redraw...and bla bla
我print出来的table只有 page number, word lengh , word density
and mean word length at the end..
原帖由 水鱼皇后 于 2008-3-16 07:39 发表
One of the main tourism sites in Wellington is the cable car. The lower station is just off the main
street and it is a quick ride up to the Kelburn station at the top of the hill. At the top ar ...
原帖由 303B25 于 2008-3-16 10:13 发表
1) The people traveling during the week before Christmas might behavedifferently to people not traveling during that time. (Consider mostpeople travel between Christmas and New Years, retail wo ...
原帖由 ztswyz 于 2008-3-17 08:38 发表
999999一道书上的例题 atom 帮忙啊
n= 25
mean= 37.77
p-value=0.000 ...
原帖由 qian.qian 于 2008-3-16 16:10 发表
"None of the cars with dodgy steering wheels are missing both windows and passenger
seats. The cars without steering wheels fortunately have both wi ...
原帖由 qian.qian 于 2008-3-16 16:32 发表
3. Basement Rentals is a dubious car rental outfit based in Auckland. Prices are cheap, but so is the
quality of the rental cars! Each car either has a reasonable steering wheel, a dodgy steerin ...
原帖由 ztswyz 于 2008-3-17 21:31 发表
> test.statistic 2*(1-pt(abs(test.statistic),25-1))
[1] 0.0009074216
不对啊 应该是
先不管第二题了 过几天答案下来了再问...
原帖由 303B25 于 2008-3-17 20:30 发表
Should be IP((W union P) given M)
that's what I think, not exactly sure though
are you in the 8am lecture?
原帖由 qian.qian 于 2008-3-17 20:15 发表
The cars without steering wheels fortunately have both windows and passenger seats present.
应该是IP(W and P given M)=0
还是IP((complement of W and P) given M)=1
原帖由 poison_ivy 于 2008-3-17 19:43 发表
a local surf life saving club wants to replace its 30 year old clubrooms which are dilapidated and too small for the number of club members and all the services the club provides.th ...
原帖由 z-score 于 2008-3-17 10:29 发表
Thank you 303B25.
Addional to 303B25's response, this survey has a lot of non-response bias, like the people who can't understand English might refuse to do the interview completely.
原帖由 水鱼皇后 于 2008-3-17 22:41 发表
谢谢303B25 & atm的回答
还有一个问题 也是这个题目的
After your comments, the Council decides to focus solely on cruise ship visitors. They
want to know what proportion of them visi ...
原帖由 poison_ivy 于 2008-3-17 19:43 发表
a local surf life saving club wants to replace its 30 year old clubrooms which are dilapidated and too small for the number of club members and all the services the club provides.th ...
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